Archive for November 3rd, 2011
#2-Lil’ Dr. F
And on the third day, we finished out the little big-head trio! It’s Lil’ Dr. F,, brains of the operation. He seems a little odd, and you have to be careful not to leave him alone with your pets, but on the whole he’s a completely normal, well-adjusted psychopath with delusions of grandeur.
LIKES: Â inventing medications, testing hypotheses, defying nature and all that is holy…for science!
DISLIKES: authority, lemonade, whistleblowers
#3 – Rock
One of the things I loved about the Bronze-age Marvel books which I read as a child, was the seemingly endless supply of villains which at the end of every issue would appear, normally yelling out some threat, or smashing something to get the heroes tired attention.
We wanted to create a team of bad guys (or gals) who embodied just that sense – a kind of absurd “you cannot be serious!” moment, tempered with a realization that these people are bad and want to hurt the good guys. That they may actually be a threat!
Tomorrow and Saturday will see Rock joined by her team mates…
#3 – Kriff
Finally! I’m loosening up and my stuff is getting a little more dynamic. 30 Characters, you’re already working your magic!
Kriff, 19. The human child Brynn replaced. She was kidnapped as an infant and spent her life with a colony of forest trolls, cut off from all human contact. As such, she is as feral as any of her adopted family, often moreso due to a deep insecurity stemming from her unnatural appearance. Kriff is very sensitive to the fact that she herself is not a troll but isn’t sure she’d ever leave the only home she’s ever known. Fierce, hostile, mistrustful and coarse, despite her gentle human origins, she’d fight to the death to protect her clan.
#3 Afrodite
Here is another new character from the story I am working on. It is obviously (I hope) tongue-in-cheek and spun with a humorous twist. This is Afrodite:
Angela D’Angelo was a nerd by day and a bigger nerd by night, studying botany and part-timing as a florist. While her scholarship was stellar and her grades were better than 4.0, her social life was staggeringly stiff spending most of her time alone with plants that would make most of us sneeze. When her scholarship’s status suddenly depended on more extracurricular involvement, she applied to a sorority to quickly make the grade. Ordered to attend a toga party to join, Angela knew she would never be accepted. Using her vast knowledge of plants and botanical brilliance, she created a pheromone from spores and petals that would make her seem lovely and attractive despite her otherwise appearance. The result was much more powerful than she realized and the potent new perfume convinced even her that she was a new young woman. The party proved a success beyond her wildest dreams as the young men around her felt compelled to carry out her every whim. Perfecting her formula further she discovered a new scent that would render anyone hypnotized by her perceived persona. Continuing to dawn her toga, she has assumed the identity of Afrodite, a beautiful vision of perfection and desire. Capable of convincing all mere mortals to do her bidding is only among the best of her gifts, as she has also used her nimble ingenuity to create other catastrophic concoctions to aid her in getting what she wants.  Should anyone happen upon her at a time when her lovely aroma begins to fade, they may catch a glimpse of the real girl inside who has a truly beautiful mind despite a lackluster look. Claiming to use her new power for purposes of progress rather than personal profit, the greater mystery is her motive and whether or not this Jekyll and Hyde heroism is indeed a part of her true identity.
2011 participant: Bedlamnac- Neil Makohon
I haven’t done a lot of art work for a few years and I thought this would get my creative juices going again.
Recently got on two sketchcard series one is called FATSA Lord of the Dragons and Mac and Trouble.
2011 Challenger: Randy Newnham
Still an art noob, I am working at improving my technique. Currently, I am working on concept art for a kid-friendly RPG called Story Realms that my game design studio is working on. As such, most things that I post for this month will be related to that. I am an avid player of boardgames, card games and RPGs.
Here is an interview of me about game designs I am working on:
Interview with Randall Newnham
Additionally, here is a link to my family’s gaming blog:
#3 – Wikedpedia
As mentioned with my first two entries, Dr. Defenso and Blackout, the first five of my characters are based on aspects of my personality. Hence, collectively, they are known as, “The Vitos.”
I am a huge trivia buff. Have been for a long time. I remember the very first Trivial Pursuit release, and I was even in a Trivial Pursuit club in high school. My wife hates playing trivia games with me, but whenever she needs some crazy factoid, she asks her “Vitopedia.” So, what if I used those “powers” for evil?
Wickedpedia is my version of the Riddler, and has a lot in common with my character, Die Twenty. Wickedpedia uses his knowledge of obscure facts to torture the Clique. The game is simple: answer his questions or someone dies.
NOTE: I’m using Hero-O-Matic (aka Fabrica De Herois) to create my characters. Give it a shot!
#3 Roland de Luca
Big cat veterinarian. Canadian transplant. Hereditary witch.
Anna has a coolness about her that attracts some, but turns others off. If they don’t like her, though, she’s too cool to care. She’s quiet until she has something to say, sporatically enthused by things no one can predict, and prone to mood swings. A difficult personality to get along with, but inspiring and fun for those patient enough to get to know her. She associates more with males, who don’t mind her silence and frankness than females whom often feel intimidated or offended.
Plays bass guitar and does pen sketches. Rarely seen without headphones.
#3 & #4 – Tobias & Kendra
This is Tobias and Kendra. Tobias is ten, loves to play football, likes monsters and aliens. Kendra is his mother and she’s leaving, she is a soldier, a great one, but that won’t help. They’ll never see each other again.
Day 3: Tecpatl
Tecpatl means, “Flint”. She is the spark that will light the way to your demise.
A warrior of Huitzilopochtli, she is covered in the feathers of fallen warriors. She fights without pause or mercy. She knows even if she falls, she returns as a hummingbird to fight in the name of her gods again.
Because she has nothing to lose, she cannot stop.
I like Aztec mythology very much. I’m not sure where the belief started, but Aztec warriors believed that hummingbirds were the souls of fallen soldiers. Sometimes I want it to be more bad butt than that, but maybe I just need to grow an appreciation for Hummingbirds.
#2: Daisy Morgarnulus
Daisy dropped out of wizard school in favour of travelling, until her allowance was cut off. She then resorted to adventuring as a money-maker. Sarky, and with limited magical capabilities.
Late because computers are stupid and untrustworthy
#2: Silvester Amsel
(I was supposed to post this yesterday but the internet crapped out on me! Also, really quick and badly done drawing because I didn’t have the time or energy to do much better.)
Silvester Amsel is a very grumpy history major in his senior year. His main interest is in folklore.
# 3 – Beboa
Beboa is a Martian with telepathic abilities. Officially, he is the Martian Ambassador to our solar system. Unofficially, he works with his other planetary friends to protect earth from a loose coalition called “Creatures.” Beboa is six foot seven, but projects a calm demeanor. However, he can defend his friends and himself quite forcefully when needed. He is a competent musician on the Martian pelthor, a stringed instrument.
<Creator comments: a telepathic Martian? Really? How imaginative of me. On the other hand, I think it is interesting that his clothing resembles the Starfleet uniform from ST:TWOK.>
[In 1974, at the age of 12, I drew a series of “comic books” detailing the adventures of Merrill, a 15-year-old human boy, in the Other Land, an invisible dimension which co-exists with our own. The characters I am submitting throughout the 30 Days are the inhabitants of the Other Land.]
#2 J-Rod
J-Rod is another character from the graphic novel I’m working on. The lone survivor of the UFO crash at Groom Lake in the early 1950’s, he’s the reason Area 51 exists. When interacting with humans who aren’t in the know, he uses an image inducer (not the final name for the gadget), like what Nightcrawler has in the X-Men comics, to disguise himself as Jarrod, a middle-aged black man. This image is based on one of the men stationed at Area 51.
#2 Aurora
Years ago, someone in the US Government decided that the most powerful nation on Earth needed an equally powerful team of superhumans to help defend it. So a secret project was started in hopes of creating a national superhuman defense task force from scratch. Billion dollar contracts went out to both defense & pharmaceutical firms, & everyone set out trying to build a better human. After years of research & wasteful spending, the first success story emerges: PFC Regina Carter.
All it took was a simple tweak to her bioharmonics, and like a light being switched, Carter’s psychokinetic potential had been awakened. Working with vibrational frequencies, not only can she manipulate objects with her the power of her mind in the traditional telekinetic sense, she also possesses a spatial awareness so acute, that operates almost like mental sonar. And while she can use her powers to mimic abilities like flight & superstrength, it seems intense heat is generated if she focuses on an object for too long. And while this does also grant her limited pyrokinesis, it’s a bit hard for her to maintain levitation for more than a couple of minutes before overheating & the fear of spontaneous combustion starts to set in.
But before she could ever properly put her newly developed skills to the test, Senate slashed all funding on Superhuman R & D in a round of massive budget cuts. However, still driven by a sense of duty, Regina’s forced to take her superheroic potential to the private sector. Need a hand?
I’m not really a superhero guy. Haven’t been for a bit. Though now that’s two in a row. This character was unique for me in that I didn’t know what I wanted exactly as much as I knew what I didn’t want. I was looking to create a flagship-style female superhero, but avoid a lot of the tropes & controversial choices you find in superhero books these days. For the most part, beyond artist error, I think she’s realistically proportioned. She’s not some crazy sexpot, so she could easily serve as a role model. And just because she’s black doesn’t mean she’s “from the mean streets” or the analog for some white character.
I got the drawing for this done a lot earlier than I did yesterday’s but got held up on a name & how to word the back story. So here it is now. Another hopefully later this evening.
#3 – Jundir
Jundir is a boy who is of the Vas’alim people – a nomadic tribe that wanders an arid region of their world. They’ve wandered for generations, and good deal of their culture and their lifestyle revolves around the needs that arise when you live in a place where water is difficult to find. One of the most prestigious positions in this culture, then, are the Water Hunters.
The Water Hunters are young men who seek out sources of water near their encampment, and look for new sites for the clan to move to in the future. If they come back with a good supply of water, which they carry in waxed leather bags, there is a celebration in the camp.
There is nothing Jundir wants more than to be a Water Hunter when he comes of age. Unfortunately, he lost a leg to a bite from a Rock Snake five years ago. With only the one leg, he has no chance of doing any of the jobs that a man is supposed to do, and this has left him bitter and angry at a young age.
His grandfather is a Rainsinger, a kind of spiritual man who dances and sings to bring the infrequent rains to the camps. He sees the pain the boy is going through, but his attempts to try and help Jundir reconcile himself with his condition are futile, or very nearly so.
Read his story here: Rainsinger
#30Characters Chatter…