Archive for October 26th, 2011
2011 Challenger: Xavier Galarza
I don’t normally like to write about myself, or particularly do very often, so I guess I wont. Â So yeah, I am going to be drawing some great characters (that come directly from my over active imagination).
2011 Challenger: Matthew D. Smith
Like some of the other people on this site, I was interested in entering the “30 Characters Challenge” previously, but talked myself out of it for whatever reason. I decided to bite the bullet and give it a shot this year.
Since 2007, I’ve been self-publishing comics that I’ve been writing or drawing. I’ve been fortunate in that time to meet some really great people who have been gracious enough to work on these projects with me. With David Simonton and Brad Jaskula, I work on the superhero comic, “The Adventurers of Liberty City”, and and oddity anthology called “Wichita Gravy”. I also worked on a series of mini-comics with Katie Omberg called “Suggestion Box” and the first 8 have been collected in two digests: “Tales From The Suggestion Box” and “Confessions From The Suggestion Box”. Just this past year, I wrote two horror graphic novels: “The Curse of Stranglehold” (with art by Melanie Florencio) and “Bee Sting” (with art by Jeremy Massie). I also released the first issue of a 10 issue slice-of-life series called “Simon Says”. It’s a drama/comedy following a group of high school kids in the mid 90s. The first issue features art by Desiree Pittman (her husband, Jason, supplied the cover), and I have a different artist lined up for future issues.
I figured the 30 character challenge would help me out in a lot of ways…there are several character ideas in my head for allies and villains in “The Adventurers of Liberty City”, ideas for characters to be featured in a “The Adventurers of Liberty City” spin-off, and some minor characters yet to be introduced in “Simon Says” I want to design. I have some other ideas in my head as well for characters that may find their way into “Wichita Gravy” or some mini-comics.
You can check out my stuff on-line at my blog:
2011 Challenger: Frank M Hansen
Hello. My name is Frank Hansen (FM Hansen). I am a professional cartoonist/illustrator & artist. I heard about this challenged last year after it had started and wanted to jump on it this year. I wanted to use it to put an extra fire under me to produce some character designs that are different, fun and push the boundaries about what a character design can be. The flexibility of this challenge is so wide open so it makes this possible.
Hopefully I can produce a few cool designs.
My main site is –
My comic site is –
2011 Challenger: Jon Parrish
You know, I’ve seen the ads for the 30 Characters Challenge and it always looked interesting. I always thought about entering, but things would happen and I would end up putting it off.
Not this year.
After seeing what everyone has done and been doing with this, I thought it would be a good time to start. I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone does.
I am currently living in Japan and working as an Assistant Language Teacher. I have been here for almost a year and a half. I am also working on a book that I hope will be out either by the end of this year or the beginning of the next one.
I’m a writer first and foremost, but I will try to include drawings when I can. Stick figures are okay, right?
Good luck to everyone and I hope that we can all make it to 30.
2011 Challenger: Trey Jackson
Here comes a new challenger!
What’s good, people? I’m a designer/illustrator, working on comics projects in the off time. I’m taking the challenge because:
a) it looks like fun,
b) it’s an excuse to draw every day, and
c) I want to work specifically on my character design skills.
I’m also looking forward to checking out everybody’s work.
The loose plan is to pull from the numerous scrawled names and castoff concepts I have hidden away in notebooks and text files, and fleshing them out with visuals and background. If any other ideas occur to me, I’ll probably follow some of those too. Been looking at public domain super heroes as well, recently. May mess with some of those if time allows.
Umm, I guess that’s it, you can see some of my work at my website. Here’s some art:
Sa da tay my damies!
2011 Challenger: Jamie Gambell
My name is Jamie Gambell and I am the writer of the comic book series, The Hero Code.
I’m also the creator/writer of the series, Omnitarium – the first volume of which was finished and released in 2010.
I currently live in LA with my wife and son, and work as a sound utility technician in film and television. The day job eats up a lot of time, and the few hours I have left over I like to spend with the family, which often means that I have to find extra time in the day for working on comic books. Because of this sleep and I have an arrangement, which I’m sure one day he will come to collect on!
The Hero Code series artist, Jonathan Rector, and I both agreed that it would be fun to do something with the 30 Characters challenge as a means of working out some of the cast of the series. As I type issue one has just seen print, but we’ve got so much story worked out and so many characters coming and going, that it seemed like a good idea to have a single place to work out the look of those characters.
I’m really looking forward to participating, having followed the previous two challenges, and to checking out other peoples work at the site.
Good luck everyone!
2011 Challenger: Don Urquhart
Hello, folks. I’m not sure why, but I seem to have taken a fourteen year hiatus from drawing. I’ve just recently re-discovered the joy of sitting down to put pencil to paper, and I’m hoping that the 30 character challenge will get me back in the habit of drawing every day.
I was initially introduced to the challenge by a work chum who had entered it last year. Every day I would check the site to see what he had submitted, but soon found myself checking out all the entries (it was a great way to start each dreary November day with coffee and pictures). The whole thing seemed like too much fun; I had to participate.
I’ll try to bring an even assortment of characters, but I have to admit that I have a soft spot for robots, monsters, and aliens. I’ll try various styles, although most of my offering will probably be in pencil.
I’m looking forward to checking out everyones work. Good luck.
2011 challenger : Jay Faulkner

Jay - Headshot
Hi there everyone, as you will no doubt have already gathered from the subject my name is Jay. I attempted this thing last year and even though I didn’t finish all 30 characters I LOVED Tyler’s concept for 30Characters so much that I have come back for more even though I am not an artist! 🙂
… I suppose, at best, I would be willing to call myself an enthusiastic sketcher who happens to have a degree in art but, being honest, never has (or makes) the time to draw in order to improve.
That could be because I work full-time as an IT Services Manager, teach two martial art classes, run two indy publishing ventures, write my own fiction and still try to at least let my wife and kids (two boys – Mackenzie who is 4 years old and Nathaniel who is 2 years old) remember who I am 😉
Excuses aside I fully intend to do better than last year and, to that end, will have a piece of creative fiction written for each of my 30 characters and (Flying Spaghetti Monster willing) also some artwork to go with each and everyone of them … that’s the plan, at least but I also planned to spend the last couple of weeks researching and plotting out my characters – instead I spent the last couple of weeks pretty ill with bronchitis and 10 days in hospital being helped to breathe.
Hey – plans, ey!? 😉
Anyhoo, same as last time the honest reason for taking part in 30Characters is pretty simple: to have fun. I don’t have a comic, I am not planning to pitch for a comic, I am not thinking about going back to art full-time. I’m just here to put some of the ideas spinning around in my head down onto paper and see what they look like. I am pretty sure that they will be (mostly, at least) super-hero based, though I ‘may’ attempt to sketch out some of the characters from current and upcoming stories too.
If you want you can find out more by visiting
For now though, and try to put something ‘arty’ into this introduction (as well as steal a phrase from all good kid’s TV shows) you can see some of my artistic attempts here – – and, to whet your appetite, here are some sketches that I made ‘earlier’ 🙂
The next two images were created for Martin Eden, creator/owner of Spandex (, for a month long theme he called ‘Japandex’. In his own words this was “To celebrate the Spandex team’s trip to Tokyo in issue 2, Spandex creator Martin organised ‘Japandex’, a very special online gallery of Japanese-related art – with a Spandex twist!! The artwork was provided by some of the UK’s top artistic talent and debuted in June 2010. You can see it all here:
My contribution was my ‘take’ on Neon and Glitter, inspired by traditional Japanese images:
2011 Challenger: hwang
Hi guys
my name is Huang Chenyang – or hwang for short
I’m from Singapore and is trying out this challenge for the first time
you can find comics i draw on
tks and cheers
- captain amercia fanart
2011 challenger : Joe Lynch
Hiya, my name is Joe Lynch, and I’m a wine rep from Australia.
Hopefully this challenge will give me something to do at work between taking calls at work. I heard about it last year but was too late to participate….so I’m actually pretty excited about giving it a try this year 🙂
I’m writing this post from my iPad so I can’t really upload any images….But I can be found at
I have a lot of characters to flesh out for something I’m working on. This is going to be a great outlet!
2011 Challenger: Sharon Jacob
Hello everyone!
My name is Sharon, I’m from India, and I’m a BFA student by day and freelance illustrator by night..
I’ve always been interested in character design and illustration.. I hope to finish this challenge and see if I can get some portfolio pieces out of it too! I don’t have a theme as such, but I hope to experiment with a different media and styles.. Looking forward to meeting new artists and seeing your work! 🙂
You can also find me on blogger :
and Deviantart :Â
#30Characters Chatter…