This Mad Cow… what? Oh Mad Bull, sorry… wait, what? Oh fine! Mad SPACE Bull, is fighting mad he found out what those “other” aliens have been doing to “Earth Cows” now he’s taken to the night sky hunting those other aliens and so he can turn THEM inside out.
Tags: Alien, bull, cow, space, webcomic
Category: 2011, Humor, Scifi, WTF
Jesse Kiefer at your service. I am a full time elementary art teacher in Nebraska. I teach grades K-5 for 2 schools. In my free time I'm a martial arts instructor, and I try to update a webcomic at http://www.tankmonkeycomic.com.
You can find me on twitter @jessekiefer
and on Faceboook http://www.facebook.com/vorpalarrow