#12 Landmate
An advanced wearable robot, designated for hyper-rapid stealth-optional special operations (that’s what the documentation says, of course). The landmate stands at fourteen feet tall when fully erect. The inclusion of human-like hands in the design, though generally considered extraneous, is tolerated here due to the rapid and intuitive motion demanded from the operator. Internal jump jets provide lift and thrust, and external break-away boosters whenever operations require especially high or long jumps. The suit is also capable of aerial insertion, though not yet rated for sub-aquatic deployment.
I included the extravagant patterning because this sort of thing appears quite often in my sketches, but rarely in my digital pieces. I like the subtly psychedelic look of it, somewhat reminiscent of Chris Foss’ awesome spaceships.
Category: Scifi, Uncategorized
The patterning is great. I like that it’s transluscent, but not too glowing. Works very well.