"O de clan MacKrae!"
Hey, you would be angry too if you had just woke up from your nap to find a castle on your back!
Category: 2011, Fantasy
I have been creating art ever since I was strong enough to hold a pencil-in all these years my art has been involved in art gallery shows across America, I have taught art class at a major University, and have had tons of fun creating art! I am currently working on some exciting projects with Hollywood screenwriter Dustin Warburton, former welter weight boxing champion of the world Kostya Tszyu, and former boxing sensation Jesse James Leija. I am also the creator of a little webcomic called Ye Gawds! which is hosted at my site MythicTcomics.com It is a mythical story with a twist; two burly gods, a sexy goddess and an out of control situation! Sometimes the Universe doe's answer.