#6 Zan
I thought the weekend would be a great time to catch up.. instead I fell more behind. Going to throw a few B&W pieces up in order to catch up.
Zan. A changeling born across the seas and sold into slavery to a powerful merchant at a very young age. Her special gifts of taking any humanoid form she wishes put her at the top of the merchant’s concubines. The merchant himself was involved in dark magics and when a group of heroes brought him down, all of his slaves were freed. Now, she works for those same heroes to repay the debt, this time as the perfect spy.
Category: Fantasy
Great look! The black outline really makes it pop, particularly on the hair.
Beautiful job, Matt! Love the stance, and the expression on her face.
Awesome. Love the picture, and the story is good. Nothing wrong with b&w.
Gorgeous character and fascinating backstory. I think the greyscale image enhances the darkness of her story and leaves something for the imagination to do. Thanks!
Beautiful Work, I think this one looks great in the Greyscale color might actually dampen it’s look a little.