Archive for November 3rd, 2011
#3 Samhain
This is Sanhaim.
Studied Shamanism as a youth (as part of her native american heritage), and Wicca as the traditions her mother’s side of the family pursued.  Bored with the nature of both practices, she delved into forbidden knowledge and learned to tap into the shadowy dark side of both arts.  Now, her vast mystical power threatens to tear her apart, if she cannot learn to control the negative energies.
#3 IDK
Brain fart day so here is a dude with no legs and limited arms, he is complete with jet knees and various sharp objects. He doesn’t have a fancy back story, he is just a man climbing against adversity
#3 Bad Habit
In the post-apocalypic waste-lands of Vatican City, a woman named Chastity was born with superhuman strength and agility. By night she becomes BAD HABIT, MONSTER SLAYER.
#3 Tommy “Mouse” Marillo
“Abducted” when she was about 3 while her biological parents were having a violent dispute, she’s been on the streets with her ‘daddy’, Mary, since she can remember.
Nasty habit of getting lost and finding her way into the nearest home or apartment (she’s tiny and unknowingly cunning, if you open your door for more than a second she could slip in past your legs!)
Day 3 – Earthman
Colonel Trevor Tillman was piloting the new galactic class spaceship equipped with the new Terra-drive technology which actually wraps space around the ship and essentially brings your destination to you. Â As Colonel Tillman was inputting the coordinates for the test run to the nearest star, he sneezed. Â This caused the calculations to be in error resulting in the ship folding space and time around itself. Â Trevor Tillman passed out.
Upon awaking, he was shocked to see himself surrounded by many strange creatures. Â He was lying on a table…naked! Â After an embarrassing run and dash adventure through some strange station filled with weird creatures, Trevor finally calmed down enough to talk with a mechanical humanoid known as a Mechanicoid. Â The Mechanicoid introduced itself as Bob (which it seems truly is the most common name in the Universe). Â Bob told Trevor that he had been found floating in space nearly twenty-thousand years ago. Â He had been the source of much controversy which resulted in the creation of several sciences and even a few religions. Â Eventually Trevor was revived and that is how he came to be standing in front of a Mechanicoid named Bob.
Eventually Trevor becomes an unlikely hero and as such things go, because he is the last known human, he becomes known simply as Earthman. Â Webcomic forthcoming. Â 🙂
#3 – Shae

#3 – Test Subject 099
Things are not going very well for Test Subject 099, ever since he signed on the dotted line to drink Septix Co’s, Super Energie Fluxx. Â The beverage hit the shelves last year. Â Meanwhile, Test Subject 099 wanders the toxic green wasteland’s of his mind, searching for answers, and some ice cubes.
Part of my experimental Psychotronic Sunrise theme/world.
#3-The Pusherman
The Pusherman (only known alias C. Hayfield) was a young punk on the streets who grew up through all the crap on the dirty streets of Verde City. He fought his way out and became a defense attorney, fighting for the wrongly accused of Verde City’s Slums. One day though, after successfully defending his client, Freddie Dunn, for Murder 1 and breaking and entering. He goes home that day to find his apartment ransacked and his wife murdered, with all the trademarks that his own defendant, (one he had believed innocent). He disappeared before the police arrived and fell off the grid.
A year later, a new drug lord starts to rise in the Slums, known as the Pusherman. In an almost bloodless takeover, he controlled most of Verde City’s drug system, except for a small part, controlled by Jet Disco. They continue to fight over the last bit of territory Jet controls for the past couple years, with only the Prick keeping the violence from spreading. Apparently.
This is the first in what is most likely going to be a series of characters from an old concept for a webcomic I wanted to do, as you can probably tell by the last sentence. Hope you enjoy.
Also another note, if anyone can help me with a problem I am having using the template. I keep trying to put my (very large) images in behind the copyright, and whenever I scale it to fit, it crops everything that wasn’t on the canvas already. If anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong, can you please tell me? Thank you if you take the time.
No prize for who can tell me what the C. in C. Hayfield means. The hint is in a couple of the villains’ names.
#3: Jones
At his school in Australia, the band has a focus towards native instruments, in order to preserve their culture. However, Jones has always enjoyed being a little different… and that plays out in his instrumental choices. He takes pleasure in crashing the traditional shows with a bit of Louis Armstrong flare. He does not take so much pleasure in the detention that follows afterwards.
Day 03 – The Demon Maximus
The Demon Maximus aka Maximus or Max has a rather incomplete past as of this moment. When Max was a pre-teen the small remote village he was born and raised in discovered he was not as human as they thought. He was abducted by the local cult as a sacrifice to their god. By sheer coincidence, Grizelda Vedette was out exploring her new found super powers when she came across the anomaly, rescuing the young Max and releasing him out of the village’s reach. Grizelda left Max before he could properly thank her. Having become infatuated with Grizelda and her kindness towards him he vowed to find her again someday. Ten years later he ended up in her home town where despite his devilish nature, he does all he can to repay her for her hospitality (even if she is completely indifferent towards him).
#3 Capricorn
 Capricorn is a wolf of the zodiac, her sign being Capricorn of course. The zodiac wolves are sort of little gods. All of the wolves can be summoned by a specific family line, and each are most connected to those born under their sign. Capric spends most of her time in the zodiac lands, unless she is needed. She tends to be fond of Taurus and is close to Libra.
Day #3 Nicky Amos
Nicky Amos
- Loves being a guard, no matter what the task
- Always carries a clip board to keep track of his daily tasks and write down notes for his reports
- Has government-approved electronic device* that is always clipped to his belt; he uses it to keep time, track the weather, and get updates on “the gameâ€
- He checks his device like a nervous tick
- Supporting character in Thomas sub-plot
- *PDAs, computers, cellular phones and similar technology are banned and illegal in this future society. The general public is back to using paper and mostly analogue devices. Only the government IS authorized to use higher technology. It helps them regulate and control the public.
#3 Carter Jennings – Murderer
Murderer. Unfortunately, the murderer displayed has asked me to take his image down due to his current trial involving several “yet to be proven” murders for which he is associated with. Also, he has no sense of humor.
#2 – Minoson
A demon who ensures winning in all things. Naturally, he’s not used to losing. At all. So when he does lose a bet to Zagam, he suspects foul play. In his latest bet, he is determined to catch Zagam in the act so he can then end him.
#3 Allana, High Gardensmith
Allana was a lackadaisical attendant of the Arcane Academy. Although she was born with the Gift, she never had any real interest in magic and enrolled as a gardensmith solely because she heard that it was a low-homework major. A few years later, she’s down a couple of digits but has really found her niche in her profession. She’ll be graduating soon with top honors and her work will certainly prove invaluable in it’s contributions to reagent harvesting in general.
Day #3- Spore Spirit
The Spore Spirit- a wily critter who’s spite is just as venomous as the mushrooms that grow on it’s back.
They are genderless and reproduce via mushroom spores. Near the end of their lives, the mushrooms in their back begin to take over their bodies until they become immobilized. The mushrooms decompose their bodies until where they once lay is nothing but a huge clump of venomous spores. These spores, left undisturbed, eventually burst and reveal a “newborn” Spirit.
Most of the Spirits sense when this process is beginning, and use the last of their days to travel to the secret Spore grounds, where they can carry out their “reproduction” in peace. Those who do not make it are often interrupted by human and animal activity during the process of trying to reproduce and fail to successfully complete the process.
Character 2 – Rodrigo the Were-Chupacabra
Supernatural romance seems to be all the rage these days, especially with teenagers (or teenagers at heart) who either love sparkly vampires or slutty vampires or slutty Anna Paquin. For me, this is good news because this means an opportunistic vulture like me can try to cash in on the craze because I love money. I love money.
Rodrigo is a dreamy, sexy Latin lover man who works as a farm hand in the hot, sweaty swamps of Florida. In said swamps while working hard on the farm, he often takes his shirt off, baring his glistening muscles in the sun for any and all to see. Did I mention he was sexy? He’s sexy. Ladies. Rodrigo, however, harbors a terrible secret…by the light of the moon, he turns from a large, beefy man with rippling abs and flowing waves of hair to a hideous creature! Half man! Half CHUPACABRA! (goat-sucker for uninitiated). Did I say he was hideous? I lied. He just grows a couple of silly ears, his eyes go black, and he gets fangs. He’s otherwise just as hot and foxy. Ladies.
[Side note: Google image search isn’t all that helpful when finding a Chupacabra for reference. These things can look like anything from a fangy tarsiers to a bug thing. So, he’s a half-chupacabra. Just go with it!]
Anyway, being a farm hand around livestock all day is tremendous temptation for Rodrigo, a poor, Latin immigrant who sweats shirtlessly through the day. Did I mention he was sexy? Things become more complicated when a young goat-herding woman on the farm (or man, depending on what you people are into) finds herself falling for Rodrigo and his sweaty, Latin sexiness.
Golden ideas, people. I take Paypal, and Square payments.
#3 – Louise Smith
Louise was always a quiet girl, always kept to herself. When the plague came and swept across her city, she was asleep in her bed. When she awoke she had no idea where everyone else was. There were skeletons in her house and in the streets, and she couldn’t figure out why she was left behind. Unsure what to do, she goes about her routine as she did in life, waiting for some sort of resolution and in turn wallowing in her fear and anger, until one day she hears someone open her front door…
(urg, totally failed trying to do the effect I wanted, blar.)
#2 Father Heffernan
Once, Father Heffernan had a crisis of faith. This was before he took up the reins of his modest congregation in their modest Pittsburgh borough. They could hardly guess at his sordid past, his doubt. And even if they did, who could blame him? God gave man free will, and sometimes that meant mistakes. Father Heffernan took responsibility for his.
He was ashamed, however, that his faith had returned only in the face of the sort of hardship that could only come from Hell itself. Was it faith anymore if one possessed irrefutable proof that He exists? Maybe not. But Father Heffernan had faith not only that God exists, but also that His grace would carry Father Heffernan through this dark time, as He had many times before. No other power could have held his hand through a loveless childhood, a turbulent adolescence. Of that, Father Heffernan was sure.
The kettle whistled, a shrill scream. Father Heffernan watched as the vile creature – he called it a demon, though it named itself Amon – moved to the hotplate and lifted the kettle away from the heat; its scream died. He poured two cups, each with a bag of Father Heffernan’s favorite tea. Aromatic steam filled the air, enough to cover Amon’s sulfurous stench.
Father Heffernan knew it would do little good, but he pleaded with Amon anyway. Have mercy.
“Please. This is what I do,” Amon said. Father Heffernan felt the icy voice on his teeth.
Father Heffernan might’ve struggled harder than ever, had he not become so weary. Amon had waited until Heffernan was too tired to resist before he made clear his real, terrible intentions. “You still have a little time to pray, or whatever it is you need to do,” Amon continued. “Prepare yourself. The first time is always the hardest, if you’ll pardon the cliche.”
The demon drew a handful of berries out of a pocket, squeezed them into pulp. Father Heffernan tried to stop him, but his limbs would not respond. Amon stirred the mixture into one teacup, a pleased smile on his face. “Nightshade,” he said. “Belladonna. Poetic, I think.”
By the time the deadly poisonous fruit had vanished into the dark tea, Father Heffernan was praying harder than he ever had. English, Latin, even a little Coptic, which he’d picked up at seminary. If he had a crucifix to hand he’d have brandished it at Amon. But he could only ask God, Stop this. Prevent what I cannot.
There was a knock at the door. Amon opened it.
“Good afternoon, Father,” said Angela. She was young, eighteen, about to leave for college in a matter of weeks. Though Father Heffernan had never entertained a lecherous thought in his life, he knew that many of the young men of the church considered her exceptionally attractive. “You wanted to see me?”
Run, Father Heffernan shouted. You are in danger!
“Yes, dear, come in,” Amon said from behind Father Heffernan’s eyes. “Tea?”
Day 2: Joey
He apparently lives in the apartment downstairs from me and enjoys Oreos just as much as I.
#3 Rawr
Flump’s evil nemesis, Rawr. Rawr stole the plans for Flump’s jet pack and made his own. Rawr also does his best to cause havoc and generally annoy Flump and his friends.
#3 Jude Stover
Jude has to earn the approval of a practiced witch in order to become an apprentice and eventually an Initiate herself.
#1: Han’neesh Cult Leader
The Han’neesh are a civilization of mutants who have grown adept to living underneath the sweltering heat of the desert sun, one of the few tribes who can bear it. Their culture is largely ethnoreligious, meaning much of the things they do and believe are very much tied to their race. While not believing in a god specifically, they do worship the elements to some small extent, and they have plenty of practices which help keep people sated and working well with one another.
However, there are those who have splintered off into their own group, centered around a single leader who has portrayed herself as nothing short of an Earthly Goddess. At one time, she merely sought a power grab which she could not have attained via the “official” means, but over the years, she began buying her own cult of personality, and as such, believes herself immortal.
#3 Alysson Twotrees
Alysson Twotrees
Life on the reservation is hard, and Alysson Twotrees is just a quiet deputy trying to do her part to improve her community. What no one knows, though, is that Alysson is also the chosen shaman of Anashi, the Sun Mother. Blessed with superhuman powers by the bright Goddess, Alysson can rise to protect her tribe, when she must, but she would rather serve with her badge, her tenacity and her quiet strength.
#3 – Bogrüll Bandit
Name: Bogrüll Medic
Species: Bogrülls
Description: On Day 3, our SFX-2000, after investigating the hospital found on Day 2, heard some chaos and noise from a building that looks like a bank. Still cloaked, our unit investigated and found that aweful Bogrüll, who was actually robbing that bank. The Bandit left the location in a hurry, after grabbing a bag of sausages from a Bogrüll Bank Client….
#30Characters Chatter…