2011 Challenger: G. Brett Williams

| October 19, 2011 | 1 Comment




Almost three years ago I began blogging about comic books.  Comics have always been my favorite storytelling medium and I’ve always wanted to write them.  Unfortunately, the forces of ennui and general twenty-something misanthropy conspired to keep me from doing anything significant with my pen for a long time.  Then something lit a proverbial fire under my butt and started Surfing the Bleed, a resource for creators trying to break into the industry.  Surfing the Bleed has since morphed into PING! Mother Box PING!, but the mission is still the same: create a testimonial for new creators attempting to break into the industry.

I’m a writer and just a writer.  Most of you out there who write but don’t pencil probably understand that being a writer who doesn’t draw in this industry is a lot like being a lead singer who doesn’t play guitar.  You might have a lot to bring to the band, but that guy who knows how to play guitar thinks he can do your job just as well as you can.  So  I pick up what I can as a journalist and do the best networking I can, waiting for something to break.

Tyler and I have followed each other on Twitter since almost the first day I joined.  Between his enthusiasm and my friend (and comics success story) Jamie Gambell’s nudging, I decided to take a stab at this year’s 30 Characters.  You won’t be seeing much other than description from me, as my illustration skills are particularly loathsome, but I couldn’t be more excited.  If nothing else, this will help keep my butt in gear for a solid month.  As a freelancer, that’s always good practice.

Category: 2011, About, Participants

About the Author ()

Bruiser. Blogger. Builder of Worlds.

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  1. Right on dude! Good character design is all about the “Character”, the back story, motives and experiences. I think that is my person weakness at times. Sure a character can look cool, but without his “story” what do you really have? I really enjoy seeing a writers approach to character designing, because there’s usually a lot more depth to who the character is.

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