Archive for November 3rd, 2011
Buy #30! Gutter Magic: Welcome to Meridian

#3- Orville
Forget disc brakes and front wheel suspension: Orville is an old-timer in the Animal Bike Gang, and his trusty Dora (which he bought some 130 years ago) is just fine with him.
A true gentleman, he believes in fair competition and only big- mouthed hares can get at his nerves.
#3: Mighty Morphing Power Pilgrim
November is here, so I thought I’d do somthing in the spirit of Thanksgiving 🙂
Want to see more? Check out my webcomic at the link below 🙂
#3: Detective Sam Solar
Police Detective Sam Solar patrols the underground cities on Callisto. Â He’s not the most confident or capable guy – I mean… would you want to live in an underground city on Callisto?
Character 03 – Jellyboy
On a deserted island lives a small tribe of humans. At night, they tell stories to their children of the mysterious Jellyfish who live in the surrounding ocean. These Jellies swoop down on drowning humans and attatch themselves permanently to the victim’s head when they are mere seconds from death. Using the electric charge they posess, the jellies power the human bodies as if they were their own, and eventually reform the victim’s body into a being of the sea.
Jellyboy was one such unfortunate human.
Day#2- Chef Gordy
I imagine this character being in a reality cooking show where he always barely survives a horrendous catastrophe in the kitchen. Due to contractual obligations, he is forced to sit out the thirty season contract.
#3 – Older Brother
The hero of this tale lives in a futuristic world where an alien disease is slowly spreading among the population, and is trying to find the beast that causes it with help from the government so that a cure can be worked on. Those who breathe the air the alien exhales and are not naturally immune start to mutate into humanoid versions of the lifeform. A secret organization is holding the creature hostage for unknown reasons.
This character is the protagonist’s older brother. He encountered the beast before it was captured, and is the furthest along in his mutation out of all who are sick. Having had his freedom taken from him unwillingly, he’s angry at the world and himself because he feels like a caged animal. He is not allowed to hold a job anymore or do much of anything, and must be constantly supervised despite being in his mid-twenties. This is because the disease causes him to black out whenever it aggressively covers more ground of his body, which could be anywhere from a few seconds to an hour long.
2011 Challenger: J.R. Freeman Jr.
Hey everybody, J.R. Freeman Jr. here – illustrator, cartoonist, musician, linux-tinkerer, etc. …
I signed up last year, but time got away from me as the commute got away with me :p ..but no such fuss this year! Â Anyways, I love comics, so it’s likely that’ll come out in my offerings. … & also ridiculousness.
I’m not starting as late as it appears: Â characters are being created, I just need to get them posted faster. Â What I’ve seen posted so far this year is a bunch of fun, so I’m excited to jump in & join! Â 🙂
#03 – Catman Due
Another sidekick. A fat cat, obviously. Don’t know about those loafers, but it fits his laid-back attitude. What’s “due”? I dunno, what’s due with you?
#3 Ninja Accountant
Who cooks the books for Ninjas?
It must be a tough job sorting out all the death/payment ratios, tax breaks and expenses!
Those ninja stars don’t pay for themselves you know!
2 Steve
Steve grew up side by side with his adopted brother Claf… Steve is a robot, Claf is not, it was all the same to Steve. They adventure together fighting against Duke Snookie and the dark forces of the outer lands… Steve is more of a lover than a fighter, but can be quite resourceful when need be.
Claf and Steve in crazy action pose mode… One of the many tactics to throw their foes off their game.
#3 Akamu
Akamu came to the Redmane tribe as a young boy. He was born to the Nagai tribe of Seastriders, but had developed Changes incongruous with his tribe and
enviroment. The Nagai sent Akamu to the Redmane tribe as part of an ancient pact between the two, to send young members of their tribe who developed
traits better suited for their respective enviroments to each other’s village to keep the bloodlines fresh and the people in question useful
Akamu had to learn many of the hunting techniques that the Redmanes used along the bark, and had to learn the tribe’s history and symbols as well.
Akamu married Ahere, Hatarei’s mother, and begot one son on her before he lost his grip during a hunting expedition and fell to his death.
Akamu never really felt at home along the bark, nor among the people of the Redmane tribe. He often climbed to the tip of the branch the tribe had
built their dwellings in order to look down at the sea. Like most people born as Redmanes, Akamu was possessed of climbing claws and a red mane of fury,
as well as a vestigial tail. Akamu was always a boisterous young man untill he was sent from his home, after arriving at the Redmane village he was
quiet and withdrawn. It was only through the matchmaking of Atawhai, the Redmane shaman, that Akamu found a wife in Ahere, though the bond the two shared
was strong.
From: Negheia, Nagai shaman
To: Atahwai, Redmane shaman
First day of the third moon of the fivehundred and sixth year after the fall, Nagai village
This letter has been sent by Fyoom-ki caravan for the urgency of the message it bears, I hope your tribe will accord all proper
hospitality to the caravan drivers.
I am writing to you concerning an ancient pact between our tribes, a bloodbond.
A boy of our tribe has recently, instead of the Changes usual in our tribe, developed red fur and claws.
We believe he would be more suitable to life amog your people, and if you would be so kind as to send a return missive
with the caravan that bore this letter detailing your tribe’s acceptance of this boy, named Akamu, we will send him
within the turn of the new year.
Negheia, chief shaman of the Nagai tribe
From: Atahwai, Redmane shaman
To: Negheia, Nagai shaman
Twentieth day of the fifth moon of the fivehundred and sixth year after the fall, Redmane winter village
We honour your dedication to the ancient pact, Negheia, and we accept this boy into our midst.
We will treat and teach him as one of our own, and we uphold the bonds that bind us to one another.
Atawhai, shaman and elder of the Redmane tribe.
#3 Moldy Friholie
This is what can happen when no one cleans out the frig at your office job. Â Eventually what is in there comes gets a life of his own. Â This is a storyline that I have been playing around with for years. Â Some day I’ll use it. Â This was drawn in Manga Studio.
Take care, Frank
#2 Kelly Wolfe
Kelly is a young tagger in a skateboarder gang. Originally an orphan Kelly now “fights” the system. She may not understand it, but she knows that through her tags she can change the world. Whether or not that actually true, she believes her tagging changes lives.
Day 2: Lucy Sinclair
Lucy Sinclair is a former vaudeville actress struggling with her own fading glory and the transition from stage to cinema. She is a fantastic actress nonetheless, though off the screen and stage she is surprisingly apathetic and indifferent to everything. She is very devoid of extreme emotion or expressive speech, and acts something like a personified ‘cold shoulder’. She clearly does not want to be your friend.
#2- Rhinoceros Rex
This is Rhinoceros Rex, Lord of Rhino City and self proclaimed ruler of the world. He is a rhinoceros that is the size of a T-Rex. Rhino Rex is one of the many villains in the rogue gallery of the Animal Elite. He is incredibly strong and surprisingly fast for his size.
#2- The Bubbler
Once upon a time ago a little boy which was a really evil bully. Blew a bubble and it became this monster today.
#3 – Kriton by Beausephus
BASIC CONCEPT : An Alien trapped in our galaxy has to serve as a bounty hunter in our solar system in order to pay off an intergalactic crime boss to pay for the promise of a way back home. Eventually he begins to accept that he may never get home and develops a grudging acceptance of his role and his inherent value in what essentially a bottom feeding type of job/existence.
In 1988 my childhood best friend had an High School age brother who got our Elementary School minds obsessed with the Marvel Comics Role Playing Game. In reality, my friend and I just rolled up characters and came up with story ideas… this is a common motif in my creative evolution…
So my pal wanted to make comic books out of our characters to sell at his school. So we did, and these 20-30 page pamphlets featured 7-8 stories on hand-folded and stapled black and white photocopies of pages crammed with far too many panels and far too little storytelling. ARKON COMICS (the name was my friend’s idea) featured some stories featuring my character, “Kriton.” I was really into the Kirby Silver Surfer/FF stories, the concept of the Green lantern Corps, The Guardians of the Galaxy and the rest of the 1970s Marvel Comics “cosmic” story lines.   The main basis of “Kriton” however was Martian Manhunter. Always one of my favorite characters Martian Manhunter, to this day, is one of the most under-used and underestimated characters in the DC Comics universe. The core of Kriton was the flip side of Martian Manhunter – what if J’onn J’onzz hated the fact that he was trapped on earth? What if there was a way out but he had to essentially whore himself out, debase his lofty morals, just to pay the ever-escalating price just to get home? Kriton was angry, but not grim…he was pissed off at his station in life and the choices he was fully aware he made to get where he is. Ho can such a character find peace, or at least acceptance? Does the dream of going home ever actively become just that and not something to actively work toward?
The version of the character above represent the soul of the original design…in essence the costume is and alien with an egg shaped head encased in basic grey armor wearing what essentially was a sleeveless orange jumpsuit with big, puffy, silver, Reebok style 1980’s high-tops. I added some small details and made some of the styling more dynamic…. however in the piece above I feel I got away from the absurd whimsy and naive visual design sense of my grade school self. But here it is.
Thanks for checking my stuff out.
#1 Can Boy
Here is Can Boy. He can take anything to that region but not anywhere else to the body because he will cry like a baby.
#2 Blazing Arrow
Blazing Arrow
“I got my arrow/ I got my bow I got my fire /and I’m walking through the darkness/ slowly on a tightrope wire” – Blackalicious, “Intro: Bow & Fire”
The young man known to the gods of Earth as the Blazing Arrow was exploring abandoned buildings in a run-down part of his postindustrial hometown, when he happened across a magic compound bow. Â For it turns out that, in their endless intrigues and squabbles, the gods can get careless with their power, allowing it to manifest on Earth in ways mortals can use.
When he picks it up, he transforms, in clothes and in aspect (into amore idealized version of himself). He is given the name Blazing Arrow by a goddess he helps, and now he takes on the gods, keeping them in check so that humanity can develop freely.
Some of the mythological/conceptual arrows he has include:
“The slings and arrows of outrageous fortuneâ€
The Arrow of Time – accelerates entropy
Cupid’s arrow
Artemis’ arrows of silver moonlight
Astras – Hindu supernatural weapons most often invoked into arrows
Loki’s mistletoe arrow, which killed Baldr (seeks out hidden weaknesses)
Arrows of the Egyptian goddess Neith – the blazing arrow (limitless sun) and weaving arrow
Track: Blackalicious, “Intro: Bow & Fireâ€
(notes: here is precisely what I had beforehand, from my notebook: “Blazing Arrow: Black archer hero
Someone who uses magic arrows, the favor of a goddess s/he released from a crystal prison… rather than trick arrows a la green arrow or hawkeye, s/he fights with the idea of an arrow. speed, velocity, direction, piercing, cupid, robin hood, artemis, wayfinding, divination, ancient arrowheads.”)
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She has a child’s fascination with insects: playing with them, jarring them, plucking the wings off them. Her impish ways are alluring, but she will just as soon poke pins through the  hearts of those who fall for her as the specimens in her collections. Playing with her insects, toys, or peoples’ hearts is just her amusement for Sasori.
#3 the solomonite
sent to earth as a child as part of the galactic forign exchange student program, abe marshall was raised to use his super human powers for the good of mankind. so he did as the powerfly muscled “the solomonite.” but as he grew older and wiser he realized that each enemy was bigger and more powerful than the last. the planet he loved so dearly was taking more and more damage, and the people he was fighting to save were dying more and more. as he was pondering this a man in black robes apeared and offered him the solution. to rev up his already incrediblly powered body and render him truely invincible. with his insanely powerful body pushed beyond known limits, abe no longer knew pain, fear, weakness, or even humanity. he used his powers to take over the earth to spare them from poor decisions.
it was only his beloved evelyn that kept him from losing the last shreds of himself. but when she grew ill with an incurable malady, the cloaked man returned again with a new offer. he would save her life- all abe had to do was kill the ghostrunner.
will apear later in grin-n-spirit
#1: R.E.X.
It was a little shack, tucked up against the side of a cluster of boulders in the desert. Calvin, John, Herman and Zeke rode up on their dinos, stopping the beasts in a semi circle around the entrance.
“Hey!†Zeke called at it, stepping down off his dino and strolling casually forward. Calvin and the others followed suit. The place wasn’t much, just some sheets of metal leaned up against each other and tied to some wood. The entrance was tall and wide and covered with dirty cloth that flapped in the breeze.
“Maybe he ain’t home,†John said, taking a handkerchief out of his back pocket and wiping the grime from his face that had built up over the ride.
“Naw, lookit that,†Herman said, gesturing toward the roof of the shack with hat. It was hard to see in the bright sun but there was a small trail of smoke coming from a small stove pipe in the back.
“Who the hell cooks inside in this heat?†Calvin said. He’d grown up in the north and had never gotten used to the desert heat. He often looked back to the time before he started running with a gang and getting himself thrown out of town as the best times of his life, but maybe that’s just because it wasn’t so damn hot then.
“I don’t care,†Zeke said with a sneer, twisting the over-sized ring on his finger as walked up to the entrance. “He’s on our land, and that means he’s got to pay.†Herman and John followed close behind, but Calvin hung back to stand in one of the small spots of shade the rocks provided.
“We know you’re in there,†Zeke yelled, kicking at the wood that framed the entrance. “C’mon out!†Still nothing. Zeke spun his ring again in irritation.
“The hell with this,†he muttered, grabbing the cloth that served as a door and yanking it down. Zeke was big, close to seven feet and as strong a man as Calvin had ever seen, and pulling the cloth so suddenly brought down several piece of wood with it.
The interior of the shack was small, probably not big enough for the four desperadoes to have all stood inside together, much less the figure sitting near the back of the shack wrapped in robe with a hood pulled down over his or her face. There was a small fire in front of him and a pot sat on a cooking rack on top of it, steam rising and escaping out the rudimentary chimney in the ceiling. There was a large roll of blankets in the far corner, taking up nearly half the shack but other than that the place was empty.
“You broke my door,†the figure said in a buzzing, electronic voice. Calvin’s hand dropped down to his repeater instinctively. It didn’t make sense, but the voice sounded similar to the Bots his folks had warned him about when he was a boy. Calvin had only seen them and heard their shrill, buzzing gibberish once but that was enough; he’d been the only one in his gang to get away from their steel claws and burning lasers.
“What the hell is wrong with your voice?†Zeke said, taking a step back. Calvin gripped his repeater harder. He’d been riding with Zeke for almost five years and didn’t think he’d ever seen him take a step back.
“What’s wrong with yours?†the figure said, still not moving. He was just a bundle of robes, but it looked like he (as strange as the voice was it definitely was a man’s) was squatting down on the ground, arms resting on his knees. He could only make out one hand, holding a long metal spoon, but it was wrapped in cloth bandages. Whoever he was he must have been practically roasting in that get-up, especially that close to the fire.
Zeke narrowed his eyes and took a step forward into the shack. “You’re some kind of smart guy, huh? If you’re so smart, then maybe you can answer why you’re camped out on our land.â€
“Maybe because I didn’t know it was your land. Didn’t see a sign.â€
“Everyone knows that the desert west of White River belongs to the Scorched Earth Gang,†Herman said, taking a step inside next to Zeke.
“I guess I’m not everyone,†the man said.
With a snarl, Herman drew his blaster and fired at the pot on the stove. The beam burned through the beaten metal and spilled the boiling water onto the ground. He fired again and the pot toppled over, spilling the chunks of meat and bits of small dino carcass that had been cookiing in it. The man didn’t move
“So is that what you boys do? Go around shooting up someone’s dinner because they’re camped out in your desert?†he said, dropping the spoon into the dirt.
“No,†Zeke said. “not just their dinner. Now I want you to get up and hand over everything you’ve got, and maybe one of those things won’t be you.â€
“So you’re in charge, is that it?†he asked.
“Listen!†Zeke said, taking another step forward and jabbing a finger at the stranger. “Get the hell up or–â€
The stranger got up. It took all four of them a moment to process that what they though had been bundles of robes was actually just thin cloth. He was at least a head taller than Zeke and at nearly twice as wide. Zeke still had his arm out, pointing angrily, and before he could do anything the stranger leaned down and Zeke’s arm disappeared into the strangers hood up to his elbow with a sickening crunch of bone.
There was a snap as the stranger turned his head, severing the arm. Zeke dropped to his knees and the stranger tilted his head back, the hood falling away from his head. The stranger wasn’t a man at all, but a dino unlike anything Calvin had ever seen. He had a long snout that he tilted back, and Calvin watched as the rest of Zeke’s arm disappeared down his throat. The rest of the cloak fell away, revealing a chest that was mostly wrapped in the same bandage-like cloth that covered both his arms. Underneath that, Calvin could see shining metal that reached all the way up the the dino-man’s neck. Just under his neck Calvin could make out three letters stamped on the metal: R.E.X. The lower half of the dino-man’s body was bare, wide and squat, with powerful legs and a thick tail.
Herman snapped out of his shock and remembered he was the only one who’d drawn his blaster. He pointed it at the dino-man, but there was a metal scrape and a blade extended from his right arm. The dino-man swung the blade, severing Herman’s arm. Herman stared down the stump, looking back up just as the dino-man took a big step forward and plunged the blade into Herman’s chest.
John drew his repeater and fired, missing the dino-man by a mile. It seemed impossible given how large the target was, but John was probably distracted by the fact that a talking dinosaur man had just killed the leader of his gang and one of his friends. He pulled the hammer back and fired again, but the dino-man positioned Herman in front of him to stop the slug. The dino-man reached over Herman’s shoulder with his other hand and there was a crack as bolts of electricity shot out at John, knocking him back. The cloth strips on the arm that blasted John fell away smouldering, revealing a shining metal arm attached the metal armor on the dino-man’s chest. There was another scrape of metal and Herman fell to the ground, unmoving.
The dino-man stepped forward, pulling the remaining cloth off his arms. Calvin realized he was still gripping his own repeater but hadn’t drawn it. The dino-man looked at him as he walked forward, but stopped at John’s still twitching body. Without taking his small, black eyes off of Calvin, the dino-man reached down and grabbed John by the throat. John’s eyes had been fluttering but now bugged out as he was lifted into the air.
“Who’s in charge?†the dino man asked. Even in his panic, Calvin could now tell that the voice was coming from slits in the metal just under his neck.
Calvin could see John’s face getting redder as he kicked at the empty air, his feet a full two feet off the ground. It took Calvin a second to realize the dino-man was talking to him.
“I said,†he repeated, “who’s in charge here?â€
Calvin let go of his repeater, moving his arm slowly away from his side. “Y…you…you are.†He looked at the letters stamped into the metal again. “Rex is.â€
“Smart,†Rex said, twisting John’s neck with a snap and dropping his now still body to the ground. Rex turned and walked back to where Herman and Zeke lay on the ground. Herman was completely still but Zeke’s eyes blinked slowly and one of his feet was twitching. Rex leaned down and picked up Herman’s blaster, shaking the severed arm off it. He pulled the holster off of Herman’s body and tossed it over his broad shoulder.
“Always wanted one of these. Plus this thing can take a while to recharge,†he said, waving his arm at Calvin. He walked up to Zeke’s dino, pulling himself into the saddle effortlessly. The big, four-legged beast sagged a bit under the weight of its new rider, but Rex patted it gently on its side and made a series of chirping noises that came from his throat and not his speakers.The dino sat up straighter and turned around.
“Now, let’s go meet my gang and get something to eat.†Rex said. He turned his head and spat. Zeke’s ring flew out, hit one of the rocks and rolled off on the desert floor. “I’m still hungry.â€
#3 Jackie Flanagan – Shock Jock
“Now listeners, I’m gonna talk about something a lot of people aren’t going to like, but that’s what I do here. That’s why you come to me. Because I tell it like it is.
“Nowadays everyone says that the world was better before She-Marvel died fighting Doctor A-bombo, but I don’t really see it. The murderers still kill, the robbers still steal and there’s still a bunch of heroes that fly around with their collective thumbs up their butt. So what really changed? Nothing, that’s what.
“Sure, people talk about all the good the She-Marvel did, about all those crimes she stopped and those villains she foiled. They talk about how awful it is that she isn’t around to prevent them anymore. But look at the statistics. The crime rates for the year preceding her death and this last year following it, virtually identical. Do you hear that? Virtually identical. Now how could she have had that big an impact on the city everyone talks about, if there’s the exact same amount of crime now as there was before, even months after she died?
“‘But, Jackie, what about the times she saved the world? Doesn’t that count for anything?’ Of course it does, if they actually happened. Not to speak ill of the dead, but look at what proof we got. Some demolished buildings, a bunch of dead people and an exclusive interview with that boytoy reporter of hers at the Galaxy. This is supposed to convince us that we were all on the brink of doom, and only were pulled back from the edge thanks to actions of our fearless hero, She-Marvel? Yeah right, I’ve met yahoos in tin hats with better evidence of aliens putting radios in their head. At least they could pick up FM.
“And for all you out Marvelinians or whatever you call yourselves, preaching about the holy gospel of She-Marvel, really that’s your choice for messiah? An alien that entered the country, entered illegally I don’t hesitate to add, and decides to undertake a dedicated career of reckless disregard for this fine country’s law and traditions. Always talking about peace and understanding, while at the same time beating the everlovin’ snot out of anyone that crossed the lines of her moral codes. Now that’s what I call a role model. Why don’t you loonies just grow mustaches and hang up pictures of Hitler? I don’t know about you but we got enough inspirations on this planet that we don’t need to go making a hero out of this hypocrite. Why look towards Martin Luther King or George Bush for inspiration? Why not one of the thousands of HUMANS that weren’t born with superpowers but still managed to make the world a better place?
“Now let’s go to the phones. Hello, you’re on the air with Jackie Flanagan…â€
#30Characters Chatter…