#08 the Poison Penn by Jande Rowe
My first ever Super-hero-type Villain. :`)
Jhorn’l Ag’Penn hails from a religious colony of Grythf’ah‘s (Worshippers of Agh) on a nondescript planet circling a small red giant in the sparser areas near the Rim of the Galaxy.
Like most religious fanatics, the beliefs of the Grythf’ah brook no quarter with any other religious practices. Sure in their divine arrogance, they send out their most devout acolytes to bring word to the heathens (that’s the rest of us).
Jhorn’l is no slouch when it comes to converting the unenlightened. At some point he became convinced that he was doing Agh’s work; he was Agh’s Right Hand in this world to help others to the next. And of course what better way than to first test them, then when, er… if they fail, show them the error of their ways with a little fear of Agh, and a little Holy Poison to help them on their way into the Light of Agh’s Truth.
When did that happen? Oh, perhaps around the time Jhorn’l found a derelict ship full of humanity’s bones, and many useful artifacts, including some Golden Age comics from DC and Marvel. Of course he couldn’t read them, but being the vain and contemptuous being he was, he delighted in the idea of Spandex to match his particularly bright and beautiful green skin.
‘Twas then that he hit upon his Master Plan to weed out the Unworthy, and deliver the Holy Message of his Holyness, Agh! At this point he underwent Grimstolaet, changing himself from the inside out and donning his new Spandex, took upon himself the Holy Name of Poison Penn, the Right Hand of Agh.
All over the Galactic Rim he sped enticing the weak to evil, putting the fear of Agh into all those who succumbed with poison pen letters, then blackmailing them in the name of the Holy Church of Agh, (in order to defray costs), and finally when they refuse to repent, descending on them in a poisonous cloud and stabbing them to death with his poison-tipped spear-pen, while chanting the one thousand four hundred and fifty-three names of Agh.
Of course sooner or later he would run into our Dysfunctional Duo, Wheeler and Ikey. And so its possible that even Prima will have her hands full trying to rescue Wheeler and Co in order to bring them to Justice, while the Poison Penn is trying his best to bring them to Agh.
Jhorn’l Ag’Penn hails from a religious colony of Grythf’ah’s (Worshippers of Agh)
on a nondescript planet circling a small red giant in the sparser areas near the Rim
of the Galaxy.
Like most religious fanatics, the beliefs of the Grythf’ah brook no quarter with any
other religious practices. Sure in their divine arrogance, they send out their most
devout acolytes to bring word to the heathens (that’s the rest of us).
Jhorn’l is no slouch when it comes to converting the unenlightened. At some
point he became convinced that he was doing Agh’s work; he was Agh’s Right
Hand in this world to help others to the next. And of course what better way than
to first test them, then when, er… if they fail, show them the error of their ways with
a little fear of Agh, and a little Holy Poison to help them on their way into the Light
of Agh’s Truth.
When did that happen? Oh, perhaps around the time Jhorn’l found a derelict ship
full of humanity’s bones, and many useful artifacts, including some Golden Age
comics from DC and Marvel. Of course he couldn’t read them, but being the vain
and contemptuous being he was, he delighted in the idea of Spandex to match his
particularly bright and beautiful green skin.
‘Twas then that he hit upon his Master Plan to weed out the Unworthy, and deliver
the Holy Message of his Holyness, Agh! At this point he underwent Grimstolaet,
changing himself from the inside out and donning his new Spandex, took upon
himself the Holy Name of Poison Penn, the Right Hand of Agh.
All over the Galactic Rim he sped enticing the weak to evil, putting the fear of Agh
into all those who succumbed with poison pen letters, then blackmailing them in
the name of the Holy Church of Agh, (in order to defray costs), and finally when
they refuse to repent, descending on them in a poisonous cloud and stabbing
them to death with his poison-tipped spear-pen, while chanting the one thousand
four hundred and fifty-three names of Agh.
Of course sooner or later he would run into our Dysfunctional Duo, Wheeler and
Ikey. And so its possible that even Prima will have her hands full trying to rescue
Wheeler and Co in order to bring them to Justice, while the Poison Penn is trying
his best to bring them to Agh.
Tags: 30 characters, @eccentricOrbits, Adventure, Humor, Jande Rowe, Mystery, SciFi, superhero, villain, webcomic
Category: Fantasy, Humor, Manga, Scifi, Superhero