Archive for November 14th, 2011
09 – The Botanist
The botanist is precisely what his name suggests – a man who really loves botany. So much so, that having catalogued in detail all plant species of his time – the 29th Century, he wanted to catalogue some more! Realising that there were considerably more plant species in the past, he bought an old time machine in a second hand shop, and rebuilt it into a suit. The suit not only allowed him to time travel, but also backed up his conciousness into its memory banks so he would never forget anything. At this point he travelled back to the 15th century and began his cataloguing a new is secret.
Over time however he began to age beyond the limits of even the 29th centuries limit to keep him alive, and so he customised the suit to download his mind into it.  When he died his conciousness was in the suit and he carried on going.   Despite being dead for at least 150 years, to the point where all that remains is his skeleton floating within the temporal bubble produced by the suit, he carries on cataloguing plants, and upon revealling himself tothe world, is one of its most respected scientists.
This started as me wanting to have a time traveller in my roster of characters and then got extended from there – what about a time traveller who travelled so much he died and didn’t really notice? I liekd the idea of a skeleton visual, but the reason I chose botany as his reason was pretty simple, I wanted something that’d make him very much the eccentric!
#14-Dr. Koala
Dr. Koala is the arch nemesis of the Aussie Avenger. His goals are the destruction of the Aussie Avenger and domination of Australia. Unlike most super villians he realizes trying to control the world would just be too much hassle. Dr. Koala’s natural cuteness sometimes makes people ignore him, but don’t let it fool you, he is a true evil scientist through and through.
#14 – Death: Greater Aspect, Legendary Power
Excerpt from The Aspect War
He woke.
The first thing he noticed was the chill. It was a pervasive thing, it felt as if it froze the very marrow of his bones. Not normally affected by weather, he found the sensation unpleasant, but not unbearable. Standing up, he began to take in his surroundings. There was no light — no that is not right, there was no normal source of light. No lantern, no torch, no lamp, no light bulb; yet the room gave off a subtle luminescence, centered on where he sat. Driving his vision further past the illumination, he noticed that there was a radius to the field of unlight and the area he was sitting in was larger than he was able to initially perceive.
“Curious.” The sound of his voice, flew free. Encoded with his desire, it fled into the darkness and did not return. The very nature of its failure told him everything he needed to know. This subtle use of his power told him he was not in the world as he knew it. He realized he must be in a nearby Shard or worse, lost in the Void. As he considered this, his apprehension began to take shape.
Almost casually, he inspected himself and found everything seemed to be normal. He was still wearing the grey and black suit and vest common to his attire and the last thing he remembered wearing to work. His shirt was still the silken, Italian blouse he favored for formal meetings. He was wearing his favorite leather shoes, with an added non-slip surface beneath them. Not that he ever feared slipping, but it was a habit from a bygone era when one’s footing might cost one’s life. And until now, He had been very careful.
He looked down at his hands. They were still the strong hands of a Roman soldier, a bit more weathered, a bit less callused, but still capable of relieving a man of his life with a variety of tools. But the thing he was looking for was gone. His ring was missing. The sigil of his power was missing. This did not mean he was powerless, it meant that for his duty to continue, the ring moved to his successor. That meant he could not leave this prison. And that his power was in the hand of a mortal, for the first time in two millennia. A mortal He truly loved but had poorly prepared for this day.
He could only hope that his impressions all those decades ago were right.
* * *
The Director tried to wake from a dream that seemed overwhelming real and quite visceral. It was not his normal condition to dream, having not done so for many years since coming to work at Death, Incorporated. Having not dreamed in decades, left him open to the strange, surreal nature of this dream. He was standing in the middle of a field surrounded by monstrous creatures of all shapes and sizes, wielding a sword of ice and shield comprised of a field of force laying waste to everything around him.
In the distance, he could see demons and angels flashing swords of flame and lightning, illuminating the battlefield. This seemed to last days and nights and then with a final flash of lighting, the battle ended. He was the only thing standing unscathed on the field. Taking in the horrible vista, he wept, openly.
Time passed.
Sensing moving in the corner of his eye, he turned and dropped his terrible, ice-sword, which froze the very air near it and the blade shattered as it struck the ground. It was an Angel still moving slowly, feebly trying to remove the corpse of some horror draped across it. The Director found himself striding toward the Angel with a strange ambivalence in his core. Grabbing the nearest limb of the giant white gorilla, he flung it from the Angel, who sat up.
“Did we win?” the Angel croaked, his voice dry and likely burned from angrily flung cocoastrum during the battle. “I can’t see you, please come closer.”
“No, I do not think your side won,” the Director intoned gravely, “we are the last things alive here, so I can safely assume, my side did not win either. Do you have a name?”
“I was once called Malik, the Guardian, and I guarded the doors to Hell,” the Angel glowed visibly upon the recitation of his former station and for a moment seemed more majestic than his current condition, covered in the blood and offal of other creatures would allow.
“You may call me, Aurelius,” the Director said. “I think I was once the general of this army but now I am not so sure.”
“Well met, former general of a once mighty army. You must have been formidable to have defeated this mighty Host…” Malik began. “I cannot remember why we were fighting, though General. Do you have any memory of the conflict?” The Director seemed surprised by the Angel’s confession and had to think deeply himself.
“To be honest, I have no memory of why or how this battle took place. I am willing to forswear any further conflict if you are Malik, of the Angelic Host,” the Director’s feeling in this regard seemed sincere, even as this very real dream transpired.
“General Aurelius, as much as I appreciate you taking the time to free me from confinement, I am not able to forswear violence toward your person. There is still the matter of the Heavenly Host who even now, tell me to rend thee, limb from limb,” Malik seemed pained to admit this and sat back on his haunches and spread his wings. While he was sitting, he appeared to slowly get cleaner and his injuries began to shimmer and heal themselves. “Perhaps we could simply sit a bit longer and see if we can untangle this since there is no one here but you and I. Perhaps we can come to an agreement.”
General Aurelius – the Director took in the scene and for a moment was surprised by the carnage – there seemed to be a variety of warriors from a variety of ages, lost in time and space, vast incredible armies with amazing technologies all lay about the battlefield. The General’s senses transcended the five and with his extended awareness could see ripples in time and space where these armies were snatched and conscripted. He could also sense the ruptures that the enemy used to reach this battlefield between Time and Space. Until he used those senses, his awareness was limited to this place, this space, this time, suddenly he was aware of a thousand times, a thousand places, where He reigned and suddenly realized where and who He was.
“Malik, Angel of the Host, I declare this conflict completed. And as an act of Mercy, I shall allow you, the final survivor, to return to your Host. Remind them, this is our final conflict. The next time we meet, I shall destroy you and yours utterly. Know this and never return,” the pronouncement was clearly delivered and chilled the very air around the both of them. There was a weaving of force, of malice, of murderous intent in those words. The General was sure his words were relayed to the Host, even as he said them.
Malik, clearly shaken by the tone, and the message, stood and suddenly his twelve foot stature, seemed to overshadow the tiny General before him. “General, looking around the battlefield, it is clear that you and I are at the locus of something terrible, but I do not believe that you are in any position to make demands, or to cast threats. From where I stand, it is you, who should be looking at surrender. I am Malik, the Guardian, the warder to Hell, the hand of God and Sealer of Doors. You are in no position to make demands.” Malik suddenly burst into white flames and a blue flaming sword appeared in each of his hands.
The General looked at the Angel and was momentarily in awe. “Beautiful.” With a momentary pause, he whispered, “I’m sorry.” The General raised his hand and suddenly the Angel appeared to be in a fearful wind, his flames flickered and were blown backward, wisps blasted back as the wind increased. Malik roared and leapt forward, blades flashing forward, blue fire glowing like the sun. The General Aurelius, the Director, watched in horror as his outstretched fist clenched and some unknown force exploded forward and simply erased the Angel Malik, Guardian and Warder to Hell, Hand of God and Sealer of Doors, from existence.
The Director screamed, a long wail that caused fear in all who heard it, and then he woke, his right hand burning. On his hand was the ring from his dream, bearing the Aspect Skull of Death backed with a nuclear plume, the symbol of the destroyer of Worlds.
Description: One of the Legendary Powers born of Gaia once the planet Earth had cooled and before all life existed on the planet. Aspects are universal concepts scattered throughout the Universe which spring up whenever the forces of the Universe allow for Life to exist. Know Legendary Aspects include: Life, Death, Infinity, Eternity, Destruction, Chaos, Order, Love, and Conflict. There are likely many others which exist around other worlds other than our own. These Aspects were the primal forces which led to the creation of lesser pantheons of gods, religions and other anthropomorphic deities. Death being the Eldest after Life is believed to be the only one of the Aspects who cannot die or be permanently destroyed. During the Aspect Wars, he is sought after as an ally or avoided as an indestructible foe. During most Aspect Wars, he does not participate and the other Powers are grateful for that.
Appearances: The Aspect of Death appears in my novel: The Aspect War. You can read his story here.
About the Artist: Singapore artist, Sandara has an excellent eye for the fantastic and fantasy artwork. Her collection on deviantART is one of the best of the genre there. Her depiction of Judgement Day was just what the doctor order when I was trying to highlight one of the Greater Aspects in my book, the Aspect War. She retains all rights to her work.
#7 Esme Velez & “Martin Riggs”
When asked to assist a team of scientists for a secret project at her university, Paleontology Grad student Esme Velez was taken back. There were a couple of students slightly more qualified, but no one had heard from them in a week. Or her professor for that matter. As she was driven to an offcampus facility she met with members of the faculty & an independent security force. That’s when she found out about her mission, as a member of a rescue squad.
You see, the physics department had developed a time machine & as a test, sent her professors & two students to go back in time, testing their new device while giving the palentology department the opportunity to study dinosaurs up close. She decided to accept the mission & joined a team with goal of bringing the original team back alive. Before leaving, the physicists tried to instill the importance of not screwing up the time stream, but there was a reason Esme went into a more biological field of study. She was very lost, & mostly very frightened to do anything.
The time machine was supposed to drop them off in the same exact spot millions of years prior, when it was believed to be a clearing. And it was. What no one would’ve predicted was the stampede of raging sauropods trampling through that very field at that very time. The rescue squad Esme was part of arrived at the same time her professor’s team did, only to watch in horror as they & their only means of getting home were squashed under dino-foot. Esme was among the few survivors. They limped out of the clearing away from the commotion, only to find the cause of the stampede: a pack of hungry velociraptors. Figuring the humans would be an easier meal, they turned their sights, ripping into the remaining mercenaries first. Esme barely got away. She didn’t know who else did. She just ran. And then she got very lost.
Stranded in the late Jurassic alone, Esme was at first paranoid that even just breathing the air funny might cause a ripple in time that would lead to a Hitler presidency or mankind never even existing at all. But after a few days, she began to wonder what the point of being paranoid was. She resigned herself to being stuck & laughed at the idea of how her bones would be found & carbon dated to a time prior to man supposedly existing, & the uproar created. She thought of how to just live comfortably on her own in prehistory. She always liked dinosaurs more than people anyhow. With her new pet, a member of a previously unknown species she named “Martin Riggs”, she sets off just looking to survive, no matter the consequences.
So first off, I don’t have proper TV. There are shows I like & I seek them out streaming or buy the dvds. I don’t know what’s new or whatever. But listed as a jump-off idea, I had “stranded time traveler.” My next thought was “when’s a good time to get stranded? Ah, Dinosaurs!” Completely forgetting there’s a show like that now. With the realization coming after drawing this, I debated about including it or not, & ultimately did only because I’m falling so far behind. So because of that, I’m less happy with this than I thought I was.
The bigger idea for the story was a time traveler going back & causing weird changes in the time stream that play out in weird flashes a la Run Lola Run. Like stepping on this twig causes Greenland to never be discovered or something else absurd. It works better in high concept though than execution. The pet dinosaur’s name Martin Riggs comes from of course Lethal Weapon, but also me wanting to name a dog Martin Riggs because I think Martin Riggs is an awesome name for a hyperactive dog. Think like a border collie.
Anyway, that’s three more bringing me to a week. And now I need another week’s worth to catch up. I’m going to try, but no promises.
#12 – Suro Voris Quintar
Catala’s aide and lieutenant is now up! As always, if you check out my blog, you can read more about the world this story takes place in. It’ll give you the info on characters like Osoron and others!
Oh, also, I’m not actually behind! I just have a few more things to tweak before I can post my next two. Numbers 13 and 14 are coming in on the same sheet, so look for them tonight! 🙂
#6 Deadeye Huitzilo the Vaquero
In the late nineteenth century, a group of gringo treasure hunters popped south of the border hoping to find some fabled Aztec gold. Instead, they left emptyhanded, only leaving about two dozen or so disintered Aztec burial grounds in their greedy wake. One of those tombs was that of the emperor. Shortly thereafter, his sworn protector, Huitzilo felt himself dragged back to the mortal coil only to walk the Earth again, seeking to punish the defilers, even if it takes eternity.
The weapons might be different these days, but brutality never changes.
Sorry it’s not colored & like the others I did. I’m opting to spend the time catching up. If I’ve the extra time, I’ll go back & add them.
On the list of jumping off points I had for characters “cowboy mummy” was a joke but was something I kept going back to trying to rationalize. It suddenly clicked when I figured there was a better chance of an Aztec mummy than your garden variety Egyptian bandaged number wandering the old west; so I went that route. His name is based on Huitzilopochtli, who wikipedia tells me was the Aztec god of war. The word has something to do with hummingbirds, which I thought would also have a cool connotation as to how quick a shot he is, despite rigor & the frailty of a corpse.
#5 Phione
Phione was an orphan, growing up on the cobblestone streets of a steam-powered town built on top of the massive ruins of a long forgotten temple. She looked after a bunch of young pickpockets & thieves almost like a big sister. That was until one day when she just disappeared. Rumors swirled. Some said she had fallen off a high ledge while trying to escape some guards. Others said she had been caught while on a grift & thrown in the dungeon, forgotten about. The gang went on without her & the town changed. More creatures had started appearing & it started to get more & more dangerous. Then one day, when they needed her most, Phione returned. But she wasn’t the same Phione they knew. She was older, battle-hardened. And she spoke of an ominous threat for which they all had to prepare.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m way behind. But I’m not giving up just yet.
As I’m looking to go the full cycle again this year as far as categories go, I needed to get a fantasy & a steampunk character out of the way. Growing up, I played a crapload of Final Fantasy. And that is kind of what I was aiming for with this character, something that would cover both those bases. Don’t know how well that happened. Nothing about her as a character is particularly steampunk, but I imagine the place she inhabits is. I’m putting her down as that but I’ve got another character in the works that fits that a lot better. My favorite part of this’s the silly hair.
#14 Sam Pendowski
Seventeen-year-old. Aspiring hockey player. Best friend…of a ghost.
Image from
14 – Orson Welles – Orator
I have to admit, there was a fair amount of competition for the Orator class. The ability to speak well has been the cornerstone of a large number of famous careers, both political and for entertainers. Orson Welles, shown here in his later, huskier years, eventually clinched it for his sheer range. Mr. Welles is perhaps best known for his broadcast of H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds which made half the country crap their pants, but he also lent his voice to such bizarre endeavors as The Jack Benny Show, Macbeth, and commercials for jelly. He was even the voice of a world-eating robot in Transformers: The Movie!
Flexibility tends to be the hallmark of the Orator class. Capable of a wide variety of strategies and abilities, the Orator usually uses unusual voice-based skills with effects no other class has. For example, in Final Fantasy Tactics, the Orator is the only class that can convince an enemy to permanently join your side. The Orator is actually pretty rare, with most games running out of space long before they reach this humble chatterbox. It’s a bit of a shame, as I believe the Orator brings a bit of class to any game.
#14: Cutlass
Real Name: Maria Munoz
Age: 27
Height: 5’7″
Weight: 132 lbs.
Character info: I’m not a pirate fan by any means. My past interest in pirates pretty much began and ended with “The Goonies” and “The Pirates of Darkwater”. But several years ago, I had this pirate/superhero storyline festering in my head. Some of the storylines I had for this odd mash-up were/are being used in other ways, and some of the villains I created will also be used elsewhere. But the idea of a really tough, female pirate stuck with me, and she had the name Cutlass. I never drew her until I did this sketch, but I knew that I didn’t want her to look like the typical female we see in pirate stories and movies. She wouldn’t be wearing the frilly, lacey outfit with her cleavage popping out. She would be athletic and tough-as-nails, yet still attractive. She’d dress sensibly, not over-the-top. And she’d have gloves (it always confused me why we never saw pirates wearing gloves…I’m no sailor, but wouldn’t you want to wear them if you’re pulling on and swinging from those ropes on the ships constantly??). The name, of course, is a play on words…for her weapon as well as she’s a “lass”. I’m not sure how I’ll use her…maybe I’ll salvage some of that old pirate story and do something with it. But after sketching Cutlass, it’s obvious (to me, at least) that she’s got the potential to be a very cool character in a story.
Day 13 Slug
Day 13 Slug for the 30 Characters Challenge!
Thanks for Checkin in!
God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex
Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here
#14: The Young Hermit
“Ferris is a student
and a worker, and alone.
He lives in an apartment
but he doesn’t call it home.
He also has a roommate
but that’s just to pay for rent.
His free time goes to idleness
until the day is spent.”
#14 – Sensess
I love this image, by Drew Moss ( – really nice vibe for the character. The bottom image is the original turnarounds for the character, by Dan Smith.
#14 – Ciel
This is Ciel! He’s a space pilot in this story I’m working on, and the brother of the girl I drew for day six.
He’s a guy whose done a lot of time/space travel and junk.
(btw, wow it’s already been 2 weeks already!)
08 – Princess Rosaline
Princess Rosaline is the current leader of the tiny central european principality of Rosatia nestled in a particularly unusual valley high in the Alps. Rosatiais unusual in several respects – for one the mountain formations around it act as a breakwater for rain clouds, so while it never rains in Rosatia itself, the rain that lands on the hills around it keeps it green. It is perhaps however, more notable for Rosinium – a bizarrely unique element named after the country – 99.7% of the entire world’s supply is found in Rosatia, and it defines alot of the country. It is found in the form of large pink crystals, and can be reduced down to its pure form it can be combined with metals to produce alloys of unmatched strength, flexibility and lightness.  It also has a strong hue to it - it is bright pink in metallic form, and its presence in Rosatia has caused the the rocks to be pale pink, the flowers to all be pink, and feeding on them, the world’s largest managed heard of Unicorns to also be slightly pink.
 The royal family of Rosatia is notable for their use of their Rosinium alloy armour and their great training allowing them to defend the nation from those who would come to steal the Rosinium, resulting in the current princess being considered one of the most dangerous fighters on the planet – and charging down enemies atop her similarly armoured unicorn has been the last sight many villains have seen. The heart motif seen on the armour isn’t a heart at all, but a representative of the endemic Rosinium Thrift – the national flower.
This is an idea I started ages ago but never got round to putting together – try to put together a gritty version of a pink princess who rides a pink unicorn. I seem to have reached this summary by shamelessly ripping off a lot of the backstory of Marvels “Black Panther” and twisting them to my own ends to explain not only why there would be a pink armoured princess, but how to make her be at least vaguely plausible in the real world. If I wasn’t behind on my characters already I’d have rendered up her battle unicorn a bit more…
Fesco Bobbins & Podzoil
Fesco Bobbins is, or was, a small time privateer/ small time smuggler until he met up with a group of Ardorian refugees from the Gradia colony. Now he’s a small time privateer/ small time smuggler/ Enemy of the New Empyrean Order.
Fesco’s people use the robot suits to function with other non-canind races. The suits use mind induction to not only facilitate bipedal loca-motion and better manual tool manipulation, but common verbal speech as well.
Pozoil is the super intelligent potato assistant to Fesco Bobbins who is also an enemy of the New Empyrean Order. Podzoil’s people are a maligned lot. A species of hyper intelligent tubers that without assistance cannot communicate or move on their own. They are oft mistaken for jumbo potatoes and hoisted off world to make orders of Jumbo fries.
No. 14- The Disciplinarian
Real Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Occupation: Vigilante and Mercenary
Short Background:
Little is known about the Disciplinarian. All that is known is that he has a code of ethics and is willing to discipline those who cannot follow  them, no matter which side they are on. Hero and villain alike can be sure that if they stray far from what he thinks they should be doing, they will receive more than a simple rap on the knuckles.
Wears a skull mask, a dress shirt, slacks, and suspenders. Dresses like a teacher. Carries a ruler at all times.
#14 Lommi of Loch Lomond
Always out of the limelight by the ‘other’ monster in the ‘other’ Loch – Lommi would do anything to be a star!
#14 Darklaena Daemoness
Exiled from her own dimension, unable to take flight- But nothing the villagers did seemed to harm her. When the ropes simply burned away and she stepped out of the flames untouched, they finally simply lowered their swords and backed away, and she walked out on foot. She would return, several years later, on horseback, with her army, and after that there was no more written of that village, and it’s name Forgotten.
#14 – Thaddeus Zoltaire
In the city of Estervale, the police have their work cut out for them. There’s all the regular crimes that need regular policing, but from time to time they need a solution that is a little more… occult. That’s why they have Thaddeus Zoltaire on staff.
A graduate of the prestigious Barrowmill Academy, Zoltaire is proficient in most of the mystic arts that the police need – identification, tracking, truth-telling, scrying and the like. From time to time, however, he is called upon to stretch his talents somewhat.
His boss wants a golem now, something that comes perilously close to creating life – a crime against magic that could cost him his license to practice. But in order to save the reputation of the police department against an antagonistic media, Zoltaire is ready to help. So he builds a golem.
But not just any golem.
A golem mime.
Read Zoltaire’s story in Golemime, part 1
#14: Baby Nessie
Caught on sketch for the first time. Funny how the young of this species don’t turn up more often.
This one was caught in local a fisherman’s net, which it then ate before escaping over the side of the boat.
#13=Mrs. Alaina Stride
Alaina is/was one of the Stride foundation’s chief engineers and biochemists. With their first child on the way, Sam the M and her decided it was best she get out of the labs, not knowing what the fumes from the chemicals they could do to regular people, let alone a pregnant woman. Because of this, she spends most of her days bored, roaming the upstairs of the Stride facilities building, handling clients and disappearing into the small residential facility when she feels tired. She’s ready to have her child and take care of it, not just sitting around all the time. Good thing she’s a little over eight months along then.
#30Characters Chatter…