2011 Challenger – Casey Shaffer
Hi y’all! Name’s Casey.
I’m in my last year at The Art Institute of Phoenix, in the Media Arts & Animation program. I harbor a love-hate relationship with animation as my true passion is illustration. I’m also fiddling around with an original story but I’m not sure if I want to make it an actual book or go the graphic novel route.
I hope to experiment with a lot of different genres and character types. Character design is something I really love doing. This is my first time doing this challenge and I’m going to try my best to see it through to the end.
I have a website (gonna revamp in the near future but it’s still up now!), a deviantart, and a Tumblr sketchblog.
I look forward to doing this and I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with! 😀
Category: 2011, About, Participants