#13=Mrs. Alaina Stride

| November 14, 2011 | 0 Comments

Alaina is/was one of the Stride foundation’s chief engineers and biochemists. With their first child on the way, Sam the M and her decided it was best she get out of the labs, not knowing what the fumes from the chemicals they could do to regular people, let alone a pregnant woman. Because of this, she spends most of her days bored, roaming the upstairs of the Stride facilities building, handling clients and disappearing into the small residential facility when she feels tired. She’s ready to have her child and take care of it, not just sitting around all the time. Good thing she’s a little over eight months along then.


Category: 2011, Drama, Superhero

About the Author ()

Have a busy November, might as well go for the gold and do a little more.

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