#10 – Glitch

| November 13, 2010 | 0 Comments

Glitch is Herb Monroe, a small-time crook who appears to have marginal electrical powers. He makes a living from manipulating electrical devices from a distance and then “repairing” them in his shop.
Actually, Herb has telekinetic powers, which are however very, VERY small. Herb can only move objects no larger than the size of atomic particles. He usually uses this power to stop a handful of electrons from moving or redirecting them, causing “glitches” in electronic devices.

Due to the nature of his powers, Herb can influence many particles at once, as long as they are not connected to structures lager than a single atom of hydrogen.

Glitch is recruited by Nevermind, who falls victim to one of his schemes, but uncovers the truth about the malfunction of his computer once he meets Herb and picks up a thought about “fraud”. Herb is offered a different life as a hero, and gladly accepts, although he refuses to wear a costume.


Category: Superhero

About the Author ()

Sam is a prized comicbook artist from Germany. He is co-founder and head teacher of the first free school for comicbook arts (est. 2003), located in Munich, Germany.

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