The deep blue wonder.
Setashia is the protector of the most delectable mammals on the planet.
“For a long time, I wanted to be a CPA, maybe own a wine bar, but I found that it was too difficult to try to drink wine, do math, and still be able to interact with people with any form of civility.”
Setashia, determining that it would be better to become a mascot for all things simple minded and tasty, and to remove herself to a place of bitter coldness and solitariness, decided to lay down her glass and pencil, and become a creature of the deep still waters. Most everyone agreed that it would be better if she isolated herself too.
“Don’t call me a whale… that’s not accurate,” she exclaimed at the end of our interview. “Besides, if you wanted to call a whale, you’d have to use it’s own language!”
“Cack, cack, cack, aurooow, auroooow!”
Category: 2011, Drama, Humor, Superhero
Illustration and graphic design as career goals is evident through the massive amount of work I have been producing in the last few years. The entire focus and purpose of my life since 2006 has been a progression of moving my career into the illustration fields, and specifically the sequential art illustration field. Living in Portland I learned what sacrifices it takes to make a serious career out of illustration and design. For four years I have been self-publishing multiple zine and comic titles, doing 24 Hour Comics whenever possible, and tabling at cons in cities all over the Northwest and Widwest American States including Washington, Oregon, and Colorado.
My career history involves a over a decade in successful business management, and so eventually it is my goal to be a project manager for a graphic design firm, or editor for a comic book company, with attention always to penciling jobs when available.
It is my ongoing goal to pencil daily, render for at least three hours.
- J.