# 17 Omega
Omega is a egotystical villain bent on the destruction of one man. Attitude Adjuster. He was once a recruit for Project G.A.T.S. but was ultimately refused full membership due to his assistance that he lead a team, and that only he could do so. He claims to be one of the most powerful genetants in the world, but again, his ego has gotten the best of him.
Omega as an identity is at the moment, unknown to AA, but will soon see what happens when a “student” turns on the “teacher”.
WAY behind, I am currently working on getting caught up over the next two days I have two more nearly ready to be posted..please stand by.
Category: Superhero
I love the low angle and the way you put the Omega on his costume. Really good way to put it across the whole figure.
Thanks a bunch! I wasn’t sure how i wanted to do it… Originally i had it on his forehead and much small on his chest, but i liked the way it came out.