#9 Jenny

| November 27, 2010 | 0 Comments

Hi there.

Finally, I continue this chalange ^^°

Okay, the girl you can see is Jenny, another, this time rather minor, character of  “Königreich der Welten”.

She is about 14 years old and has just joined the youth group Martina is also a member of. Jenny is a bit shy at first but she can be cheeky and does not hesitate when her help is needed. The boys of the group often make fun of her but in fact almost everyone does like her. Since she is new at the youth group she doesn’t have a T-Shirt yet, but she wears a group ribbon of her first action at this group.

Jenny tries to join the online game “Königreich der Welten” but when she finally finds a group to join she has to quit very soon because she has less time because of the school.

She always wears a lot of clothes at once due to the fact she tends to be chilled through very easily.

Category: Uncategorized

About the Author ()

I'm 23 years young and finally at university. I'm attending to Sam's free Comicschool MICS for at least 5 years. I also was a trainee at WOC, were I learnd to animate and to draw better. It was a great time

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