Archive for October 21st, 2011
2011 Challenger: Sam Medina
Hey there!
I’m an artist and writer living in the Toronto area, and I heard about the Challenge from the stylish G.R. of Internal Hero and the incredibly productive Barry Linck of Phineus:Magician for Hire, and since I’ve got a novel in the works and need to populate it with characters, this seemed like it would be fun and helpful. Some of them will be serious fantasy characters, and more than a few will be new characters for my next webcomic story Jake the Evil Hare: Mostly Dead. You can expect (I hope) some very cool characters for the fantasy work, and some very silly ones for Jake the Evil Hare. 🙂
You can see my work at and
2011 Challenger: Jason Pruett
I am a character designer and illustrator living in the LA area. I heard about the challenge and it seemed like a fun thing to be a part of. Some things you can expect during November . . . hmm . . we’ll see. Maybe some star wars characters, maybe some animals, what ever it is, it’ll be cartoony and fun. You can see more of my work at
2011 Challenger: Aaron Goldy
I quit drawing in high school and only picked it back up a few years ago. To facilitate my attempt to climb the learning curve I launched a website and started this wonderful idea that’s completely original to me called the 30 Days Project in which I draw one piece on a specific topic every day for 30 days. This will actually be my tenth 30 Days series, and my second 30 Days of Characters.
Concurrent with my pursuit of the arts I quit my soul-sucking, cubicle-dwelling IT job and my wife and I began traveling. In the past year we have lived in Los Angeles CA, Tucson AZ, Port Charlotte FL, Boston MA, and Ann Arbor MI. If we’re really lucking I’ll be completing most of the 30 Characters Challenge from somewhere in Hawaii.
2011 Challenger Dan Nokes
Dan Nokes was up until this decade thought to be some sort of old wives tale or urban myth! When not wandering the woodland landscape of Lusby, Maryland in search of Arizona Green Tea and stalking his native prey at the local fast food establishment (Mmmm! Roy Roger’s Roast Beef!) he is hard at work on his one man band creator owned publishing house brainchild: 21ST CENTURY SANDSHARK STUDIOS! This imprint has to date put out a Super Hero Graphic Novel (The Reptile and Mister Amazing 2002) A 12 issue fantasy epic (The Paranormals 2003-2008) A three issue western tale (The Pistoleers 2008-2010) and is currently working on the second and final volume of his dystopian masterpiece (Adam and Eve: Bizarre Love Triangle in The Zombie Apocalypse 2011-2012) He is also illustrating Nick Davis’s upcoming Children’s book UNCONDITIONAL: A Teddy Bear’s Tale! Future projects include his science fiction comedy romp that asks the question WHAT IF HARVEY PEKAR HAD A CRACK AT HITCHHIKERS GUIDE? The answer: IMPOSSIBLE SPACE TALES OF THE LAST PITT STOP. Also he plans to return to his first project’s characters with THE REPTILE AND MISTER AMAZING: THE RETURN OF KAT CARSON! For more on what the man is up to go to
2011 Challenger: David Bednarski
My name, as the title implies, is David Bednarski. I am a comic art fan and creator, at the “hobbyist†level as my day job involves biotech research. I love to create new characters and concepts, as my deviantART page can attest. I participate in the semi-weekly Whitechapel remake/remodel thread and similar redesign forums.
I was directed to this challenge by someone who saw my ever expanding collection of characters, including a large number inspired by a random name generator that I put together to help me get through idea-less periods and to generally help get my creativity flowing. Doubtlessly, I will create a few characters in this challenge with names generated by this tool.
I’ve had this grandiose idea for a comic universe in my head for a while that I will attempt to breathe life into during the thirty days of the challenge and maybe, if things go according to plan, flesh out a story of sorts in the character descriptions. I know, I know… why not make a difficult challenge even more harder for myself?  I am looking forward to the challenge and to seeing what everyone creates!
2011 Challenger: Jesse Kiefer
Hey everyone, this may end up sounding like a horrible bachelor intro off of the dating game but… here goes nothing!
My name is Jesse Kiefer , I’m a full time Elementary Art teacher and a martial arts instructor (hence the sword in my pic…) in Fremont, NE. With my free time I do some work as a freelance illustrator. I have also tried my hand at various webcomic projects off and on for the last 5 years, with my most recent project being Tank-Monkey.
I was inspired to sign-up for the 30 Characters Challenge after meeting some former participants and seeing how positive everyone has been about the work created. It seemed like a fun online environment to create within.
My goal is to create and develop characters for my current projects but I’m going to leave myself open to new ideas regardless of whether they fit anywhere or not. I’m really excited to meet new people and see new things, and I am chomping at the bit to get started.
I also like moonlit strolls on the beach, and champagne by candlelight.
2011 Challenger: Justin Stewart
My name is Justin and I’m a cartoonist/designer living in Kentucky. I’m participating in 30Characters as way to challenge myself creatively and just get some stuff down on paper. There’s a ton of ladies, dudes, monsters, robots and beings of questionable origin running around in my head so I believe it’s time to let them live, for good or for ill.
Feel free to check my stuff out at or
2011 Challenger: Rich Douek
My name’s Rich Douek, and I’m a comic writer. I recently completed my first self-published work, Gutter Magic, and got some experience marketing and selling it at NYCC. In addition to my comics work, I’m also a graphic deisnger and copywriter at an ad agency in NYC. Writing comics was a long-held dream of mine, and I’m psyched to be finally doing it. Anyway, I’m looking forward to taking on the challenge – definitely going to be brainstorming some characters that might show up in later volumes of Gutter Magic, and some that are completely seperate.

Cover for the NYCC debut of Gutter Magic
2011 Challenger: Micah Weltsch
Hello, everyone! I’m Micah Weltsch. I’m a web developer from Manhattan, Kansas, and this is my second run at the 30 Characters Challenge. Last year, I made it to 17 characters, but this year I’m ready to take the reins again. My pictures were all over the place last year. I did some art for my then-comic, Metamorphosis. I did assorted random art across multiple genres, and I dealt mostly with traditional art.
This year, I’m working on a new webcomic concept called Djinnborn. I’ve been keeping a development blog that provides a behind-the-scenes look at my world- and story-building process. I am going to use 30 Characters to develop a broad supporting cast for my comic. My intent is to create a range of characters that I can pull from when I need to flesh out a scene. It will also give me the opportunity to refine some of my cultural and visual design concepts.
I look forward to meeting and interacting with you all. Last year, I made some great connections and I hope for more this year.
In addition to my website, you can also find me on Twitter and Google Plus. If you add me on G+, drop me a line to let me know who you are. I’ve gotten a lot of adds from a lot of random people lately and I’d hate to miss a Challenger because I didn’t recognize him or her!
Finally, here’s a picture of me from the Kansas City Renaissance Festival from a couple weeks ago! The griffon hatchling’s name is Catfood.
2011 Challenger: Harold C. Jennett III
I did this challenge last year, and dropped out about 1/3 of the way through. It wasn’t a total washout though, as it gave me some characters I’m using for my upcoming OGN.
My previous work is all indie stuff: M.I.M.E.S., Geek Syndicate: The Comic, and Creative Compassion: Shelter, a black and white anthology I’m putting together to raise money for the homeless. My future project will be an original graphic novel titled “Good Night Captain Might”. It’s a mixture of “Astro City” and a Bruce Timm cartoon. It is being c0-written by the amazing Steeven Orr. You can check out his writing HERE.
You can check out my art at Here are a few examples of my work (both featuring “Shadow Fox”, a character I created in last years “30 Character Challenge”):
2011 Challenger: Drezz Rodriguez
Howdy folks – my name is Drezz and I’m the author of a modern noir online graphic novel (OGN) called El Cuervo. I’ve been a professional illustrator, graphic designer and creative director for the last 12 years, but my true passion lies in creating independent comics. In addition to my daily duties, I’m also the newest member of the Webcomic Alliance where I am the latest addition on their Webcomic Workshop podcast and a feature columnist, writing tutorial articles twice monthly.
I was intrigued by the 30 Characters Challenge last year, but couldn’t commit to the time. This year, with plenty of preparation, I am going to give it the ol’ College try and use this as a working platform for developing characters for an upcoming strip I’m planning on releasing in the new year – something that is a complete deviation from the dark and gritty world I’ve created with El Cuervo.
I’m looking forward to working on this new project, and the 30 Characters Challenge will definitely motivate me to reach that goal. I’m also looking forward to seeing the work of all the participants who signed up – I hope everyone can complete the challenge!
You can find me at:
Twitter: @ElCuervoComic
My Google+
#30Characters Chatter…