#1 Winter
Name: Winter
Alias: Lady Winter, Mistress of Keys
Affiliation: Uknown
Hair Color: Light Brown with platinum fox tails
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5′ 6″
Weight: Ask her
Background: Winter has been seen roaming the lands. It is rumored she spent some time in the court of the Goblin Lords. There it is said she was called Lady Winter and given the mantle Mistress of Keys. No one knows how so acquired her ominous black eyes or where she came from. The one thing they can tell you is she searches for her sister’s soul.
(Really need a scanner, this camera added some funky colors to white paper)
“No one knows how so acquired her ominous black eyes or where she came from. The one thing they can tell you is she searches for her sister’s soul.”
Love this bit, she has potential, very cool.