# 3 – Beboa
Beboa is a Martian with telepathic abilities. Officially, he is the Martian Ambassador to our solar system. Unofficially, he works with his other planetary friends to protect earth from a loose coalition called “Creatures.” Beboa is six foot seven, but projects a calm demeanor. However, he can defend his friends and himself quite forcefully when needed. He is a competent musician on the Martian pelthor, a stringed instrument.
<Creator comments: a telepathic Martian? Really? How imaginative of me. On the other hand, I think it is interesting that his clothing resembles the Starfleet uniform from ST:TWOK.>
[In 1974, at the age of 12, I drew a series of “comic books” detailing the adventures of Merrill, a 15-year-old human boy, in the Other Land, an invisible dimension which co-exists with our own. The characters I am submitting throughout the 30 Days are the inhabitants of the Other Land.]