Began reading comics inthe "Silver Age" and always had a desire to write for them, until Life took me on a different path. I did have several letters printed in the "good old days" and many in turn received comments from Julius Schwarz, which made me feel quite honored! I am a Christian, married, one teenage daughter, and am a Program Coordinator at an agency for Adults with Devlopmental Disabilities and daily am called upon to use my writing towards their benefit, which is one of the greatest things in the world! I do not like what comic books have become today, and prefer the writing and art typified in the fities and early sixties when it did not take nudity or obscenity to stir one's imagination and I deeply miss the sense of wonder that has long been gone from today's publications.
Thanks, Old Pal!
Adios, ol’amigo!
my favorite for day 1!
Thanks! I just came upon this comment-I must do everything on my deficient office computer for the Challenge! This was mainly a joke, but I told Tyler JAmes I’m no artist, mainly a writer, so I wanted to start off with a silly piece of art that also meant something to me, as I primitively drew him many years ago! I’m grateful for all feedback! By the way, are you any relation to the great tv and radio pundit Mike Gallagher?