Archive for November 3rd, 2011
#1 – Katia
A young lady with time travel powers who can’t use them because she doesn’t know squat about time travel.
#2 – Late Lad
It’s Late Lad!
He shows up late to appointments! He falls behind any schedule! He’s the world’s most unreliable man: Late Lad!
#3 Jimathiell???
Uhhh this is Jimathiel he has the power of bad anatomy and poorly drawn swords but luckily those are his enemiess’s ULTIMATE WEEAKNESS
i’m drunk goodnight
Day #2 – Warrior Monk
It’s still day 2 in my timezone. 😉
We studied a bit about the Shaolin warrior monks in my Social Cultural Expression class recently and I found their way of life really fascinating. So I wanted to make a character inspired by them…a young man (I’ve christened him Jan) who discovers a group of warrior monks in a remote place, and longs to join them and bring meaning to his life.
This story doesn’t take place in the world that we know, but perhaps a parallel China, or another place entirely.
Jan is not actually in the ranks of the warrior monks because he got rejected (he was too old when he first asked to join, unfortunately) so he made his own garb, watches them practice from a distance, and tries his best to teach himself their ways in hopes that he will one day impress them so much that they’ll have to accept him!!!1
#2 Stella the Steamship Pirate
This is Stella the Steamship Pirate. Don’t be fooled by her timid look, she’s a tough cuss and can board dirigibles with the meanest of them. In her spare time she also likes to run illegal freight and enjoys long walks on the beach.
#3 Vox Malum
First sighting: Two years ago.
Alias: Boss Bad, Hulkface
Identity: Secret – Arnold Calpern
Abilities: Powerful sorcerer, Level Five spellcaster,
Skills: Spellcasting, spirit conjuring, temporary dimension hopping
Weaknesses: Permanently bonded to the mask of Malum Corick
Weaponry: The Mask of Malum Corick and the Staff of Voxivon
Arnold Calpern was a typical geek who wanted more in life. No longer content with playing MMORPGs with people he wouldn’t last a day with in the real world nor purposely trolling webpages, Arnold wanted to be a powerful person. He went on vacation with his parents to Italy where he wandered through secret passages in this old temple . Recognizing the temple as something he saw in a game, Arnold read and deciphered the inscriptions on the wall, which were written in Latin and an odd language he recognized from an old sci-fi series he memorized.
By the time he got to the end, Arnold found a box containing a horned demon’s mask and a plastic-looking scepter. He thought to himself that they were pieces of junk, but he kept them anyway. Back home, Arnold looked on the internet searching for any information about what he had found in Italy.
“Indutum in obscuro faciem male habebit vocem virtutis” was written on the mask. Translated, it means “Whoever wears the mask of the evil voice shall have dark power.” Tempted, he put it on, and it turned him into a vile, yet powerful sorcerer. The power of the mask, as well as the memories of the last bearer, Ephram Corick, were transferred into the unsuspecting wearer. From that point on, Arnold Calpern was no more. Only Vox Malum, the dark lord of the dominion, remained ready to reek havoc on this modern age of heroism as well as have the power he craved forever.
Vox Malum: (C) and TM Jeff Harris dba Studio Lightcount.
#2 – Nike
In case you aren’t familiar with Persona, my 2nd entry here is connected with my first. Nike is Ulrike Sommerheim‘s persona! Maybe also her sponsor in the Juniors…who knows! I keep laughing about this.
Based on the Greek goddess of victory, Nike (who has really long hair for some reason) is of the Star Arcana like Ulrike and is strong against Physical and Fire attacks but week against Darkness. She has various Agi skills, physical enhancing buffs and attacks, and will eventually get God’s Hand because that is the best. She’s well balanced as far as physical and magical powers but doesn’t excel in one or the other. I would use her mostly for buffs…and God’s Hand…because that is the best.
I’ve depicted Nike in a very traditional way with her torch outstretched in her hands, but instead of the other hand holding her laurel I used it as the neckline to her dress. And again, for some reason, gave her really long hair. I did not feel like adding texture to her wings right now but I may go back and fix up some of these characters when I have more time.
Now I have to think about Day 3…which technically has already started.
#2 – Brigadier General Harjo
To see the complete character info for Brigadier General Harjo please visit my website:
#2 – Pik
Pik is a pudgy little demon who thinks he’s a toughie. Perhaps he would have a bit more street cred if he didn’t have giant teasing magnets such as his big ridiculous ears, or his lack of unique powers, or his adorably chubby little body.
Pik’s bought pretty heavily into the “all demons are awesome, terrifying creatures who can conquer you within a blink” thing, so he puts on a big show about it, while being in denial about the actual good things he does. Which he actually does a lot. The little demon is incredibly loyal and can usually be seen scurrying his tiny self all over the demon world as a messenger boy. He’s constantly talking about how he’ll someday be a top-notch demon lord, able to defeat anyone in his way… well, a little guy can dream, can’t he?
(Pik’s made to fit into a pre-existing world of mine! I do need some interesting little side characters for the story, so this’ll be a great help.)
#3 Spectra
Spectra is a goddess of the mystic arts. She’s able to read minds by putting her right hand on the person’s head and see what that person’s emotion come out in a holographic image. She can also fly with the use of gravity. The helmet is actually an entity that has exists for hundreds of years. Whoever the helmet chooses as it’s user must bond with it whenever it calls the wearer to wear it.
Able to read minds and create holographic illusions, flight, etc.
#1 Jack
Jack is the main character of a long-form webcomic/graphic novel I’m working on. For the bulk of the story he’s in his late twenties. He’s a US Air Force military cop who becomes a protege of sorts to a CIA agent while stationed in Japan in the early 1950’s. He’s then transferred to the recently opened Area 51, where hijinks ensue.
#1 – Ulrike Sommerheim
I’ll use this as my introductory post. I know I’m a day behind but I won’t be in a moment! I decided to participate in this challenge just because it sounded like a lot of fun and I really am enjoying not only the creative part of it, but also keeping up with everyone’s posts so far.  Anyway, I don’t really consider myself an artist but I don’t think I’m horrible either. I’m a writer by trade and can always use some good characters so hopefully after this I’ll have close to 30 usable ones.
I was a little stumped on what to do to start this off. I really wanted to go into it ‘pure’ and not create a character I’ve already thought about or something and it was getting hard to figure out where to start. So as a warm up I decided to create a character for the Persona series of games…which I’m totally obsessed with…I think she would fit right in on Inaba, in case anyone sees this and wants to totally redo “The Golden” before it comes out.
Ulrike is a German transfer student (not a foreign exchange student as her family has moved here). She is on the tennis team and uses the tools of her trade as ranged weapons against the shadows inside the TV. I couldn’t stop laughing when I thought about her serving the tarot card to summon her persona so that’s what I decided to go with for her image here. I like to think that she’d be of the Star Arcana and when you spend time social linking with her you learn that she’s struggling with whether she wants to devote more of herself to tennis and become a professional or play less competitively and more for fun. I like to think she and Rise would get along really well, but she won’t be as mean to Kanji as Rise is. When she gets a crit with her Racket and ball she volleys the ball back at the shadows a few times until it comes back to her and goes out so she gets the point.
#3 – Aurgiliax Goodwill
Aurgiliax is a dragon youth of a most unique background- part golden dragon, the beacon of all that is good and strong, and part vile black dragon. Thankfully, his mother saw to it that he was raised in Celestia, where years of enlightened perspectives and ideal role models have made sure that Aurgiliax is favouring his good tendencies.
Aurgiliax is still young and small enough to be able to masquerade as a humanoid with only a need to cover his still- growing wings with a robe and cloak. Though possessed of mighty fiery breath and great strength, his mettle is to be tested soon enough, now that the Reckoning of the Blue Fire is at hand.
#3 – Daynick
The youngest of 3 bad guy brothers, Daynick was spoiled by his parents while growing up. Â This has led him to become a lazy, unkempt and unambitious adult. Since he has no ambitions of his own, he basically follows his older brothers’ lead. His brothers don’t tend to treat him very kindly, jealous of not only his being spoiled as a child, but of his hight (Rando being very short) and thinness (Doynick being very fat).
Notes: Another Doodze character.  I decided to just go with the sketch this time, rather than a finished/inked illustration, for expedience. If I’m going to crank out 30 of these this month, I need to work more quickly.
#3: Whirur
This next character comes from a personal experience! No, I do not do drugs. Here’s the scoop: today in math class there was this ridiculous noise coming from what most people would assume would be construction work. But I decided to pretend it came from some equally ridiculous creature. It took a lot of effort not to laugh openly at the thought.
This is Whirur. You pronounce his name basically by grunting an undisclosed amount of W and R sounds. His hobbies include stomping about the forest and entertaining bored students in math classes via his magnificent whirring trunk.
#2 Captain Stevens
Captain Stevens Flying Ace. The finest pilot in the world single handedly took down ten dragons in the Dragon Wars of 1912.
# 2 : Rexon Tyrannus
Every hero is only as good as their villain, and with Blazer, there comes his main enemy, Rexon Tyrannus. Tyrannus is the main antagonist to Blazer. A scientific warlord, Tyrannus has an entire mechanized army which he deploys to seize various territories from the Clan’s homeland. The reason for this is tied into his family history, for years ago, Tyrannus’s own ancestor was the first Unifier of all the Saurian tribes until they rebelled and ousted him out of power in a bloody war that led to the formation of the Clan Lands. The bloodline survived with each ancestor slowly plotting and planning a means to reclaim their lost legacy, with Tyrannus being the last known heir to the Tyrannus Bloodline and the one who enacted their revenge plot. Tyrannus sees this as a denial of his own legacy and feels entitled to reclaim these lands for his family honor.
I depicted him seated in his command chair, showing the regalia that a leader would wear. I also tried to depict his arms as shorter in relation to his body, as the gauntlets he wears serve as a means to wield specially crafted weapons for him to fire, while hiding a personal shield and energy blade within his gauntlets. Behind Tyrannus, like Blazer where I depicted his past incarnations; here I show his impending future of becoming a cyborg with implants while wearing a more militant uniform to support a more driven persona.
A scientific and military mastermind, Tyrannus was trained and taught the arts of combat and military strategy while indoctrinated the belief in family pride and in the history of the Tyrannus Family’s Rise and Fall. He was given the collected knowledge and wealth of all the Tyrannus ancestors, deploying their plans and tactics while using a number of shell and clandestine operations to finance both his research and scientific endeavors.His attacks across the Clan Lands are focused on key lands that either contain a resource, new tech, or of strategic importance to Tyrannus’s endgame; the complete and utter subjugation of the Saurian Race and the Decimation of the Clans. He rarely interacts personally unless a battle is truly important, as he is comfortable sending his machines to fulfill his ends, yet will hire or make arrangements with other Saurians if it serves his purpose.
Tyrannus isolates himself from the rest of the Saurian world due to a latent Animus ability; Psychic telepathy and telekinesis that he has little control and/or uses as a means of force or manipulation, making it hard for him to interact, yet also serving him as a lie detector when dealing with conspirators. Though his influence is vast, Tyrannus feels truly alone in his life with nothing left for him but to reclaim his stolen family honor and fulfill the Legacy of the Unifier.
Day 1 The Meteorologist
Connie Jung won beauty pageants and used the scholarship money to put herself through school. Instead of becoming a respected journalist she is assigned to be the “cute” weather girl at the local station.
After quitting her job she is nearly hit by a meteorite. The radiation transforms her in unexpected ways. She uses her new gravity powers to take revenge on the world of men that have spurned her.
Day 2: Flora Dysernio
Here’s character #2! It’s 9 o’clock here in CA so I’m not late. XD Anyways, this is Flora Dysernio, younger sister to another character that will appear tomorrow in my challenge. She exists in the universe for my story “Venomamillia” as kind of a side character. Apart from being half cat, there’s not much to her. She has relations with the Rockafellers, aside from that she doesn’t know any of the other cast until later in the story, where her known relations are important. Her name doesn’t really have any signifigance.
Being half cat, her nails are sort of long, but you can’t see them in the picture. Also, her eyes reflect light like a cat’s, and the pupils turn to slits. Her ears are actually on the top of her head like cat ears, so her hair grows over where human ears would be.
Day 2: Rage
Full name: Gray/Rage
Alias: N/A
Age: 150
Gender: Male
Allignment: Circle of 5 (Good)
Race: Pure Werewolf
Height: 6’2†(human form), 6’10†(werewolf form)
Abilities: Enhanced agility and strength, claws and sharp teeth, can jump very long distances, able to shift in and out of wolf form at will, increased lifespan. Maintains lesser versions of these abilities in human form.
Personality: Short tempered, loyal, brutish
Bio: Gray is descended from a long line of pure werewolves, commander of the wolf army, and the right hand of the Circle of 5. As a child, his parents were killed during the first war against the Hunters. Although he was too young to enter the army, he trained from then on to fully master his wolf side, journeying to the deep forest to live with the ancestral wolves, where he was taught to harness his fury and hone his body into the perfect weapon.
Upon his return to Wolfhaven, Gray challenged the current Rage of the Circle of 5 for his title. The current Rage was eager to accept the challenge and, with some difficulty, managed to subdue Gray.
However, Rage was impressed at the young wolf’s tactics and offered to take Gray in as his apprentice. Gray, seeking any way to improve his skills, accepted.
After 90 years, Gray had learned all he could from his master and again challenged him. This time, it was Gray who stood victorious. Claiming the mantle of “Rage,†he was welcomed into the Circle of 5.
Appearance: (wolf form) Jet black fur, razor sharp claws, glowing red eyes, very muscular, leather bandolier-esque wrap on chest, barbaric leather covering as bottoms with skull adorned belt. (human form) long black hair, muscular, pale, glowing red eyes.
Notes: Rage is rarely seen out of wolf form, only changing when it has a tactical advantage. He even sleeps in wolf form.
Pure werewolves are the children of two werewolves, whether pure, slave, or mixed. They have the ability to change whenever they want, but cannot leave wolf form during full moons.
Slave wolves are humans who have been turned into werewolves. They lose most of their brain functions, becoming essentially zombies who become slaves for humans. These wolves only change on full moons.
(image taken from google, i claim to rights to it)
#2 – Braaains
Connor McAdams was just an ordinary man in his first life, with a job and student loan payments. Living paycheck to paycheck, even found a girl he thought he could settle down with and raise some kids. That was until she was bitten… and turned into a zombie. Like so many other people before the outbreak, Connor didn’t know what was happening, and didn’t know what was wrong with his love, so he too became one of the horde as the zombie apocalypse continued to rise.
One day, while scrounging for some fresh meat, Connor stumbled across a research institute. There wasn’t much left for pickings, but he could hear that something was still alive, and it made him hungry. The rocket scientist didn’t know Connor was there when he came back in from evacuating his bowels. Connor didn’t know that the rocket scientist had slowly been getting irradiated by some spilled radiation that had leaked from the chaos that had taken place elsewhere in the institute. The rocket scientist was nummy, but somehow the irradiated brains of the scientist had changed Connor somehow. He no longer acted on the pure need to feet. He could think. He could even speak (again). But more importantly, he could now control other zombies. Get them to do his bidding. He became a leader to the zombies. He’d set traps for nearby survivors, and the zombie horde would be waiting. Despite being more intelligent, he still has to feed on living flesh…
#2 – Alwin Pemberton, the Bright Knight
They were truly the Dark Ages…
For the previous four centuries, the Roman Empire fought with all it’s might against the invading forces from beyond the skies.
Even with their glimmering flying machines, their impervious suits of armor, their divine strength and wisdom and their abundant knowledge of the mystic arts, it had taken them that long to truly crush the Last Legion’s mighty spirit.
But, alas, Rome did fall and burn, and the age of the God Conquerors thus began: With them and their progeny as the new lords and ladies ruling over the land, and the mere mortal men their slaves and workforce.
Some accepted the inevitability of their fate, as it was the place of mortals to serve and worship the gods. Yet others rebeled.
Brave men continued to fought against the invading hordes, knowing full well their numerous advantages against the mere steel of their swords.
Wise men studied day and night to master the god’s secrets, using their own magics against them, even at the cost of their minds and bodies.
And beyond them all was a man both wise and brave. A man who was able to bring hope and unity throughout the land, taking their rebel forces and turning them into an actual army. Many saw him as a messiah. The once and future king returning to his throne to deliver us from evil and slavery.
Sadly, Alwin Pemberton was not this man.
In fact, Alwin Pemberton was not even born when the brave prophesied king and his armies fell under the Conquering God’s war machines in their glorious last stand. And though the invaders suffered greatly, they were still able to recover.
Yet Alwin Pemberton would have to do.
Those at least were the last thoughts of a dying Myrddin Wyllt, the legendary king’s military advisor and chief sorcerer, whom Alwin stumbled into one stormy night while looking for cover under a dead three through an act of sheer happenstance.
Except the old wizard did not believe in such things as luck or coincidences.
For the last 14 years, Myrddin had been both thinkering and guarding the late king’s best guarded secret: A suit of armor made entirely with metals and magic from the God Conqueror’s arsenals. It had been forged more than a thousand times by expert blacksmiths who covered it in protective runes and charms from their frozen homelands. Myrddin had conjured for it two giant metal wings, made with the same mystic cauldrons the gods used to propel their vessels through the clouds.
And finally, there was the sword: The Grass Blade, so called for the green hue with which it’s otherworldly steel shined. The blade had been forged through a ritual known only to the mage himself who had even gone so far as to temper the rare metal with his own hands. It was capable of cutting through anything and anyone, deflecting all attacks no matter their nature and was even supposed to be able to summon the winds and the lighting to smite down it’s enemies.
All of this power was now on young Alwin’s hands. It would be his life’s mission from now on to continue with Myrddin and the King’s crusade. To learn the secrets of the armor and become the hero his people so desperately needed. He would need to use the armor to bring hope and strength to the masses, to embolden them into once again unite against the God Conquerors.
And so begins the legend of the man who united the whole world in it’s darkest moment against the first alien invasion never known by mankind. This is the story of King Alwin Pemberton, The Bright Knight.
#2 Nadira
An empathic Drow assasin-in-training, although she doesn’t really look it. She tries very hard to keep her personal life and her profession separate. Her family knows what she does, but very rarely talks about it with her or with others.
Nadira uses her psychic abilities to perform ‘accidents’ on her targets, usually by very strong suggestion or by manipulating others to killing for her.
I’m a little late but only by a little.
#3 thru #5: Ulysses, Hermann Major and Eurydice Visser
I’m going to be out of town for a week, so I wanted to get a little bit ahead. Who follows is:
Ulysses, the world-famous champion chicken, gold medal winner in more than a hundred Chicken Shows around the globe.
Hermann Major, the reclusive sausage magnate and owner of the Singing Lumbermill on the edge of town, where he maintains his secluded office and living quarters.
Eurydice Visser, the most beautiful woman in town. On the first Sunday of the month, every eligible man in town heads over to Eurydice’s champion chicken ranch to attempt to woo the sullen beauty, but she’s too lost in dreams of chicken competitions and a love she lost long ago to the wreck of the Whiskey Red Crow …
#2 Ziggy Alien Patrol
Part of the elite space enforcer unit, Officer Ziggy Zigtu is a brave and fearless hero. He guards the cosmos and hunts down for villains and evil doers. Everyone can feel safe knowing that Officer Ziggy is on patrol!
# 2 Frederick, Leader of the Youth Liberation League
Elevator Pitch: It’s an evil Richie Rich with the Goonies meets Hitler youth directed by Wes Anderson. Eventually Caspar the Friendly Ghosts gets thrown in too.
Eight year old Frederick is the unstable black sheep of the world’s wealthiest (and most delightfully eccentric) family. After polling poorly in focus groups, Frederick is written off as a major liability to the family’s public image. Frederick is left behind while the rest of his family flies to England to attend the royal wedding, only to die en route in a horrific plane crash. This leaves Frederick as the sole heir to the family fortune.
Frederick’s psyche is left shattered and he soon adopts a new persona to cope with life. The new Frederick is a deeply disturbed messiah figure who views all adults as being evil, corrupted by the institutions of modern life. Frederick dreams of a final revolution in which the children of the world rise up to seize power. Frederick uses his company to wage a covert war on the United States government. He does so by arming children with improvised weaponry (made by a colony of child laborer slaves on an island succinctly described as Saipan meets Disney World), cleverly disguised as the latest toy phenomenon. Frederick effectively arms and trains his sleeper cell army with funding from the enemy, Parents. Kids are organized into local chapters, similar to “The Goonies†style terrorist cells, with members often attending “space camp†style training centers during summer vacations. All hell breaks lose.
#2 Warling
A member of a milquetoast race of scientist aliens, Warling became bored and escaped to Earth where he embraced human violence. Using advanced technology, Warling built a mecha that he uses to create chaos.
#3 Lizardman Steward
This lizardman race revolves around this fantasy setting project I have in the works.
The Steward is in charge of the community. He exhibits wealth via his healthy enlarged tail. He has tiny horns, his claws have not been sharpened due to disuse and his colors are more regal.
#30Characters Chatter…