#1 Phoen

| November 1, 2011 | 10 Comments

2011 Phoen - Daniel Govar

Little more than a mid-level burner, Phoen is a lonely emissary of the star-torn world of Charn. Her soft amber flame denoted her as a glorified messenger, and she had resolved herself with her fate until the off-worlder pushed her towards more…She didn’t seek more. She never wanted to arouse the blues or purples. Attracting their attention never ended well for ambers.

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Category: 2011, Fantasy, Scifi

About the Author ()

Co-creator of RELAUNCH, AZURE for DC Comics, Artist on GRIMM for Dynamite, Marvel storyboarder, illustrator of books and covers, concept artist, creative director... Boxer owner.

Comments (10)

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  1. PlotholeTsi says:

    I’m sad that no one else has commented, because this is just beautiful, and the little hint of her story-background makes it even more lovely.

  2. Eric White says:

    Once again…Mr. Govar bursts right out of the gate with a freaking knock out. Amazing work (as per).

  3. Felistorm says:

    This one caught my eye right off! Love the lighting. Liquid Gold! 😀 <3 It!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Brainvomit says:

    Holy…! That shading, just, whoooa. Love it, and the taste of the background story as well!

  5. Michael Perridge says:

    “Little more than a mid-level burner” – you really know how to build a girl’s confidence Dan. I wouldn’t turn my nose up! As always, etc 🙂

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