Archive for November 19th, 2011
#18 Noah Carnegie aka Beithe Albannach
Noah Carnegie always wanted to be a mutant so when the government offered a mutagenic injection he was the first to sign up. But it went wrong instead of becoming superpowered or psychic, he started to become one with nature literally. Plants grow at his feet, and his limbs are slowly turnning into branches. Given three years to live, what will he do? Travel the world, find a cure, fight the corporations? its a new world out there and he will find his way.
#17 Picasso
Is he man or monster hero or villain? these are questions everyman must face. Jake Freeson was once the best looking man in his village. but when he and some friends partied too late, and had a few too many drinks. Jake survived but was horribly disfigured, and one drunk mad scientist later he became a hideous beast. Now he fights to survive, and find a world that will accept them.
#19 – Kathrina Baker
Kathrina Baker is a brilliant but shy seventeen year old who’s intelligence and determination landed her with a full scholarship and early admission to a prestigious college. But her freshman year is turning out to be a little overwhelming and she hides herself is fairy tales, romances, and fantastical legends. One day she’s browsing through an old, half-hidden used bookstore and the storekeeper helps her find an interesting old book about the legend of Acmara, the Lost Kingdom.
The book changes her life and within days she is contacted by an old wizard and a princess who looks just like her offers to trade places with her, sending her back into the romantic times of 16th century where she gets to be a wealthy princess and marry a handsome prince. To Kathrina it’s a dream come true.
Of course once she gets there the realities quickly set in with no modern convinces like electricity and indoor plumbing. The prince is very handsome and charming at first, but she quickly realizes that he’s actually rather vain and selfish, and that women have no voice in 1511. Her intelligence, which has always been her saving grace is worthless in a woman and her future husband insists she “stop thinking†when they get married. Men think, women breed. Men protect women and women take care of men. Once she realizes how miserable her life would be if she stayed there and got married, she tries to get Catherine to switch back, but Catherine is having too much fun to leave the future.
With no hope of returning she decides to make the best of things and ends up discovering the most intelligent person is actually her bodyguard, Jasper Brown. He figures out she isn’t Catherine very quickly and helps her navigate the through the deceptions and dangers of life at a royal court. He becomes her best friend, they respect each other, and actually start to fall in love (of course).  In the end she has to fight to save the kingdom she’s actually started to like from disappearing into the mists of time and becoming forever lost.
#18 – Princess Catherine
Princess Catherine is the youngest child and only daughter of the King and Queen of Acmara, an island kingdom far off the coasts of Ireland. The island sits on the center of where three Ley Lines intersect and the island is said to be full of strange magic. That might have been true once, but only ancient ruins remain by Catherine’s time and the old magic is long forgotten except by an old hermit wizard that befriends the princess and tells her stories of a magical world far different from their day.
When she learns that her parents are trying to marry her off to a prince from a distant kingdom, she defies them and refuses, running to her friend for help. He convinces her that she must find a look alike to take her place if she is to have any freedom. He finds one for her in the Land Across Time and they convince the young woman to trade places with Catherine, promising her wealth, royalty, and marriage to a handsome prince. Catherine becomes a college student in 2011 and Kathrina becomes a princess of a legendary kingdom in 1511.
At first Catherine seems spirited and feisty, enjoying life and curious about the magical world. But once she lands in the future we see her as she really is – a spoiled selfish brat who is used to being coddled and having her own way. At first she goes crazy with freedom – cutting and dying her hair, spending all Kathrina’s money without realizing how limited it is. Kathrina doesn’t really have friends and the one or two she does have, Catherine disregards as commoners.
She is forced to take care of herself in a world that becomes less exciting every minute she stays there. But when she tries to return home to take back her rightful place she finds the old wizard isn’t so kind and won’t let her go home.
Day 16-19
Whew, Finally caught up.
I’ve got an uptight apartment superintendant that is upset about someone leaving their lint in the drier. For some reason he still wears platform shoes, I think he secretly idolizes Fred from ScoobyDoo
Following him is a snobby brewer sniffing the beer to see if he added enough hops. His large nose has made him ideal for his passion.
Third is a Dorky tool booth worker
and the last one is an angry wrestler.
Day 20: Sapius
In 1946 Stalin came to the conclusion that he needed soldiers that were obiedient, and loyal beyond the point of doubt, or contempt. He came to the conclusion that human soldiers, no matter the physical or psycological conditioning would never attain this state. He then sought scientists who could MANUFACTURE soldiers that were completely loyal to him, and more importantly disposable in the name of the state. To this end PROJECT: OCTOBER SWORD was born. One division of this project manipulated simian DNA through chemical and radiation process to where an end product of loyal human like apes were produced. As an added bonus several of the 500 apes made from this processed special powers. One of these ape-men, dubbed SAPIUS, had the power of telepathy and telekenesis. This subject however did develop a will and personality of his own, and soon used his powers to free his fellow ape men from the bonds imposed by his creators. Sapius then waged a war with this small army against the both sides of the cold war. On several occasions he came close to victory, but was thwarted time and again by costumed adventurers such as The Alliance and The Phantom Five. Sapius in 1968 after years of stalemate approached the United Nations for formal diplomatic talks. In 1972 the UN gave Sapius a probationary nation status, and was allowed to live with his followers on a small South Pacific Island. In 1975 an event from an invading alien force brought Sapius and his people to the aid of the human race. The conflict left thousands dead, dozens of heroes and villains killed and Sapius’ entire people wiped out. Sapius now resides alone on his island in a dead deserted city, contemplating if there was something he could have done to save his people…
#19 The Incredible Bean Pole
The Incredible Bean Pole
Boris has always been a gentle giant, and though his size is right, his sheepish disposition hasn’t helped him much as a professional body guard. Until the day he was assigned to protect an ex-government scientist, and the client exposed Boris to a strange red radiation. Now an uncontrollable anger is released in Boris, and when things really piss him off, he turns red and transforms into the unpredictable 105 pound man with a nasal voice and twiggy arms ready for punching.
#19 Count Voodootooth
Count Voodootooth is the host of a cable access show called Count Voodootooth’s Creeper Theater. Rumor has it that his strangely shaped, yellow “Voodootooth” was the result of a curse placed on him by an angry voodoo priestess.
#13 Bone Man
#13 Bone Man
Bone Man, Bone Man with his box of chains, rattling along the darkest alleys in the cold and empty nights. He shakes his wooden box, and the rattle clank and clink echo up and down the building walls. If you hear that sound, you can’t help but shiver. If you see the man, you can’t help but want to run.
It’s not that he’s all that scary. Short, with a mess of jackets vests and coats hanging stiffly down his sides. He’s got hair that sticks out like kindling held together by old bird nests. He’s brown, but not the decent kind of brown that comes from your bloodline or the sun. The kind of brown that’s soot and grime and grease and road dirt, soaked into the pores, into the molecules of his skin so that once you might have known where he was from but nowadays he only looks like miles of dirty road had run right over him.
If you weren’t the type to run, if you were the gambling type, the type who played games with loaded guns, you might ask him to stop. You might reach into your pocket, find something there to give him- a button, a wrinkled up receipt, a buck or two, a knuckle bone, half a smoked cigarette, he isn’t picky. After all, it’s your funeral.
If what you got is good enough for his mood, and he doesn’t just spit at your feet and call you something fit to make a trucker blush as he rattles on down the road, he may just stop and look you up and down.  Look real deep into your eyes. And after hacking up something that looks like a dead baby bird, he might just drop his wooden box and sit on it. He might just tell you a little story.
You might think yourself lucky, puff your chest a little, pay extra attention, shaking the cold, the night, the fading cheap beer buzz out of your ears. You might really think you want to hear what he has to say. But you never do. Because the bone man only ever has one thing to tell you. And before you hear it, you might think that being forewarned is some sort of a good thing, but once he says his piece, you got nothing but empty to contend with.
Because what he tells you is the precise, exact, absolutely unvarnished moment of your death. Down to the day and the color underwear you’ll have on. You might have thought this would be cool, to loose all that uncertainty, but once you know it’s not something you can un-know. And you always knew you were going to die, right? But now that you know, down to the second, just how little time you have left, well, then, the clock starts ticking down, right?
And your life might go on its way, you might be bored out of your skull or fucking your brains out, but there it is, tick tick tick, grinding down every pointless minute into that one pointless moment, that brick wall, that game over. And see, the problem is, with that much knowing, well, it just ain’t a gamble anymore, is it? And isn’t that what you were? A gambling man?
See, now all you’ll ever be is dying.
No, no, you’re better off just letting the old shadow fucker walk on past. You’re better off pretending he was never really even there. You’re better off not even stopping to wonder what the hell it is he’s got that box of chains for. Just get on getting on, spit at his feet for good measure, rattle the change in your pocket, and count yourself the luckiest fool that ever lived.
#19: The Wanderer
There is nothing you could say
there is nothing you could do
He is lost inside a world
which is not for me and you.
He is thinking, he is feeling
but of what we haven’t learned.
And of which we’ll never know
until the day he has returned.
Perhaps he isn’t searching for the path that leads him home.
Perhaps we are more lost than he who knows not where he goes.
Day 19: Dreamscaper
Kong Luo was a simple foodcart owner and operator on his way home from a rough day at work in Hong Kong, when he and his cart were struck down by an oncoming truck. Kong fell into a deep coma, and usually this would be the end of the story. But while he was comatose he was abducted by aliens with 4 other persons from accross the globe, performed experiments on them, and returned them with most of their memory of the incident wiped. Kong still was in a coma, but had manifested the power to eminate a astral projection of himself made of some unknown form of energy. This astral self maintains all of Kong’s memory and personality, can posess other persons and life forms with complex enough brain structure, emit energy pulses, and have manipulation over some forms of matter. But this energy form can not touch or hold anything without extreme concentration. It has little to no physical presence, and can be disrupted with emp pulse, and other forms of intense radioactive busts… Kong was eventually contacted by Arbrey Carisle, who was abducted by the same aliens and given powers in the 1960’s. He took him and three other abductees, and reformed THE PHANTOM FIVE: A group of adventurers that operated in the 60’s and 70’s. Kong now is now a hero that traverses the universe but never really leaving his own bedside.
#19 Burn-Out
Jaren Anderson was metalworker, he made parts for factories/mills he was struck by lightning which caused him to build and release energy in bursts. However he runs out of juice after a large burst and it takes him time to rebuild his charge. With the aide of his custom built battery pack and arm gauntlets he can more easily regulate exactly how much energy he’s using so he does not run out of juice.
#20 – The Occultist
This is a character which I jotted down in 2009 – started to work on creating way back then. I had ideas of stories – pulp fantastical stories, told as newspaper strips or in hyper-compressed Golden Age style books.
Here’s one of the earliest designs I did for the character:
As the idea for the character grew, I had this plan to have him break through the fourth wall, and to find himself lost in other comic book realities – to have him appear in other stories, to have other indie creators put out their own books with him in. The idea was to have him fight his way back, breaking free of the last constraint – copyright – and become a creative commons character.
Sadly – he got ahead of me, and about 7 or 8 months after I’d added a sketch like this to my deviant art page -Â – Dark Horse Comics announced their own series, called The Occultist.
I don’t think anything was shady about this – the characters are very different. It is frustrating, though.
NB – I spoke with Dark Horse a while ago, and they said that I was okay to use the character, name and all, as long as I didn’t put out a book with that title and have his name appear on the cover.
Not sure where I stand with having the character appear in published work – does a DA posting count?
Anyway – here he is – The Occultist.
Art by Andrew Ross MacLean – this is a splash for a book I was planning, seeing different creators’ offer their take on the character… maybe one day…
#16: Leshy
Generally considered peaceful, the Leshy won’t hesitate to protect his forest home, by any means necessary.
Day 15 Matik

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex
Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here
#19 – Coach
The Coach is a Trickster/Fool. Of course, he’s the PE teacher as well, but loves to crack bad jokes and make you run laps. Realize that he’s also handing out lessons…
#18 Janet
The discovery of Janet was quite fortuitous, as she was the first female primate augment. It is uncertain what she will do with her augmented intelligence, she is most interested in learning more about the world she’s living in.
#14 Mona Reyes
Another resident of the island forgotten by the elderitch god, the teenage store clerk.
Based her on a stingray.
#19 Nutter
This is the first of the dinosaur collection. Nutter is exactly what the name says: He will lose his mind at any given time for no apparent reason. Fun times.
#10 “Upstairs Bigfoot”
Tall, silent, & elusive.
Much like the sasquatch of the Pacific Northwest, the Upstairs Bigfoot lives in the apartment above our protagonist. For a while, he was thought to only be a legend. The only evidence of his existence would be a slow, lumbering footstep & a waft of faint skunky odor. But Upstairs Bigfoot is real, very real. And though, very quiet, very wise.
Word has it, he used to be a star college athlete until a devastating injury cut his career short. The problem is, no one knows his actual name in order to confirm if this is true or not.
I have lofty ideas of doing a comedy strip thing. This is the only solid character idea I have for it so far. The idea came from when I was living at an old apartment, & these stoners would knock on my door at all hours & forget that the apartment they were really looking for was the one upstairs above me (how you forget a flight of stairs…?). It was my guess the guy above me must’ve been their… you know… connection, though I never saw the guy. This comes from that. In the context of the story, the protagonist isn’t so much interested in what it is “Upstairs Bigfoot” is selling, so much as just curious as to his existence, as if he was some sort of cryptozoologic wonder. I also think that while “Upstairs Bigfoot” is essentially mute, he’s one of those characters where people complain about their lives to him, & somehow, in his silence, he somehow helps them come upon an epiphany that solves their problems. And yes, he wears Reebok pumps, but keeps his stock in an old LA Gear box. A women’s LA Gear box.
Oh & I realize I might be dipping too much in the one well, but not at all related to that other guy I did earlier that hunts Sasquatches. This guy isn’t an actual bigfoot, just referred to as such in a nickname capacity.
#17 Mad Cow
This Mad Cow… what? Oh Mad Bull, sorry… wait, what? Oh fine! Mad SPACE Bull, is fighting mad he found out what those “other” aliens have been doing to “Earth Cows” now he’s taken to the night sky hunting those other aliens and so he can turn THEM inside out.
#19: Solar Flare
Real Name: Todd Hitch
Height: 6′
Weight: 170 lbs.
Powers: Able to directly transfer heat and light from the sun into powerful energy blasts and flight.
Character info: Solar Flare is the modern day superhero son of a previous entry I did for the 30 Character Challenge, The Silver Spark. He’s a very quiet individual, probably caused by witnessing the apparant death of his parents at a young age. However, he’s extremely powerful and a valuable asset to his allies. I first created this character when I was a kid; at that time, he was a kid superhero named Cosmic Kid. When he got older, he changed his name to Solar Flare. I have two possible storylines for comics where Solar Flare will show up…not sure which one I will use yet, but his origin will remain the same. Based on which comic he ends up in, determines his interaction with teammates and his final costume design.
#18: Roadkill
Real Name: Brian Singleton
Age: 21
Height: 5’8″
Weight: 165 lbs.
Character info: Brian Singleton was a young biker who was fleeing a police pursuit after robbing a conveinence store. He eventually lost the police by driving his motorcycle into a secluded parts of the woods and hiding there. However, when night fell, Brian was attacked by a wolf living in these woods. Luckily, Brian survived, but was forever transformed into a man/wolf hybrid. He now goes by the name…Roadkill!
#18 – Tom Foolery
I realize that the “rictus grin” makes him look like the Joker, but Tom is less of a jokester and more of a killer. His act went nowhere, so he’s taking his act on the road, so to speak, and having a three-night engagement at the Ritz…unless someone stops him. All his shows are interactive, so rest assured that if Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark didn’t kill you, Tom Foolery will. He’s the Vaudevillian Villain!
I really don’t like the way he came out, but this is essentially what he looks like. He’d wear different outfits for his different performances, but mostly, this is his look. And that is lipstick, not an actual scar.
NOTE: I’m using Hero-O-Matic (aka Fabrica De Herois) to create my characters. If you’re a writer who can’t draw (like me!), you might want to try it!
#30Characters Chatter…