2011 Challenger: Harold C. Jennett III
I did this challenge last year, and dropped out about 1/3 of the way through. It wasn’t a total washout though, as it gave me some characters I’m using for my upcoming OGN.
My previous work is all indie stuff: M.I.M.E.S., Geek Syndicate: The Comic, and Creative Compassion: Shelter, a black and white anthology I’m putting together to raise money for the homeless. My future project will be an original graphic novel titled “Good Night Captain Might”. It’s a mixture of “Astro City” and a Bruce Timm cartoon. It is being c0-written by the amazing Steeven Orr. You can check out his writing HERE.
You can check out my art at haroldjennett.wordpress.com Here are a few examples of my work (both featuring “Shadow Fox”, a character I created in last years “30 Character Challenge”):
Category: 2011, About, Participants
Diggin’ your style man. And that Captain Might/Shadow Fox page looks sweet. I’m drooling in anticipation of reading it.
Aw, thanks man!