2011 Challenger: Daniel Govar (saulone)
Hrm – let’s see, I guess the best thing to say is that art rules my life. Well, art and my dog – he keeps me in line most of the time. I work on comics I want to work on these days, and do commissions daily. I do book covers and magazine and novel interiors. Over the past 2 years I’ve been doing comic conventions – about 10 or so a year – mostly on the east coast, but I plan to add Emerald City and perhaps one of the other west coast cons to my list this coming year. I created a comic that you can find on Comixology and DC Comics Apps called AZURE and I created a website of Tolkien love called ThereAndBackAgain.net. I post art almost every day – seriously, and have the world’s greatest boxer named Sandor.
If you follow my tweets I may be drinking and I may be drawing – at the same time. 😐 To find out more about me check out my personal site: http://www.danielgovar.com and my DeviantArt page: http://saulone.deviantart.com/
I also designed the look and feel for THIS site and the templates you are hopefully going to be using to post your stuff 🙂 I’m a 2 time challenger and 2 time finisher (ok, that sounded bad…). Check out my past 30 characters love here: http://www.30characters.com/author/dan_govar/
Gents and ladies – start your engines and good luck!
Category: Participants
May your awesomeness know no bounds buddy! This is too easy for you 🙂
Hey Mike! Ha! I dunno about easy…If you saw my workload… Shoot me a note if you want to collaborate on one!
Hey Dan! Looking forward to seeing this year’s designs.
Hey Niki! You’re in this year? Awesome! Looking forward to seeing yours as well 🙂
Welcome back man! Good to see you in here to raise the bar for everybody. Also, more clothing/fabric/metals/textures for me to study. Yay!
Ha ha! Well glad to be doing it again man. Looking forward to yours as well, Joe!
I was wondering if you were going to join in. Awesome!
Always, man 🙂 Looking forward to it, and to seeing what you come up with. Shoot me a note if you’d like to collab on one!
Can’t wait to see what you come up with this year, dude. Kick some ass!