#2 Rhyclops
Dr. Ryan Ceros aka Rhyclops is the founder of the Rhinocereye Institute for Ophthalmological Rhinocerotidae Studies, inventor of the Cycloptic Animal Transmatter Shooter or C.A.T.S. (he’s currently looking for a more rhino inclined acronym), and pun aficionado. C.A.T.S. can shoot any number of animals housed in its DNA cartridge. Ryan has yet to find a valid reason to shoot kittens at his enemies however.
Wow, I love this. Cracks me up too.
exactly the kind of hero this world needs
This is wicked! Completely original concept!
The blurb made me laugh, and the concept is definitely attention-getting. I’d love to see this become a comic, if only because I want to see what his arch-nemesis would look like. Also, kitten-related adventures.
Hilarious! Love your characters so far. Can’t wait to see what’s coming next.
This is great! Love the combination here 😀
Very clever. I am impressed by the originality.
Why is this and “Scott n Snot”, not a monthly comic books? This is too good, looking forward to tomorrow’s awesomness.
I can’t wait for day 4’s because the first 3 are so fantastic. This one’s my favorite!