#7 – Mudbone Fiend

| November 8, 2010 | 4 Comments

Mudbone Fiends rise from the ground, covered in oozing earth and decrepit material. They haunt the places of dark spirit in Hako Valley. Not normally sentient, the Mudbone Fiends are comprised of bones of fallen creatures unfortunate enough to set foot too near their cursed ground.

The Valley dwelling Hakos are all to familiar with battling the Mudbones. The Hakos teach that the best way to defeat a Mudbone is to crack the tether bone that binds their angry spirit into their ghastly form.

The Hakos suspect that encounters where the Mudbones seem organized and exceptionally formidable are due to the presence of strong spirits commanding the Mudbones.


Category: Fantasy, Horror, Manga

About the Author ()

Cartoonist (Art Geek Zoo!), Guitarist, Game Developer (Guitar Fretter!), UX Guy, Metalhead, Husband, Proud Daddy, Gamer.

Comments (4)

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  1. atombat says:

    I like the chunkiness of this design 🙂

  2. Jande Rowe says:

    Nice job with this one. Markers? The story is very cool. Intriguing.

    • Thank you, Jande! I used Sketchbook Pro for this one, start to finish. Though the early thumbnail was on the ipad version of sketchbook pro and then finished on the desktop version. I use a medium-soft-edge brush with an opacity of about 40%.

      Great to hear the story sparks some intrique! 🙂

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