Archive for October 30th, 2011

2011 Challenger: Blake M. Petit

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Greetings, all. I’m Blake M. Petit, author who cannot draw a straight line with a ruler, and I’m going to give this a go. One of my primary writing projects is a series of interconnected novels and short stories (and hopefully, someday, comic books) set in a superhero universe, and while my main characters are already pretty heavily fleshed out, this sounded like a great chance to develop a stable of background characters to further populate my universe. And who knows, if I like any of them enough, maybe they’ll step forward into the spotlight sooner or later. I’ll be presenting each of my characters not as artwork, but in a sort of “case files” edition written by one of my preexisting characters who’s keeping tabs on other heroes and villains turning up in his universe.

And I’ll actually be doing this project simultaneously with NaNoWriMo, where I’ll be tackling a new novel in my superhero universe. Clearly, I’ve lost my mind. But with any luck, this project will help feed that one.

2011 Challenger: Timmy Wood

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

I am a comedian and I am going to give this thirty characters thing a shot. Since my drawing skills are limited I will be writing the characters. Also since I spend a lot of time watching old sitcoms there is a chance that six of these characters might just be rip offs of the family from Mr. Belvedere, just the family though!

You can follow me on twitter at!/TimmyWood


2011 Challenger: Ali Colluccio

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Bonjour! So, I’m Ali (or WonderAli around the interwebz). After two attempts at #NaNoWriMo, I thought #30Characters might be more my speed. I spend most of my time reading comics, talking about comics, or tweeting about comics. I’m great with starting things, but not so much with the finishing. And my favorite stories are about true love and high adventure.

Anyways, I’m entering as a writer with the plan of doing my character bios as journal entries from either the characters themselves or a character they interact with. But I’m sure you’ll get a few straight prose bios in a pinch. Hopefully there will be stick figures, too.

Good luck everyone!!

2011 Challenger: Sarah Seekins

| October 30, 2011 | 1 Comment

Hello! I’m Sarah Seekins, better known as Lychee on the interwebs.

I participated last year, however I did not actually bother to sign up through here- I just made characters and slapped them on my Tumblr. I only got about 10 of them done before I got off track. If I can beat that number this year I’ll be happy, (But all 30 would be even better!)

I like to draw and design characters just for fun or for RP, but I would like to design them for games. I have a degree in game development that I haven’t yet put to good use. Maybe I’ll make a little indie adventure game with all these characters.

My art blog is here.

Good luck everyone!

Hrmmm, not sure how this works, ooooh, people.

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Right, I have no idea if I’m doing this thing right, but here goes;

I’m a twenty year old wage-slave and aspiring writer from the Netherlands, which some of you might be more familiar with as Holland, but that’s all LIES.
For the past one-and-a-half month or so me and a friend have been working on a fantasy setting.
My personal intention is to write a serialized e-novel, published in bite-sized chunks every week on the interwebs. Along with building the general outline of the world, I’ve also been busy with specific characters that will be relevant in the aforemention serialized story. I’ve finished pretty much half of the characters now, but still have a large portion left to be done. My attention was directed to this place, so I decided to take on the challenge in an effort to motivate myself to finally finish what I started.
I’m also attempting NaNoWriMo this year, so the characters I’ll be making will be used pretty much immediately.

2011 Challenger: Jenny Mure

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hey there! I’m Jenny, a 17 year old sixth form student from England, currently studying Art and Music Technology. I’m a traditional artist, working mainly in watercolours and promarkers.

I’ve been creating my own characters since I was 7 and I find it really enjoyable to do, thinking up what other people’s lives would be like, what their society is. Despite all this, and despite the hundreds (literally hundreds) of characters I’ve come up with in the past, I’ve never actually been able to write down a story for them, though I’ve always had fairly disjointed ideas in my head. I’m aiming to make a cast of characters from the same universe for this challenge.

Looking forwards to it!!

2011 Challenger: Zachary Turnipseed

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hi! I’m Zack, otherwise known as Anderjak.

As my profile states, I’m a recent graduate at UTD, moving on to either enter preproduction in storyboarding or character design, OR put out my very own small number of various comic book projects.

I’ve tried a few of these challenges and, for one reason or another, responsibilities always get in the way. Blame it on bad timing or unfortunate circumstance — or just plain laziness at times, if you’d like — but I’m always kicking myself for never finishing.

I’d like to finally get through one this year. This one APPEARS to be manageable, provided ideas come with some ease, but we’ll just see. Here’s to hoping.


| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

I just signed up for the challenge because i have a whole slew of ideas and characters i need to create to go with this planet i made up. c: Also, the art world could always use more sexy ladies!

But this account set up is kind of confusing.

2011 Challenger: Amanda Bateman

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello everyone. My name is Amanda, and this is my first time participating in the 30 Characters challenge. I am a graphic artist and an alumni of Edinboro University of Pennsylvania’s media arts program. As far as drawing goes, however, I’m mostly self-taught.

What can you expect from me? Probably a lot of creatures and monsters, maybe a few people! I take a lot of inspiration from video games, sci-fi and fantasy novels, comics, and my own personal experiences.

I hope you all enjoy my work, and I wish all the other participants the best of luck.

Josh and Maha

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

We (Josh and Maha) are a pair of design students from New Zealand who love making things up. We decided to try the 30 characters challenge as a team because we often create characters and stories together and this seemed like a good reason to put them on the internet! I (Josh) am the writer of the team and will be creating the character profiles and controlling our uploads while Maha will be drawing all our characters up!

Maha and I get most of our inspiration from Film, Comics and Music (specific I know) most of our big ideas come together during slow days in class.

2011 Challenger: Kelly Porteous

| October 30, 2011 | 1 Comment

Elven Wizard  Hello everyone!  I’m glad I managed to get signed on to participate this year, since last year I didn’t find out about the 30 character challenge until after it was over! Oops~

My name is Kelly (though most people call me Luna due to my old online handle ‘lunajile’) I’m a freelance artist, and costume designer/seamstress from Calgary, Canada, but what I’m really wanting to do is get one of my comic series off the ground.

Since is the first time I’ve been able to attempt this challenge, I’m probably just going to do a free-for-all for my designs, but maybe next year I will try a specific theme.

Special thanks to the Ladies Making Comics tumblr for posting the info or I might have missed it a second year in a row, and that just won’t do!

I do have a webpage and a deviantart if it interests anyone~ I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with and wish everyone the best! Let’s do it!!



Let’s get this done!

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hey guys. 😀 First year participant, checking in!

I’m a horrible tumblr addict, which is how I stumbled over this in the first place. Anyone want to form a little tumblr-support-network? Let me know! I was thinking about attempting a 30 page comic in 30 days, but this sounds a lot more manageable. Hopefully after this I’ll be looser and in a better place to start working on a more adventurous piece. Ready? I’m ready!

2011 Challenger: Arianna McCaul

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello internet I am Arianna McCaul and I love to draw I am currently in College (well high school in every other country but bluh) and I study most art subjects. When I leave school for Uni I will be studying Industrial design and Film so I can hopefully make it somewhere in the filming industry. Hopefully working for Weta Workshop and Marvel Studios as I am a special effects fanatic and a comic sponge.

This will be fun to do I look forward to it. I’ve just finished my Photography and Painting portfolios so I am looking for something to do over my summer break. And this must be it.

2011 Challenger: Ayla Souffront

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello, I’m Ayla. I just happened to stumble across this on tumblr and though I should give this ago. I never really done anything like this before and I thought this could just help me out. I really don’t draw or write, but I’ll try my best to doodle up some characters and get my creative juices flowing.

If you can’t tell, I’m a huge newb to anything on the internet.

Well, even if I fail, I’m going to have fun.

2011 Challenger: Kadi Fedoruk

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments



This arrived on my dashboard on Tumblr tonight, and I’m a sucker for anything character design-y!  I’m really looking forward to participating, and hopefully fleshing out some major characters from my as-of-yet-unproduced comic that I am working on (I say unproduced, but I AM in the midst of getting the first chapter roughs done, so IT’S ON ITS WAY)


I do have art school experience, graduated from Capilano College in 2008 and have sort of been floundering my way through life since then– I’ve ALMOST landed a number of jobs but uh.  Those don’t pay the bills.


I look forward to increasing my portfolio mass, beep boop!

2011 Challenger: James Green

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hey there. I’m James. I’m currently a graphic design student, but I love  writing, comic book art and fashion. However, I’ve never had mcuh chance to do any serious writing or design so far it feels like. Still, gotta stay postivie, I suppose. I haven’t been fortunate enough to have much in the way of art education (just a couple of classes so far), but I’m hoping that will change soon.

Well, anyway, I’ve never really done anything like this before, but I figured it could only help me. Hopefully I’ll manage to tough it out.

Also, I’ve never used this kind of site before, so, uh… please bear with me as I’m positive I’ll make an enormous amount of mistakes while posting here (sigh… I’m so inept). I’m still trying to get the hang of digital software too, so please be kind (I just bought my tablet last Friday…)

Funfact: I even had touble posting this introduction. This will be quite rough…

2011 Challenger: Faith Orcino

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello everyone.  I am Pitang, or Faith Orcino.  I am an amateur comic/manga artist.  I hope that this challenge will push me more artistically since I have had little formal training with my skills.  My friend who is a talented writer is usually the one produces many characters in the stories we make, but I want to take a chance and see what I can make from this jumbled brain of mine. I’ll probably be focusing mainly on superheroes, but we’ll see.

Here’s a sample of one of my comics that I publish in my school newspaper. For more of my art, feel free to check out my dA page. I wish everyone good luck and hope that everyone will make awesome characters!

2011 Challenger: Suenghee Brown

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello! My name is Suenghee Brown, but Sue is fine. I’m doing this as an art practice project. Usually, I can’t keep up with challenges as I lose interest, but this will keep me in check! Though I’ve been drawing since I was very small, just within the past year or so I’ve decided to take art seriously and continue on in the subject—hopefully to one day work as a professional artist. I use both traditional and digital media, and I hope this helps sharpen my skills. I am very much looking forward to working on this with all of you!

2011 Challenger: Kasey Rubenstein

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is me on a good day.

If there was an alarm in this challenge for newbies, I would probably set it off.

My name’s Kasey, I’m a fresh out of college film major harboring an intense obsession with stories and characters, especially those of the fantasy or superhero variety. Characters mill about in my head like free range chicken whether I like it or not, so when I saw all of the other talented, like-minded people participating in this month-long story-inducing extravaganza I figured “Well, why the hell not.”

I hope to thrill you all with an effort that involves little to no drawing… Although I am sorely tempted, my pitiful attempts at art often leave me with a deep depression that is the opposite of productive. Maybe I’ll do outfits. Maybe. Otherwise I’ll just stick with words.

Good luck to everyone in the month ahead!

2011 Challenger: Grant Pasies

| October 30, 2011 | 1 Comment

Well I’ve already signed up so it’s far too late for me to back out now

Hey, I’m Grant! Well, I’m not really Grant, but I’d rather post under a fake name than have to use my real one.

This is the first contest I’ve entered in like this, so I’m probably not going to be the best. I’m probably not even going to be moderately mediocre. However, I’ve recently felt like all my creative exploits have dried up and died, so I’m going to at least work hard at this to see if I can’t improve my skills.

I don’t always have access to a scanner, so I’m probably going to end up uploading these a week or so at a time. Hopefully I don’t have to, but I’m not expecting much.

I’m inspired by high fantasy, cyberpunk, magical girls, and sentai heroes. Since I can’t draw most of those well, it should be interesting.

Anyways yeah! Good luck everyone and don’t make me look too bad