Day Three – Mystic

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

No, she isnt a Sonic character, she just sorta took on the look I suppose.

She is the spirit of fire, as it is her element. Considering her color scheme.

She is also worshiped by people and holds the rings on her body that are sacred to them.

Category: Manga

About the Author () Uh. Im a total noob to this place so please dont yell at me if I do something wrong...;; Perhaps kindly correct me? Im not sure...*timid* But anyways! Im a sixteen year old girl hoping to get through this all the way! Ive wanted to find something like this for quite awhile~! So wish me luck! OH! Im also a complete anime artist. So you will be seeing many sexy men lol. Unless I actually come up with a girl. Haha!

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