Archive for November 1st, 2010
#1 Bazzeerash
Bazzeerash – Summoned to the mortal plane by a powerful dark druid, the Ifrit, Bazzeerash followed the orders of his master to the letter for years. Then the Apollosians attacked. Foreign invaders with superior military technology, the Apollosians set their sights on the Druid’s lands. In defense, he tried to fight them off. Desperately outnumbered, the druid performed a final act of defiance. Sacrificing himself, he managed to stem the tide of the army. In the process, he ascended to become one with nature. Only Bazzeerash remained, chained to the mortal realm and with a master who was not dead but was one with the lands themselves. Â Although selfish and cruel, Bazzeerash protects the lands at any cost.
#2 Propella

If you laughed at the last drawing, wait until you see me draw women!
This one is really my wife’s brainchild. See, Michelle has this character in name, but never really fleshed it out. So, she begged me to bring her to life in the Challenge. This one’s for you, “Angel Food Face!”
Concept: Renee Santos is a typical teenager with a special talent; using telepathy, she can compel her hair to spin so fast, it enables her to fly.
Design: She’s a teen, so I wanted to avoid the greatest problem plaguing teen heroines; looking too sexy for their age. Think this is easy? Google “helicopter pilot” images and notice the two girls in their underwear.
As I just mentioned, I put Propella in a helicopter uniform, but made one adjustment, and cut the legs off, making them shorts. Superhero boots and knee guards (in case a pigeon flies into her, I guess) protect her lower half. I didn’t want to draw too much, since my art is awful, but she should be wearing a flight vest, or something visually similar as I’m thinking this would protect her vitals. Also wanted to put her in an old fighter pilot’s cap…the one that looks like a leather football helmet, but that might take away from the visual effect of her hair. Oh, and she’s intentionally small breasted to emphasize her age.
EDIT: Now with art by Dave Ryan!
Copyright © 2010, Vito Delsante.
#1 Gerard (Jerry) Lynch
In the not-very-distant future, the human race is on the run from an extra-planar invasion force. About ten years ago, the demons broke through from their own universe to our own. Technically, they’re not ‘demons’, but they bear enough superficial similarities that a majority of the remaining humans simply call them that. They are, technically a single race. Or, rather, were a single race. They diverged evolutionarily to fulfill specific niches on their impossibly harsh home-world, forming a number of castes that have learned to work together to further their current goal of subjecting the human race. The demons are ridiculously evolved. The harsh environment of their home-world and the constant infighting of the castes has pushed the demons into an evolutionary arms race with one another, creating the incredibly powerful monsters that now rampage. The demons, however, have a weakness. Ultraviolet light is extremely damaging to them. Unfortunately, their skins are strong enough to withstand the light for short time, or long periods of low exposure. A high-powered UV lamp will burn them almost immediately, but the damage will be skin-deep without exposing them for upwards of thirty seconds for the smallest, ranging up to three minutes for some of the bigger ones. The solution to this is that once the skin is pierced, the UV radiation can be applied to the more sensitive flesh, reducing the demons’ affected tissues to their carbon base. The resistance continues to fight the demons, though the demons have, so far, been successful and taking out resistance groups that grow large enough to pose a threat.
Modded human. Before the demonic invasion, humankind had grown bored. One of the most popular trends was gene-modding, a practice that involved altering one’s genetic structure to make yourself better or more interesting in some way. Most are superficial things, altering the color of one’s hair or eyes, though some go more in-depth. Gerard got three main modifications. One was a external mod that gave him his signature pink hair. Another was more in depth, altering his bone structures to start building carbon deposits, reinforcing themselves. The third involved getting a tiny processor wired into his brain, then co-opting the nerves that ran to his fingernails and replacing the nails altogether with highly conductive silver plates. This allowed him to jam his fingernails into any USB port to interface directly with the computer. Using this allowed him to forgo using keyboards and communicate his thoughts directly to the computer.
Gerard is an extremely toned not-quite-muscular man, about 26 years old. His pink hair is trimmed into a military buzz cut and his face is lean. He has gray eyes, a common side effect of the gene-modding, and his fingernails are metallic silver. His nose is slightly crooked, an incorrect heal from before the invasion. He used to have a number of facial peircings, though they’ve healed over since he stopped wearing them.
Gerard’s prize piece of gear is Behrtgar, his Trident-class cavalry vehicle. It resembles a motorcycle to a degree, mostly in it’s narrowness and low profile shape. It has eight wheels, two next to each other on each of four struts that can raise or lower the vehicle‘s body or spread out to resist rollovers. A skilled rider can use the struts to jump his vehicle over short obstacles, or to ‘pounce‘ into combat. based on the situation . The wheels are heavily reinforced and puncture-resistant, allowing the trident cavalry vehicle to drive over virtually any surface without worrying about punctures. A lucky blow for a demon could still take out a tire, however, which is why there are two on each strut. The entire top of the vehicle is a streamlined, armored shell that protects the driver, who lays on his stomach, his body about level with the top of the wheels. It folds up to allow the rider to enter and exit the vehicle. The main weapon of the trident-class cavalry vehicle is it’s signature trident, a trio of penetrator lances that retract into the undercarriage when not in use. When deployed, the lances jut forward past the wheels a good four feet. Each lance is an eight-foot spear of reinforced steel with a hardened tip. The first foot of the lance is marked by four separate inch-wide bands of clear reinforced glass. When the tip is fully embedded in a target, a UV flash bulb goes off at the base of the lance, delivering massive amounts of UV radiation deep into the demon’s vulnerable flesh. A direct hit with the trident is a sure kill on most demons, though some of the largest demons commonly seen will survive it. On titan-class demons or larger, two or three tridents working in tandem are usually enough to bring them down. The Trident is also equipped with ten high-powered UV lamps. Four forward mounted, two mounted sideways, two vertical and two rear-facing. The Trident is also equipped with twin grappling spike launchers which are each capable of hauling the trident and rider vertically without support. Gerard’s is modified with a interface port that allows him to control the vehicle’s features as though they were an extension of his own body.
The second piece of equipment he most treasures is his Longshot rifle, a high-powered long-range rifle equipped with a scope and laser sight. The Longshot fires illuminator rounds, which function much like the penetrator lances, although significantly weaker. The transparent round penetrates the demon’s UV-resistant hide and emits a UV flash that deals massive internal damage to the demons. The rifle allows Gerard to take care of long-range targets and flying foes, while the trident’s lances deliver devastating melee damage to large, heavily armored foes.
Some other pieces of gear include a heavy pistol that fires illuminator rounds. It also has a mounted full-spectrum flashlight. The pistol is mostly used for close-range combat, taking out smaller, faster demons than he can hit with his lances. He also carries with him a first-aid kit, some UV flash-bang grenades, and some personal body armor, including a steel-plated motorcycle helmet, a keeled tempered steel breastplate over a ceramic-and-kevlar scale vest.
Gerard was something of a wild child before the invasion. Very anti-authority and out to do his own thing. Since the invasion, the resistance has taken care of him. He still retains a highly independent outlook on how to do things, but he has developed a healthy respect for the rules and those in charge. Mostly, he simply realizes that if he was trying to take on the demons alone, he’d be long-dead, but there’s a respect in there buried under his backtalk and bravado. He knows he’s not a leader, he’s just a very effective follower.
Gerard was born to an upper-middle class family in the suburbs of Chicago. At a young age, he was much like the other kids. However, the teenage years came early two him, and thirteen-year-old Gerard quickly became ‘Jerry’. He started listening to louder and more violent music, screaming at his parents and defying authority in every method available to a thirteen-year-old suburbanite. He got Gene-modded on his fifteenth birthday, gaining both his signature pink locks and the extremely useful silver nails and microprocessor. By the time of the invasion, he was starting his own rock band.
The invasion was incredibly fast. It was on the news on Monday and by Friday only the major cities were safe anymore. The daytime was okay, because the sunlight burned the demons, but once night fell, you could hear the firefights in the streets. Jerry was in a shelter after the initial air-raids of the demon armies made the suburbs unlivable.
He and his buddies were, of course, not pleased by the demons’ invasion and, despite the warnings of the military and national guard telling them to stay inside at night, Jerry joined into a small mob of angry citizens, eager to bust open some demon skulls. They didn’t know yet just how powerful the demons could be if you weren’t prepared. When they encountered a Fiend-class demon, the mob attacked with pipes, knives, and molotovs. The demon seemed to take no notice of their attacks as he tore through the ranks of them like a lawnmower. Dozens died within seconds of engaging the demon. Jerry himself caught a almost-mortal wound in the process. The military managed to take out the demon before it could finish the job, thankfully, and Jerry managed to get treatment.
Once he was better, the invasion had pretty much wiped out the formal military presence. He joined the resistance quickly, eager to prove himself against the demons. Over the next ten years, he rose through the ranks of the resistance, earning himself the status required to have all the custom equipment he wanted.
Gerard’s desires are pretty simple on the surface. He wants to see the demons removed from the planet and see Chicago back to it’s former self. However, deeper down, Gerard secretly enjoys this life. He’s respected, he makes a difference, and deep down, killing demons satisfies some urge deep inside, a warrior’s drive.
Gerard has been serving the resistance for a long time and has seen a great many demons. But he’s heard tales that the demons he sees are just the tip of the iceberg. Tales that tell of massive subterranean demon cities. Tales of what lies on the other side of the demon’s portal, demons too large to even fit through. Tales of strange devices being created by the demons, devices made to blot out the sun, or turn the earth into a caricature of their home-world.
Gerard’s secret is that, sometimes, he realizes how much he likes the war and, in the deepest portions of his subconscious, wants it to keep going. If the war ends, he goes back to being a crazy punk with no future. All he knows how to do is fight.
#1 Stacey, the Lightly Distressed Damsel
Stacey was an ordinary damsel until she was kidnapped and experimented upon by an evil wizard surgeon. Cut-up, soaked in a magical solution of iodine, and stored in jars on a shelf in the wizard’s study, Stacey slowly became little more than a fine paste. Despite her handicap, Stacey has a rich and fulfilling internal life, spending her days in deep contemplation of the greatest questions of human life (and finding answers to quite a few). In fact, she enjoys herself so much that she has refused rescue by no fewer than 15 knights throughout her centuries of jar-bound existence, even though a simple kiss would restore her to her former beauty.
By the way – Hi, I’m Jason. I was stupidly busy last week, so I didn’t get a chance to do an intro.
#1 – Captain Composite
Hockey players have abandoned the traditional lumber in favor of the modern, high-tech carbon composite stick. So has the pirate Captain Composite. A peg-leg no more! He is prone to head shots (wouldn’t you like to knock that bucket off his head?) and gets called for “hooking” penalties quite often. CapComp is great at pestering goalies as he “anchors” himself in front of the net. He appears to be in play-off mode at all times with that shaggy facial hair hanging off him.
#01 Bobbi Lorrel
My first set of 10 characters are going to be set in America’s late 30’s/early 40’s time period. Lots of Swing music, art deco, greasy spoon diners, ritzy night clubs, gangsters, that kind of awesome stuff.
This is the female protagonist. In comparison to the flashy show girls, she’s the meek mouse, overlooked and unappreciated Coat Check Girl, Bobbi Lorrel, of The Golden Cat Club.
Tired of watching her life pass by one coat at a time, she craves a little excitement, or at very least that the clarinet player would ask her out for coffee sometime.
For my upcoming webcomic project I wanted an edgy reporter type to act as a sort of point of view character. This was after meeting the venerable David Axe of and reading his book of the same title War is Boring.  I thought to myself “Wow, what kind of a guy goes into war zones willingly to document human misery and dodge bullets?”
An awesome one, that’s who.Â
So, drawing inspiration from this guy, I thought I’d incorporate a war correspondent into Valkyrie of my own. Except I cranked the edginess up to 11.Â
LENNOX SLEDGEHAMMER. Yes, it must be in all caps.
#1 Gareth Hauser
In the distant future, society treats both magic and science with equal respect. The benevolent Council oversees the teaching of magic with equality and care…or so it seems. In reality, some on the Council are using magic to further their own sinister ends, and eliminating those who get in the way. There is one who stands against these rouges–Gareth Hauser, once a valued advisor to the Council who left. Striking out on his own, he plans to disrupt the plans of the Council and protect the powerless.
#1 Dr. Henric Hannes, PhD
#1 Radius
Radius possesses the ability to “dip in to” the abilities of any other super in his vicinity and utilize those abilities as his own. While not a hero and not a villain his abilities are in high demand and the man known as Radius enjoys the dollars they bring in quite a bit.
30 Characters Challenger: Austen Zaleski
Howdy everyone, my name is Austen Zaleski. I’m from Houston TX and I’m a little slow to jump on the wagon as far as posting my info goes. So I’ll make it short so I don’t compete with the great drawings being uploaded today!
I’m currently a college student attending a local art college, though I’ll spare the name since I’m very unsatisfied with the “education” I’ve been receiving.   I’m studying 3Danimation but my passions lie solely with what I can create with my hands, I’ve always been into comic books, but this past year I’ve been pushing myself more in that direction.
I’m eager to get things rolling on this 30 characters challenge, I hope to learn a lot from what everyone has to offer and it will also be a nice break from doing 3D all day.
Can’t wait to get the ball rolling!
#1 Epic
Not sure what all I am supposed to say here, but I’ll give it a little flavor.
No one knows Epic’s real name or if he’s even human, one thing is for sure, he is definitely a “super man”. Virtually indestructible, super humanly strong, and can fly at great speeds. He seems to have no weaknesses, BUT he does have one; Oxygen. That’s right, the air he “breathes” is very slowly weakening him, and will eventually kill him! he doesn’t realize this, but if he spent more time away from our oxygen rich environment he might be MORE powerful, and live longer or possibly forever.
He feels all alone in the world, he feels no one can measure up to him, and this has made him aloof, cold, and seemingly uncaring for the troubles of mortals, and even “lesser” super-powered being (called Genetants). While he does protect humanity (when the mood strikes him), he wants no fan fare or praise for it. He seems to have little to no drive in life, other than just always being “epic”.
#1 [Unnamed villain]
Originally, my first entry was going to be an existing character of mine, along with the excuse that I may not find time to come up with original characters for this event. I would further rationalize this by reasoning that, heck, nobody’s ever seen my characters anyway, so they’re new to everyone but me. But then, out of nowhere, I started doodling this guy (no pencils, straight pen – hence the sloppiness). So he suddenly became my first entry. And yes, that is a clear dome full of sand as his head. Not sure where that came from.
[update: changed link from twitpic to skitch]
November 1st, 1918: A five car train derailed and hit a tunnel wall in Brooklyn, New York, underneath the intersection of Malbone Street and Flatbush Avenue killing 100 of the 900 passengers. – this actually did happen
this is my OC based on that – Mary was a 19 year old flapper, on her way to a a party just as everyone else was. Until, the train crashed. Now she is stuck in the afterlife, still wanting to go to the party. However, she’s rude, loves to smoke and is extremely pushy. She remembers nothing of her past except at the party she was going to meet a boy there.
#1 Iul, the Sky Father
Iul, the Sky God and father of the Ssilirian pantheon. Ssilir is the world the main character in my webcomic is from. Iul is the patron of night and day and the sky and all things in it. He is always depicted in sky blue or night-blue colors. Some temples paint their icons of Iul with special paint that changes color with the time of day so that he accurately reflects the sky. He is also considered a patron of knowledge, learning, and law, and many of his priests are scholars or judges.
This is the first time I have drawn him and the first time I’ve worked with markers and colored pencils together. It feels so different from working digitally. Any suggestions or tips would be welcome!
Day#01- Angus “Fergie” Fergus
Angus will be showing up during the present arc of Aedre’s Firefly. It was a joy to flesh him out from vague words on a page (“here she meets a squatter”) to a full personality. I think having these sketches done beforehand in the storylines will make the stories themselves much richer as they evolve.
Thanks, Dan, for the lovely template! It really made the process painless. :`)
Now to see what everyone is doing and to finish my “Webcomics: What’s Cooking?” contribution page.
#1 – Cheb
Based physically off of Chebutykin, as well as the nick name.
Character was designed as an “extra” for a pool of background or random characters for my main webcomic, P.S.I.: A Pessimistic Sense of Inadequacy.
#1 La Cucaracha
La Cucaracha —- Carlos Jimenez is a middle aged out of shape and overweight divorcee garbage collector. One day while at the dumps and having his lunch a radioactive cockroach slips into his sandwich. One chomp later he gains the powers of the cockroach. Basically he is stubbornly persistant, takes one hell of a beating and keeps on going and occasionally wants to run and hide when a light switch is turned on.
I’m going to submit this to once the sequentials are done.
#1- Jack Crasher
Jack probably led a pretty normal life. Trouble is, he can’t remember any of it. Armed with only a cell phone, a wallet, and a mysterious key he’s going to try to regain his memory, and maybe save the world.
#1 Sirena DiCanto
Sirena DiCanto sits on her rock and sings her heartbreaking song as she mourns for her lost love. Her song is so achingly soulful that, should you hear it, everything you once thought was beautiful would now seem shabby to your mind. The song would play back through your brain endlessly as your obsession grew. You’ll feel an overwhelming need to shelter and protect Sirena DiCanto from whatever heartache she surely endures. You will want her to sing only for you. Your mind will quickly spiral into madness and you’ll be driven to search the seas until you find her again. When you do find her, sitting on that rock and singing her mournful tune, you will be compelled to dive into the sea and swim to her. Your madness will turn into pure euphoria as her arms wrap around you as a huge smile of delight wipes away her sad expression. She will take you as her new lover down to her home in the sea and love you like nobody else ever could until the air bursts in your lungs and the sea rushes in.
Then Sirena DiCanto will sit on her rock and sing her mournful song about her lost lover again. The song will carry over the waves and into the infernal burning pits of Hell where you’re being tormented forever. Of all the creatures in Hell, you’ll be the only one smiling because you know that Sirena is singing for you.
#1: Luanne Phillips
Here we go! This is my first entry, Luanne Phillips, the mother character in my work-in-progress Roscoe and Alice Find God. You can check out the initial 8-pages here, and you’ll see that she’s a fun, horrifically abnormal human being that we spend far too little time with. The artwork in this post is Jonathan Moore’s work from the comic, so enjoy!
I’m not crazy. I’m not. I just needed a baby. I wanted his baby. Roscoe should have been mine anyways. All I really did was free him of the prison sentence he was being born into unwillingly. I’ll be his mother, his father, his best friend and his lover. I can be everything for him.
When Michael left me, I knew that he was confused. We were young, he wanted to “experimentâ€. But he broke my heart, and I couldn’t just let him get away with it. After the day he left, I hardly spoke to him again. But I followed him wherever he moved to, I isolated myself like I’m going to isolate my son. Call it tunnel vision if you want, but my goal was clear cut. Unfortunately, that dirty c**t Mary Beth had to get involved and ruin everything.
My plan changed. They got married. She got my life. So I took it back.
It was for the best. Some part of me is always going to have to live in fear, I guess, but when you look at the situation from the view of everyone in Michael and Mary Beth’s lives, no one had seen me in ten years. I’m sure Michael never even mentioned me. I’m sure all my photos were still in his mother’s basement where we used to f**k, and he hasn’t so much as thought about them in the past decade. The hardest part of taking my baby back is that I’ll never know what will become of Michael. He’ll kill himself maybe, after losing his whole “worldâ€, but I guess that’s what he deserves.
We moved to Idaho and settled in some hick town. The community was nice enough. They didn’t ask questions and I prefer it that way. As far as they were concerned, Luanne and Roscoe are an unfortunate case of lower-middle class America whose Daddy left them in the lurch. In my opinion, that’s not too far off from the truth.
We did everything together, Roscoe and I. We did all the normal stuff kids are supposed to do. He went to school, we built tree forts, we got ice cream. Those years in Idaho were the best times of my life. Roscoe had it tough in school, he’s different. Quiet. But when he’d come home, he was the polite, happy boy I raised. We’d play board games and watch Entertainment Tonight. He was always mesmorized by Hollywood drama and all that.
Then when Roscoe was about seven or eight, the trail seemed to heat up a bit. I got paranoid. More than a few cops had been by asking some questions, saying it was in regards to the town census or something or other. They drove Ford Crowne Victorias and I’ve seen too many cop movies not to know they were undercover. The neighbors started watching too; snooping around. So I decided we would leave. That was really the end of the happy times.
I brought Roscoe back to the Berkshires, where I grew up. I wanted him to experience the same great schools I had in my youth. But the same thing happened. He was picked on, ignored. He did make one friend, but she’s a spoiled, free-thinking little happy-go-lucky brat that doesn’t deserve to know my son. As he grows older it’s harder for me to connect with him, at least it feels that way. He grew a lot tighter, spending more time in front of the TV and inside his own head than talking to me. Still, I was happy just sitting with him while he watched.
It’s Christmas time now. The snow is heavy and the weather is cold. At least we’re safe. Roscoe has got a school performance coming up for the holidays. He’s nervous as hell but late at night I can hear him practicing the song in his room, when he thinks I’m dead asleep. More than once I’ve sat in the hallway outside his door just listening. It’s so sweet hearing his soft little voice being used.
#1 Darrin
This is Darrin.
Okay, this really does need a bit of a preface.
I don’t play human characters when I roleplay. Let me be specific- the CLOSEST I get to a human character is usually a gnoll or a lizard man. I’m bored with the standard PC races for most RPGs. I crave the unusual, you know?
Having said all of that, now and again I will play a human or standard race, for party cohesion if nothing else.
Darrin is a very bland fellow- quiet, of average appearance for the circles he travels in, forgettable. And for an assassin, this is the best way he can be.
#1 – Augustus Gray
Augustus Gray is a secretive and enigmatic gentleman that I have designed for our upcoming comic, In Absentia.
An Alumni of Blackburn House, he’s recently started to show a great deal of interest in the newest year of students. Having been away for many, many years, some of his colleagues think that he is behaving oddly, and some even doubt that he is the same Augustus Gray that attended Blackburn House as a child. However, his knowledge of the academy and its machinations is so extensive that he couldn’t possibly be an impostor…could he?
Edit: A clarification – this webcomic doesn’t start until next January, and aside form some initial doodles, before doing this picture, only ONE character had a complete design. I’m sorry if the description made it seem like I was just posting a character that has already existed in a long running comic for some time instead of something that I did today. I didn’t, and it isn’t. O_o
#1 Samurai-Girl
Day #1
My first upload of the 30 characters for the month of November 2010. My intention is to create a new character on the daily basis. Always coming up with something new and keeping it in a tight pencil drawing format. I feel very comfortable with the pencil and maybe develop a character in the future in color for a story.
These illustrations are my creative ideas on the spot, without any planning of what I will draw tomorrow. I’m trying to keep it fresh and innovative.
Free the mind and let the pencil do all the work without any limitations. Kinda like jack Kerouac’s “On The Road”
#1 Red
RED is the world’s greatest detective, and the only human capable of walking shoulder to shoulder as equals among the Gods, extraterrestrials, and androids that make up The Alliance, the world’s first and foremost super team.  Her civilian identity is one Alessandra Revere, daughter to a district attorney father and brain surgeon mother, one of the elite power couples on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. That is, until they were murdered in their home while 7-year-old Alessandra hid under her bed.
Alessandra solved her first case at the age of nine, single handedly bringing to justice her parent’s killers, triggermen for an international organized crime cartel, when the cops and the Feds looked the other way. By 13, she brought down the entire cartel, gaining her the attention of The Alliance, and joining them as their youngest member.
Possessing a brilliant analytical mind and natural athletic prowess, Red has mastered a number of martial arts, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Kung Fu, and Judo. She also has advanced weapons training.
After the death of her ward Mae Thomas (also her sidekick, Crimson Kid) she renounced her civilian alter-ego entirely. Alessandra Revere is no more…there is only Red.
RED is the character at the center of a graphic novel I’m itching to start working on. High concept, it’s Agatha Christie’s “Ten Little Indians” meets The Justice League. Essentially, it’s a superhero murder mystery, darker and more mature than some of the other stuff I’ve done. I’ll be looking for artist to co-create this project sometime next year.
#1 Lilly Lopez
From Lilly’s Blog
My name is Lillian Lopez but feel free to call me Lilly. Until recently I reported for Ephton Valley’s local paper.  I became a journalist because I wanted to report on the things that mattered and I wanted to report the truth. I did not want to write propaganda for a paycheck. If they won’t afford me that opportunity, I will forgo their paycheck and report here.
I am going to start by telling you about myself. I want you to know who I am, so you can decide for yourself if you want to trust me or not.
My parents moved to Ephton Valley in 1980. Most people have been here for generations and most of them are not Latinos but my parents fit right in. By the time I was born in 1985 their restaurant had become quite the social hub. I spent much of my childhood hanging out in that restaurant, even though few people noticed because I was so quiet. My parents thought I was daydreaming but they were wrong. I was very much present, taking in the sights and sounds, watching the people, listening to them, curious about their lives and how they intersected.
At night I would sit in bed with my notebook and write about everything I saw. I never told anyone about those notebooks; I guess I assumed they’d think I was some kind of creepy little kid voyeur. Through my writing I began to see a bigger picture emerge. For instance, one day I wrote down that the grocery store owner had been short and rude to the lady who ran the stationary store. A few days later I jotted down a conversation at school in which one boy told another that the stationary store was selling sodas cheaper than the grocery. Suddenly the truth of the previous encounter emerged.
There were also happy stories. Once I wrote about a particularly sweet encounter when the mailman was extra nice to one of our waitresses. Later, I heard from the kitchen staff that she was recently single again. No wonder the mailman was being so nice! They went on to get married.
Reporting has always been, to me, about seeing the bigger truth through the small moments. That excites me, that makes me happy. At the same time I understand the power it can have, so I believe it must be used responsibly.
I left Ephton Valley for college and thought I would never return. I had grown bored. Why settle for the stories of a small town when there were so many more stories and a bigger picture to decipher in a city? My arrogance lead me to believe my skills would be put to better use elsewhere. If only life was not so intent on proving us all wrong! I was happily working in a city for three years out of college when my dad called. My mother was sick, he said. I came running home. Luckily, my mother recovered and a disaster was averted. But what I came home to was not the town I grew up in. Things had changed. The big picture was no longer the same. My curiosity grabbed hold of me. I poked around and did not like what I saw. Since I could no longer get away with being a nosey kid hanging out in a restaurant, I got a staff job at the local paper. When they refused to publish a profile I wrote, for fear of retribution from the local business “tycoon” who also owns them, I quit.
And so I have come full circle. Only now I’m not keeping notebook stashed under my bed. This time around I want people to have the opportunity to read this. You may not like what it reveals about us or the world around us but the truth really will set you free.
If you got this far and are still with me, I can promise you an interesting ride. See you tomorrow.
Copyright © 2010, Rolando Garcia.
This is Thomas Blake, the main character of my webcomic, Endgame. He was a former captain of a special forces team. He retired after being badly injured and becoming partly blind. Now, 6 years later, the government has asked him to come back and help them retrieve a stolen weapon, known as the Guillotine Project.
#30Characters Chatter…