Archive for November 10th, 2011
#9 Wendy aka Bunnychick
Meet Wendy aka Bunnychick (I know SO original)Â She’s the quirky sidekick to Dinogirl…and she’s a bit of an idiot.
#9 Darebear
Darren is just a normal kid ..until you try to get in his way. The seemingly inconspicuous bear backpack he carries everywhere is more than meets the eye. Bullies? Homework? unable to reach that last bag of chips on the top shelf? Dare-bear can eliminate all those obstacles. As with any great power comes great responsibility…Darren has to guard his bear backpack greatly to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands!
Hello from Greg Giordano!
Hi everyone- I’m Greg Giordano, AKA, FLAMEAPE. I’m an artist from Burlington, VT and this is my 2nd 30 Characters Challenge. I’m getting started late due to a 2 week stint in the hospital, but I sketched allot of characters while on my back- so I’ll be posting my first 10, catching up and moving forward! Great to see all the cool posts- looks like I’m in good creative company.

#10 – The A-salt-er
#10 – The A-salt-er
Just seeing this villain shaking towards them makes most victims blood pressure rise. The A-salt-er is bad to the core and will often overpower certain foods to make them uneatable.
While not a deadly villain, the A-salt-er’s victims often suffer from muscle cramps, dizziness, and electrolyte disturbance after being assaulted.
Like most vigilante villains, he has his fans, but often he causes more harm than good.
#10 Sonny
Sonny is a strong young monkey, and is well-known as a disciplined fighter amongst his tribe. Recently, he has had his tail stolen by a powerful Wizard looking for ingredients for his terrible concoction. Sonny must now track down the Wizard and his lair to get his tail back! If he doesn’t, then there could be more for him to worry about than just a missing tail.
#10: Brendan
This is Brendan. Most of his friends call him sincere, kind, and gentle. Eleanor calls him a moron.
That’s why she’s his best friend.
#9 Elgren Fenris
Don’t let Elgren Fenris’ somewhat sickly appearance and slight height fool you into thinking you can push him around. Then again, that’s what he’s expecting you to do.
Then you’ll either get a kick to the face or a binding spell unleashed on you.
Elgren is one of the best-known members of the Investigator’s Guild (although it’s his name…not necessarily his appearance). He’s one of the few people in the Realm who can translate the language of the First People, and has some understanding of the technology the ancients left behind. In addition to his skills in the kihren-rho martial arts, he carries around a special spellbook that he can use, even in the midst of a firefight. He does know a few spells off-hand, but the book allows access to even more powerful magic…but the cost can be high. Therefore, Elgren’s will use it only when absolutely needed.
Despite this, Guild rules require that he needs a guardian.
Teamed up with Gillian Rohcha, Elgren couldn’t be happier. Gillian is not only a great bodyguard (Elgren can handle himself, but sometimes….), but she’s a great friend and confidant. Things change for the two when they meet Dawn Shryer, Chessie Ilvanis, and Aaron Falkirk in the town of Drannin. The group of fast friends join forces to investigate the ancient ruins near the town (after all, there’s strength in numbers). What will happen next? That is another story….
#10 Hotaru Hoshi
 Hotaru is the mother of Aven Sionnach, and is a pure bred kitsune. After her husbands disappearance she left to find him entrusting her beloved daughter to her father in law. Hotaru is a many tailed and powerful kitsune who has always been eager for knowledge.
Day 10: The King of Fairyland
Humpty Dumpty is an egg.
This is what hatches out of that egg.
All the kings horses, and all the kings men, should have never let him fall from that wall.
#8 Gillian Rohcha
There are a few things about Gillian Rohcha that catch the eye. Her height–she’s rather tall for an Elven woman; her snow-white hair–which is very, very rare among her people; her charming, almost cheerful demeanor, and the very large black sword she carries.
And yes, Gillian can handle the sword very well. It’s enabled her to take down opponents much larger than her. Most would be surprised that she feels the sword–a gift from a popular Elven leader–is rather light, and she worries about breaking the thing by accident (but that’s not going to happen, since the sword is nigh indestructible).
As a deputized “Guardian” of the Investigator’s Guild, Gillian is the bodyguard and beloved companion of Elgren Fenris. The two have had several adventures together, investigating incidents out of the ordinary and also studying the ancient ruins left by the “First People”–the advanced civilization that existed thousands of years ago, only to vanish seemingly overnight, leaving their buildings and strange technology behind.
While preparing to investigate the ruins near the city of Drannin, Gillian and Elgren met and befriended the trio of Dawn Shryer, Chessie Ilvanis, and Aaron Falkirk. A new adventure is about to begin….
Day #10 Zombie
This illustration is of a good friend that was willing to be “zombiefied” for my graphic novel. Â I still need a bunch more models for zombies. Â Anyone interested can send a pic to my email at
#10 Paragon
The peak of physical perfection, Paragon is almost impossibly strong, resilient, and completely tireless.
#10 Lil’ Cece
Lil’ Cece
No one’s afraid of Lil’ Cece. Sure, she’s a little ghoul from Louisiana, many years dead and rising from the grave, ghostly and hungry. She haunts and hunts the living, trying to terrify them and sap their souls. But America’s pop culture these days, what with television and movies and festivals and masquerades no one seems afraid of the undead anymore. Everyone just sees an adorable little girl with a superb costume and a cute dead dog. Ah, well, thinks Cece, all the easier to bring them into her grasp.
Day 6 Pop Lock
Day 6 Pop Lock for the 30 Characters Challenge!
Thanks for Checkin in!
God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex
Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here
#9 Cowbelladonna
The daughter of a human and a minotaur, Belle was too beastly for the world of men and too human for the world of monsters. A cowbell was affixed to a collar around her neck to prevent her sneaking into either of the lands that wanted no part of her. (While her hands are not cloven, she does not possess the dexterity to remove the bell.) Cowbelladonna, as she came to be known, was adopted by the woods themselves learning witchcraft from the forest spirits, periodically sending out information gathering plants to learn about the goings-on outside of the forest. And if she does not like what she hears…well, she’s pretty proficient in poisons.
#10-The Shepard
The Shepard is a man trying to bring peace and understanding to his world. This does mean once in a while using his staff or sling though to prove his point.
#10 Kaoryu
This week a friend has drawn a picture of a yokai celebration which really impressed me and I wanted to try to draw some yokais ( japanese name for a certain group of monsters, it can be demons, ghosts, living objects and animals who are able to use magic. They can be good, neutral and evil ), too. At home I noticed a lantern with dragons drawn on it. It was my inspiration for today.
This yukai is a tsukumogami, an object that is 100 years old and has awaken to life because of this. It is the dragon Kaoryu, which means “Scent of Dragon”. He used to be a simple lantern, passed trough a family for some generations, often used as sleeping light when the children where afraid of the darkness or the lantern was used for relaxing, being filled with scented oil like lavender and bergamott. When the lantern became 100 years old, the painted dragon on it awoke to life. Since this time he appears as soon as the lantern is used and everybody around has fallen asleep. He watches the sleep of the people and protect them against nightmares. At the next morning you can scent lavendel and bergamott, even so, you did not use such oils…
#11 – The Fall Of Brahl
Her mother was one of the priveliged crew of the H.R.M.S Star Viper, and plied the spaces between the stars for trade and exploration. Her mother was a special elf, some said the last of her kind, and great, red roses bloomed in her hair, like she was part plant- only the oldest of elven lines, unbroken since the first leaves fell, undiluted by the corruptions and urges of lesser kin, have this rarest of features.
She lost her mother to spellshock, so they say- an affliction that siezes the mind of those who try to control the vessels that travel the void. No one knows what fate befell her mother, or the Star Viper… but she came to us just as the City of Vice, the great and ancient Rock of Brahl, began to fall into Suhmiss’s gravity well. She was courage in the face of opportunistic pirates, and the panic of a city that needed leadership after the corrupt officials had fled long before.
We were saved, and at the height of the sojourn from the city, her hair, too, blossomed in great red blooms…
#10 ‘Faceless’
Faceless is the latest in a long line of heroes called Faceless, he’s still the one with the worst fashion sense though, he wears the original mask of the 1800’s hero called Faceless as well as his own costume. despite his silly appearance Faceless is still the hero taken most seriously in the local area, he’s also SuperDan’s role model, although Faceless occasionally acknowledges SuperDan’s existence it’s doubtful he’ll ever see him as a threat to his position as ‘top hero’… or as an equal in fighting crime, or as a sidekick, or as a friend, or an acquaintance
#10 MegaHairyum
Megahairyum is based on the Ice Age creature megatherium, the oversized sloth. Always hungry, “Hairy’s” favorite meal is a feast of walrus with a side of lichen.
#9 Ninja of the Koala Clan
Possibly the first of ENEMY’s experiments to escape, or the result of another group the Koala Clan may or may not even exist. But their exploits are certainly the stuff of urban legend.
#10- Pete the bespectacled dog
Ever since he started wearing glasses, the Animal Bike Gang don’t want Pete to get hurt, so they took his bike away. That doesn’t keep him from running alongside them all, though!
#11 Valera , elven huntmaster
Valera is the much revered elven master hunter. She is as at home in the forest(some would say moreso) as in the elven city. She is the chosen hunter for most of the royal families when they need big stags/boars for celebrations or important occasions. She is a very good tracker and adept with both bows and crossbows.
#10 The Frame
A artist on the edge of his ropes, turns to using human subjects. Murdering those who told him he wasn’t good enough. As The Frame he makes a new name for himself as one of the most famous “artists” of the 21 century.
#30Characters Chatter…