Archive for November 22nd, 2011
#19-Tinky Technicha
Twist’s occasional lover, she is a reserve member of the UN Taskforce, demoting herself when the world’s problems dropped off. She is amazing with any technology, from gadgets to software to vehicles to coding. Twist has been trying to contact her recently, as she dropped completely off-grid after her self demotion. He does manage to find the right number occasionally but she’s is hesitant to pick up for some reason.
#18-Jack of All Trades
Jack is a man who has walked every end of the Earth, and learned from every trade-hand and master in-between. He helps who he can along the way, using his millions upon trillions of talents to handle it.
Twist, the leader of the UN taskforce, has been trying to get him into the larger cases and events recently, but something always seems…off about the entire prospect.
I’m going to have to flake out on 30characters
This month has not been nice to me. At all.
I got hit with huge fees by mistake which sent my account spiralling within the “over one hundred dollars overdrawn” area, and although I eventually got it sorted and refunded, it meant that I spent two weeks without money. Yes, you read that correctly. I actually had no money and had to basically live off the generosity of friends.
Compounded with various house problems and emotional situations, 30characters has frankly been the last thing on my mind.
Things have stabilised now and I’m doing well, but there is no chance I am going to catch up by drawing seventeen pictures in a day. I literally do not have the energy at this point in time.
Sorry to everyone who was hoping to see more from me, but there’s always next year, right?
Peace out, love yas,
#22 – Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Beater
#22 – Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Beater
Do you like Pumpkin Pie? Have you ever given much thought to how those defenseless pumpkins are turned into the delicious paste you have grown to enjoy?
Enter Peter, a young man with a chip on his shoulder the size of his deformed left hip. Peter’s never been the happiest guy, but one thing does make his life perfect and it’s Pumpkin Pie. When Peter looked for a career field that was right for him and his mental issues, he was excited to discover there was a need for pumpkin beaters.
You see, every November 1st is the start of pumpkin season, where the massive amount of pumpkins on doorsteps begin to fear for their lives. People like Peter live for the thrill of hunting these wild gourds and pounding their delicate bodies into paste. Oh, it’s a savage process, but one that is perpetuated by our cultures need for pumpkin pie and other pumpkin related products around the holidays.
I guess we can say that it’s good for people like Peter to find their place in society and provide a service that many can’t stomach. On the other hand, when you see a man with a bat chasing down a defenseless pumpkin that once had a cute expression on its face, you wonder how far over the edge humanity has slipped.
So go ahead everyone, enjoy your pumpkin pie this year! Don’t think about the life that pumpkin lived before it reached your plate and definitely don’t think about the horrible way it met its demise.
Leader of the UN’s first tier Super Hero group, his weather-control powers usually manage to control most situations presented in the world nowadays. He tries to get his team out and stretch their legs every so often, but problems on their level have disappeared.
Twist is adamant though, that they need to be ready, anything could be coming.
G. Brett Williams #s 21 & 22 – Strangers and Lost Ones
Strangers and Lost Ones
A Stranger is a creature of great power and immortality. Something of a vampire, they feed on the souls of their victims, not their blood. A Stranger receives sustenance from draining the life force from another human being. Just a myth throughout our history, they are masters of staying hidden, due in large part to their method of dispatching their prey. A Stranger does not age, but they are not invulnerable. The Stranger entity is nigh-immortal, but the host body can be killed just like any normal human being. They are more durable, stronger, faster, more agile, and they can heal their wounds, but they can still be killed. These powers are at their peak right after a Stranger feeds. Once a Stranger has drained a person of their essence, he has the ability to completely burn the body away. Because of this, a Stranger tends to develop a connection with the victim, at least long enough to get them secluded for a good period of time. The process takes a while and therefore is not something that can be done quickly down some dark alley. But there are problems and things do sometimes get messy.  If a Stranger goes a certain time without feeding and thus starves to death, the entity that powers him will vacate the host body (thus killing the host) and attach to another worthy vessel. The Stranger entity can only be truly killed by a Lost One that it has created. If a Stranger never creates a Lost One, it could feasibly live forever in one host or in many. Since it’s rare for a Stranger to be so foolish or reckless as to leave behind a Lost One, a true Stranger death is rare. Sometimes, a Stranger may be in a situation where he hasn’t been able to feed for a while and will recklessly do so, not troubling himself with the consequences. Other times, a Stranger may simply be interrupted or chased off during the feeding process. Regardless of the reason, if a Stranger neglects to burn the body of the victim away, a sort of zombie like creature is created. Those creatures are the Lost Ones.
A Lost One is a body without a soul, cursed to live a lonely and ultimately emotionless existence, searching for something it lost. A Lost One is not mindless, though. Part of them, what little bit of them is left, is connected to the Stranger that created them. Because of that connection, the Lost One will always be drawn to that Stranger. Even if they don’t entirely realize it, their life will lead them along a path identical to that of their creator. The only way to silence this constant drive, to erase the memory of having their soul ripped away, is to finally find and destroy the Stranger that created them. A Lost One’s touch will destroy a Stranger much in the same way a Stranger’s burning hand will destroy the body of their victim. It only works on the Stranger that created them though. Interestingly enough, a Lost One is immune to the burning touch of a Stranger once they’ve become a Lost One. A Lost One must be totally destroyed if they are to be killed. The entire body must be burned to the bone and then the bones must be scattered and destroyed. Lost One’s need no sleep and no sustenance. They do not bleed and they do not feel pain. They are unnaturally strong and durable. If in the presence of the Stranger that created him, a Lost One will stop at nothing to reach him, going so far as to destroy anyone or anything that gets in its way.
G. Brett Williams #s 19 & 20 – Beauregard Cash and Jack Reed
His team consists mainly of two other men, the first of whom is Beauregard Cash. Cash is the team’s gadgeteer. He’s an engineering wizard, but he’s also a drunk, a braggart and something of a racist. Southern and proud of it, he is prone to drunken outbursts about the glory of the Confederacy, even though the Confederacy is long gone. Graye tolerates the man since his acumenl in fringe science and engineering is unmatched throughout the world. Cash creates things heretofore unthought of, using primarily the steam technology of the day. Flying machines, archaeological tools, weapons and even steam-powered automatons. Cash grew bored once he’d mastered all there was to master about steam technology, so looking for a new challenge he decided to join up with Edmund Graye and his crew. Being a veteran of the war effort and a lifetime Southerner, he’d seen more than his fair share of strange and inexplicable occurrences, so he figured what the heck. Cash combines his knowledge of engineering with Graye’s knowledge of the occult to create some seriously crazy ghost hunting devices.
Rounding out the group is Civil War veteran and former Buffalo Soldier Jack Reed. Reed is big, tough and quiet. He was befriended by Graye shortly after the Civil War ended while the inspector was on a mission to study the effects of the Civil War on the paranormal health of America. Graye immediately recognized and respected the courage and tenacity he saw in Jack Reed. Needing a strong man and good fighter to round out his crew, he hired Jack for a handsome sum, saving him from the unenviable life of a black man in Reconstruction America. Jack is good with a pistol but his real gift is with a Winchester rifle. A sharpshooter for his regiment during the war, he has an uncanny skill with long arms. He is also a formidable hand to hand combatant. Understandably, Jack and Beauregard have their differences, but Jack usually just ignores the man. They don’t tend to deal with each other that much outside of the field and Cash, as blustery as he is, knows he’d never survive a fight with Jack Reed. Jack’s most important duty is operating the cutting edge, steam powered ghost trapping machine that Cash has designed. Heavy, cumbersome and complicated, only someone as strong of body and mind as Jack Reed could carry and operate it.
21 – Red Giant & the Solar Sword
… continued from Character #20, Blue Bazooka…
… the RED GIANT!
Alden Barron was working as a farm hand on an Iowan farm plowing a field when the saucers streaked across the sky. The trio of disks came to stand still after an impossibly quick stop and hovered over a grouping of silos adjacent to the ethanol plant run by the farm. Blue circular ports on the under side of the vehicles began to glow and blue skinned humanoids armored in gleaming silver metal armed with silver rifles crackling with energy. Barron looked on in shock as the invaders turned their weapons on everything in their paths, letting loose bolts of lightning smiting anyone caught in their line of sight. Amidst this show of power the ground shook knocking Alden to the ground, still a safe distance from the chaos.
True to their United Nation’s sanctioned word, a contingency of Constellation agents arrived at the scene and joined the alien attackers in battle. Another quake shook the ground toppling a silo full of grain. Constellation agents were distracted from the fighting to save a group of trapped farmers and engineers. The weapons of the intruders once again began to fire and wreak havoc. This time, however, their electrifying volleys were joined by massive beams of intense light from their hovering saucers that gouged massive trenches in the ground. Again the ground shook. It shook for a long time with increasing intensity ending with a large fiery boulder erupting from the ground landing near a thrown Alden Barron.
Barron looked over and saw the broken remains of the Earth-born missile.  Among the shattered remains of rock was a golden gear-like wheel. The aliens saw it too. All three flying disks moved toward the wheel and Alden. They were thrown backwards off course by an unseen force. On the ground, armed alien infantry was likewise knocked back, many falling into freshly wrought trenches. This time the cause of their misfortune was obvious as the Man of the Moon descended from the air with his staff held high with the Forbiddenaut not far behind. The lunar hero pointed at Alden and told him to protect the Solar Sword, indicating the golden gear. Alden moved into position just as a rifle wielding invader charged from the opposite side. Alden reached the wheel first, but slipped and fell onto it.
The golden wheel was still excruciatingly hot from its journey through Earth’s interior but Alden did not notice. Alden Barron was consumed in blinding light as crimson fire exploded from his body. Alden began to grow in size becoming a hulking thirty feet tall giant with burning hot skin. The golden sun-like gear had also changed, shifting and releasing a blazing massive blade burning with the same energies that coursed through Alden’s transformed body. The Man of the Moon looked on impassively and directed the confused Barron to aid in fighting the enemy.
Leaving smoldering foot prints behind, the RED GIANT made short work of the three flying alien craft, cleaving them in twain with his flaming sword. The ground troops tried to escape the wrath of this new foe only to be captured by Constellation heroes.
The Man of the Moon identified the captured blue-skinned warriors as Donarrians who search the universe for artifacts to use in their eternal wars. Alden has been linked to the Solar Sword, which he carries strapped to his back, and can become the fiery Red Giant at will. Alden has a new life as a member of the Enforcer’s new Secret Soldiers.
Not all new extra-normal humans have such patriotic blood running through their veins. Take, for instance, the case of…
#22-Cat Astrophe
Cat Astrophe is the whirlwind dervish of destruction. Leave her home alone too long and you take fate into your own hands. Don’t let her cuteness fool you, as long as this little tornado is around nothing in the house is yours, it all belongs too her.
Day 22: Metin and Brae
Hey- Hey Metin! Guess what I can do! go away brae i need to read another book and a half before this afternoon. But I can do a headstand! i don't care go away. Oh hey, can I have some M&Ms? if it will get you to leave me alone.
#22 High Chieftain Andragga, Son of Drugoth!
Ten years ago a crazed (axe wielding) European noble was exiled to Japan by an aristocratic court for a crime he didn’t commit. This noble promptly escaped from a maximum security mansion and took control of Japan. Today, still wanted by his noble peers, he survives by conquering the living hell out of nearby countries like China. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you want your country pillaged, maybe you can hire… High Chieftain Andragga.
While not too keen on his new home, he has taken full advantage of their advanced weapons research for his wider campaign against his old friends in Europe. Atop his mostly-loyal giant cat steed, Jones he is a terrifying sight on the battlefield.
(…and that makes 8 in the ‘Extremely cute (and very evil) dictators of a fractured future Earth’ Series.)
#22 Endellion Devinee
Endellion is a Knight of a Court of Farie. He is a pureblood fae. And when Riordan comes back to the Court he soon befriends and starts to fall for her. Endellion is usually a cool and kind gentleman, but hurt those that he is loyal to and he’s far from a gentleman. Endellion becomes one of Riordan’s most trusted friends, and he would do anything he could for his Court’s mistress.
#22 – West Coast Agent
The West Coast Agent is both a Mentor and Herald/Harbinger. He is the conduit to the “big” west coast publishers and media outlets who can give you fame and income – for a price. Just give up part of your soul for the commerciality of it all. He tells you what is happening out on the left coast, which can bring internal conflicts to face and overcome. You always have a new decision to make after a conversation with this guy.
#20 – Half- Arachnidian Dreamwalker
A half- arachnidian is seen as an abomination by most human tribes, but can live in the shadow of it’s terrifying inhuman parent only if brought up by a slave- a proposal that would put the already endangered prisoner in even more trouble. The only saving grace is that, as the half- arachnidian devellops, it gives off no mamillian scent, making it invisible to casual searches from the monsters. The sad part is that most slaves, unless they possess demonstrable value in a trade or craft, are also food.
A half- arachnidian that can survive to puberty gains the enhanced mental powers of it’s human parent, combined with the superior senses, blinding speed and strength of the arachnidian.
This one, and it can be surmised that for now he is the only of his kind, has escaped from the deep barrows of the arachnidians, and through it’s foster parent’s inclinations and tutelage turned to mysticism, and now wanders the edges of the wastes, where it can sense people’s dreams with it’s incomprehensibly enhanced sense of smell.
#22 SnortStomp
Large Tyrannosaurus-type animal. Named after the last noises that you’ll hear before he bites your head off!
#22 Sky Hedturtle
Sky Hedturtle can fly even with the infection he has on his wings. He can fly really high, seeing all the land looking for lettuce to eat!
Part of Kiara’s takeover!
#12 – Thasa, Ink Sister
The Ink Sisters are servants to Atlantean nobility, acting as both handmaidens and protectors. Thasa, being the young princesses confidant.
#22 – Jim Henson – Puppeteer
The death of Jim Henson actually came as quite a shock to my younger self. I was barely 7 years old at the time, and so Mr. Henson’s creations were still a big, big part of my life. I think a part of me was just terrified that all of the characters he had created would simply poof out of existance along with him, but of course they didn’t. It took me a while to understand that the really great artists leave behind work that lives well beyond their lifetime, and this was true of Jim Henson’s work in a very literal sense.
Puppeteers, also called Puppetmasters, are a rather rare class in RPGs. They tend to fill the same gamespace as either Monster Tamers — sending critters into battle while they hang back — or Black Mages — using their creepy critters to cast offensive magic — so Puppetmasters don’t tend to show up unless the roster of classes is genuinely huge. Mr. Henson’s design here is actually against the grain of most Puppetmasters, too, since this class tends to emphasize the creepy puppet aspect. And Muppets could certainly do creepy (I point you to the Skeksis of The Dark Crystal for examples), but Mr. Henson himself was basically a big puppy dog.
Buy #30! THE RED TEN #1 by Tyler James & Cesar Feliciano
THE RED TEN is a superhero retelling of Agatha Christie’s classic novel “And Then There Were None.â€
When the world’s greatest detective is violently murdered by her nemesis, the world’s foremost super team and her former sidekick band together to bring the villain to justice. However, the mission goes terribly wrong, and before the night is out each of the ten “heroes†will pay dearly for past transgressions.
Format: Single issue, 32 pages, full color
Book Options:
Standard Version (First Printing)– $3.99
Artist Edition (First Printing)Â – $24.99 (featuring original sketch cover by creators Tyler James or Cesar Feliciano.)
Artist Editions are Signed, Number and Limited to 50 Copies.
What’s the website:
#22: Wrest
Real Name: Kelly Hart
Age: 28
Height: 5’6″
Weight: 129 lbs.
Powers: Telekinesis that also emits mystical light energy
Character info: Wrest is a character I made up when I was about 17 years old; she’s pretty much the same except originally her name was “Warp” and her powers were slightly different. She doesn’t really conform to the standard superhero spandex club, opting to wear her own clothes when going into a necessary “battle”. I currently have plans for her to appear in one of two different comic/graphic novels I am working on.
No. 16 – 19: The Super Steel Action Warriors

I was trying to make an epic shot of them all posing but realized how bad that would be. Also, Squeaky always comes out looking all jacked up.
Group Name: The Super Steel Action Warriors
Alias: Hybrid Thesis
Short Background:
No one could have predicted the amounts of success that the hip-rock band Hybrid Thesis would generate in a few short years. While nowhere near the levels of most musicians, they have certainly etched out a place for themselves. Another thing people would probably be surprised by is the fact that the band plays second fiddle to the groups real calling, killing the legions of monsters unleashed by the evil Lord Destruction-Anderson. No matter where they are, they are ready and willing to call upon the spirits of the long dead Steel Squadron and transform into the Super Steel Action Warriors. And should things prove to be too much, their Ultra-Mega-Super Mechs are always ready for a fight.
Individual Characters:
Will Stevenson- As the leader of both the band and the Action Warriors, Will is steadfast and dependable. However, he is also very insecure. While he doesn’t say so, Gray’s rising popularity makes him worry that he will soon be relegated to second fiddle in both groups. To ensure that doesn’t happen, he is now pushing himself twice as hard to stay top dog.
Will plays guitar and provides the lead vocals. He is the Red Warrior and pilots the Kodiak Mech.
Simon “Squeaky” Fox- The youngest member of the band. He is constantly underestimated by the others, but is loyal to a fault. He looks up to them and is constantly looking for ways to get better. He is a bit of a nerd and spends a lot of his time trying to make new gadgets for the team. He’s kind of like Alpha 5, but not as annoying and much more useful. Due to his young age, he is constantly watched over by his older twin sisters. If they only knew what he was capable of.
Simon plays bass. He is the Off-White Warrior and pilots the Gorilla Mech
Gray Wolf- The girl of the group. Originally created in a lab by geneticists, Gray escaped with her “sister” Timber. They lived like nomads until one day, Gray found the Action Warrior Medallion in a pile of trash while dumpster diving. Since then, her life has gone one hundred and eighty degrees. She has become the drummer of the band and is gaining her own fan base. Despite people’s sudden interest in her, she doesn’t really want the spotlight and would much rather stay in the background.
Gray is the drummer. She is the Silver Warrior and pilots the Wolf Mech.
Thaddeus Hightower- Thaddeus was once nothing more than a one-hit wonder rapper living off of the royalties of his single hit. Suddenly after buying the Action Warrior Medallion from an old homeless man, he found himself a member of an elite team of fighters protecting the world. By an unlikely coincidence, all of them were musically adept. Skip ahead a few years later and their band “Hybrid Thesis” is slowly taking the charts by storm. Thaddeus is more interested in the band and less so with the heroics. He wants to do the right thing, but doesn’t want to miss out on his second chance at success. Only time will tell if he can juggle both fame and the responsibility of being one of Neo York’s last lines of defence.
Thaddeus is the rapper. He is the Purple Warrior and pilots the Rook Mech.
#23 and #24 – Mister Neat and Mister Tidy
I grew up on spooky English shows where budget’s were pretty non-existent and the props people had to be inventive. For some reason this made the ordinary always seem more unusual for me.
I was channel a combination of Roger Hargreaves Mr Men books and the television show Sapphire and Steel on this one – and Jonathan got the vibe instantly!
The art is from an unused page in issue one of The Hero Code – something which was re-worked and dropped, but might make it’s way into a future issue.
#6 – Rosie Richards
Rosie Richards is the head of operations for the Motor City Majors. She has acted as the executive board’s advisor for the last 8 years, but was never promoted to be an actual board member due to Abraham Arnold’s staunch misogynist ways. Now that the old man has passed on and fresh blood has entered the organization, Rosie is finally getting the credit she deserves. She has her work cut out for her by trying to keep Alex in check and getting Eddie up to speed with the day-to-day workings of an elite level franchise. Her determination, passion for the game and natural business instincts keep the team running and save the Pratt brothers from looking foolish as newbie owners.
#30Characters Chatter…