#1 Phoen
Little more than a mid-level burner, Phoen is a lonely emissary of the star-torn world of Charn. Her soft amber flame denoted her as a glorified messenger, and she had resolved herself with her fate until the off-worlder pushed her towards more…She didn’t seek more. She never wanted to arouse the blues or purples. Attracting their attention never ended well for ambers.
I’m sad that no one else has commented, because this is just beautiful, and the little hint of her story-background makes it even more lovely.
Thanks much! I’ll add more as I post new characters
don’t want to give away names of others and how they interact, just yet…
Once again…Mr. Govar bursts right out of the gate with a freaking knock out. Amazing work (as per).
Thanks, Eric! I appreciate it
This one caught my eye right off! Love the lighting. Liquid Gold!
<3 It!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you! Liquid gold – I guess that was pretty much what I was going for. Inspired by a masquerade mask a friend made.
Holy…! That shading, just, whoooa. Love it, and the taste of the background story as well!
Thanks BV
hopefully the next few will be as good
I promise to expand the story on Phoen as we go…
“Little more than a mid-level burner” – you really know how to build a girl’s confidence Dan. I wouldn’t turn my nose up! As always, etc
Ha! Thanks Mike