#1 Chondra Flicker

| November 1, 2010 | 28 Comments

221 years old, and in servitude to Princess Lorne, Chondra is the soon to be Queen's messenger, bodyguard, whisperer, and anything else where descretion is of chief import. Chondra is, by birth, 3/4 fae due to an indiscretion by her grandmother - A fact Chondra loathes.

She has lived in court her entire life, and quickly rose in the ranks of whisper/messengers due to an uncanny ability to get into and out of near impenetrable places. Chondra is of the pixie caste; with insect wings, and with the ability to shrink in size. Resourceful, she enjoys a challenge, which her majesty is always willing to provide. She commands respect, admiration, and a touch of fear among those in court.

Though, a loyal subject, like all fae forced to serve the crown, Chondra resents the royalty that have cast her people in roles unbefitting their race and breed.

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Category: Fantasy, Horror, Steampunk

About the Author ()

Co-creator of RELAUNCH, AZURE for DC Comics, Artist on GRIMM for Dynamite, Marvel storyboarder, illustrator of books and covers, concept artist, creative director... Boxer owner.

Comments (28)

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  1. Jande Rowe says:

    Amazing work as usual, Dan! Those wings are perfect; designed from wasp wings, perhaps? And I love the detail of the nails, too.

  2. Wow, I love those wings. Amazing stuff.

  3. K says:

    Very beautiful, and incredibly inspiring! Looking forward to the next 28 days!

  4. Julie Leone says:

    Wings = Awesome
    Back of Outfit = Lovely Design
    Color Scheme = Works So Nice!


  5. saulone says:

    Thanks so much Julie. I tend to design outfits and costumes after drawing the figure naked. It allows me to figure out where things bend and fold underneath. Glad you dig 🙂

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