#7 The Sun
Stellar Classification: G2V
Distance from Earth: 1.496×10^8 km (8 minutes, 19 seconds at light speed)
Equatorial Circumference: 6.955×10^5 km
Surface Area: 6.087 7×10^12 km^2
Volume: 1.412×10^18 km^3
Mass: 1.989 1×10^30 kg
Core Density: 1.5×10^5 kg/m^3
Core Temperature: ~15.7×10^6 K
Surface Temperature: 5,778 K (5500° F)
Corona Temperature: ~5×106 K
Luminosity: 3.846 x 10^26 Watt
Coronal Mass Ejection Average Mass: 1.6 x 10^12 kg
Coronal Mass Ejection Average Velocity: 20km/s – 3200km/s
Current Coronal Cycle as of today’s date (05/05/1987): Low, trending upward
Hydrogen: 73.45%
Helium: 24.85%
Oxygen: 0.77%
Carbon: 0.29%
Iron: 0.16%
Sulfur: 0.12%
Neon: 0.11%
Nitrogen: 0.08%
Silicon: 0.07%
Magnesium: 0.05%
Unknown Elements: 0.03%
The Sun. Our Sun. The largest, heaviest, hottest and brightest natural object in our solar system. It has been Dr. Henric Hannes PhD’s obsession since he was a young boy in Portsburg. Our Sun propels approximately 389 billion million gigawatts of energy into space. Comparatively, the earth’s total global energy consumption is just a few thousand gigawatts. The majority of that is highly polluting fossil fuels.  Dr. Hannes theorizes that if we could capture even a fraction of that power and convert it to usable energy here on the ground…we would never have to worry about power again (or…at least for the next 4 billion years or so).
Category: Scifi
Absolutely gorgeous! Dr. Henric Hannes is now my #1 hero! :`) And we haven’t met yet.. hmm… yet?
Thanks!!! I’m really happy with how it turned out. Bright and shiny but still retaining that cartoony look that I want.
Oh..and…Meet Dr. Hannes: http://www.30characters.com/2010/11/01/01_ericwhite/
This officially goes into my file with God, Hercules, and Quetzalcoatl posts… Good drawings but in no way original characters or ideas.
Thanks for the kind words Bob. Of course you’re right about it not being an original idea or character (much smarter people than me had the idea for a sun) but it plays an important part in my story so I thought I would showcase it here on one of the days. I originally thought that, because it’s not truly a character, that I wouldn’t…but the more I thought about it…the more I wanted to. Then I started working on the actual image and I figured I might as well.
I appreciate you taking a look at it though. Thanks!