#1 The Elder

| November 1, 2011 | 6 Comments

The chosen chief of a band of post-human tribes-people. As the leader, his costume, only slightly different from the typical dress of his people, is adorned with ancient relics, such as cellular phones, music players and pens. Their insides have been emptied for their components, but their exteriors retain symbolic value, a reminder of the old gods who ravaged the landscape, far before the coming of the dark times.

The chief has the experience and the knowledge of years behind him, and he has seen much that has made him doubt the mysticism of his predecessors. His privileged access to the wireless databases, the “realm of spirits” has shown him much about the final days of the human order. Yet he is also tired, and maintaining the current status quo is all he feels he can do to, keep his protégés from repeating the errors of the past.


This character has unfolded into an entire setting, to my pleasant surprise! I suspect that quite a few more of my 30 characters will fit into the story of these techno-nomads.






Category: Scifi

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Comments (6)

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  1. The Mariner says:

    First of all, the color palette is great. It has an apocalyptic, Hellboy-esque feel that I think really works for your premise. The robe is also done, and creates and distinct form for the character. But it’s the facial expression that gets me; gaunt, serious, determined but perhaps unsure. Great character!

  2. Big Mike says:

    Cool. I dig the style & the colors.

  3. G says:

    Those heavy shadows reminds me if something Mignola would do. I looked through your tumblr, impressive stuff you got there. Nice work!

  4. That’s lovely, it definetly captures a mood. I’m a fan of this piece, looking forward to your other designs throughout the month.

  5. Canterel says:

    Thank you very much!

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