Gabriel Saxton
Well, it seems that he appeared for one more coffee after all. Every day, same time, even after what happened the previous day. And what happened was an unexpected encounter with his ex. She happens to be working there, but he didn’t know at first. She got the job some months after he got used to that habit. She was there once again, looking at him over the counter. He liked the coffee there, it was pretty damn good, so he’d order one, no matter what. So, he raised his hand. The girl walked to him in order to take his order. A cappuccino latte. She brought it to him. He was tempted to get up and pull her closely, stroke her hair and kiss her, but the ending of the story was clear. He wasn’t man enough for her. He was hiding it, but his true sex was female. And she knew it and she couldn’t be with him, while he still was in the middle, causing confusion to the masses. He pulled his black hair backwards and sighed, before stroking his stubble a bit. He started singing an old Scottish song to himself and took a sip from the beverage. He didn’t have much time to drink it, he had to go to work. He was dressed for that. A suit, white shirt, red tie, coal jacket. So he drank it up and then got up, walked to the counter, placed the money on it and walked away, still having bitter feelings. And that is Gabriel Saxton, a man born different, a man that couldn’t be accepted by anyone just yet.
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