“…and so Zar Karut, once the most revered and honored of all archmages of the realm of Baymaere, did broker deals with the old and ancient beings that once ruled this land, and was thereby transformed into an undead lich of dark and evil powers. Â Thus, the five realms were forced to come together to make war with and, after years of struggle, defeat this new enemy, but at great cost to all, which signalled the end of the Third Great Age of mankind in this world…” Â — from the diary of Ignatius Peel, grand chancellor of Baymaere (5760-5783)
Tags: High fantasy, horror
Category: 2011, Fantasy, Horror
Andrew Dowdell lives in suburban New York with his wife Allison and two dogs. Though he currently works in a restaurant, he hopes someday to leave behind the world of customer service to write for a living.
In college, Andrew wrote, directed and produced several theatrical productions, where he perfected the art of writing about himself in the third-person. He is currently working to hone his skills as a comic book scriptwriter. For the past few years, he has spent his time trying to keep tabs on the convoluted structure and continuity of the DC Universe, posting articles on both his blog and at Comic Related. He's not sure how, but his sanity has remained intact.
He came across this whole 30 Character Challenge and figured that it would be a good way to spark his creativity. Please feel free to post any questions, comments, thoughts and job offers. Emphasis on the “job offers†part…